Online Zombie Survival Game

Zico said:
Revived the 2 zombies there :).
argh, wasn't me :(. I've moved to the NecroTech building hoping someone would revive me there but got killed (again) instead. I'll be at the church tomorrow morning if anyone could revive me then.
molinari said:
argh, wasn't me :(. I've moved to the NecroTech building hoping someone would revive me there but got killed (again) instead. I'll be at the church tomorrow morning if anyone could revive me then.

Doh. It showed OcUK Brainiac there as well as another zombie. I thought it was you so revived them both. It turns out I did have you in my contacts (OcUK Molinari yes) so it wasn't you like you say.

I've got no AP's or syringes left on my rev character (Zico 2 is held up inside Hendrich Towers in Kinch).

If you post here a time when you are ready to stand up and I will hopefully have enough AP's to get a syringe and move to you.
Urban Central has been breached and 8 zombies are feasting.
OcUK Smoking has been killed and around 15 other people are in for a munch.
Managed to kill 1 Zed, close doors and remove all bodies but have run out of AP for now.
Retreated to the Police Dept to search for ammo and wait help.

anyone around to offer some help?

edit: Ver101 - profile.cgi?id=253838 so you can add me to contacts also ;)
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I've killed one and ran out of ammo, if I can do anymore will do. I also dumped the bodies outside.

ok, I need to give it 30 minutes to get some AP.
Will hopefully be someone left alive, or will just barricade it up.
4 Zeds inside now and doors wide open.
Have closed doors and loosely baricaded the Hospital again.

9 people inside that need help :)
Dammit, I tried so hard to get my guy that can revived actually revived himself just for him to die again.

I really wasn't expecting 2 of my characters to have this. So now i'm building up my fighting character so he can revive people just in case.

My two characters are outside the Necrotech building in Kinch Heights if somebody would like to heal them.
Just read this now. Don't think I will be able to help as I won't have enough AP do much. Really need to pack my guy with rev' abilities out with enough syringes for this kind of attack. Pop in, syringe the zombies, dump all outside, close up.
I would come and help as I am not too far away, but I have 15 pistol clips and no pistols, and 5 shotguns and no shotgun shells! :( . Other than that all I have is 1 flare gun. Unless I throw the book at them ...
Right am getting my one character to revive my other. Fed up of the fall and die syndrome and stupid half human players faking it. I had a heavily barricaded police station all to myself and one other guy in there who was a level 18 human with all zombie skills.

Next thing my barricades have gone and I am dead in the space of 30mins and not a zombie or zombies in site :/
molinari said:
I'm (OcUK msal) outside St Aidans Church in Kinch Heights in someone could revive me please :).

Post your id number here so I can add you to my contact list. I am at the Church now and I have 1 syringe but there are 2 zombies. I cannot target you without you being on my contact list.
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