Online Zombie Survival Game

Wilf said:
I'm in all evening Zico so if you're around let me know. Thanks :)

I was just on. I've got another guy with rev' nearby to the junkyard so you can stand up now and I am ready to go.
WooHooo, just found a supply crate in the street (dropped by a black helicopter ;) )... Got a load of good kit :D

HyperSonic said:
where can i go for a revive?

i've been chewed up again...

I have a guy in Milverton PD in Kinch who can revive. Give it a couple of hours and I can oblige, only got 1AP at the moment. Unless Zico is around still?
The Nevill Building in Kinch was hit again last night. I've got 1 of my alt's down fellow OcUK is also down. I had to use my other rev' alt syringes to partially clear the building.
Does anyone have shopping/bargain hunting ? If so, which store do I try and loot for necrotech equipment, or is it necrotech buildings only ?!
McBain said:
Does anyone have shopping/bargain hunting ? If so, which store do I try and loot for necrotech equipment, or is it necrotech buildings only ?!

I think it's the Tech Store in the mall. I can't remember now if I have got a syringe from the mall or not. It's such a low chance to get one in the Necrotech buildings anyway so I haven't spent that much AP searching the Tech Stores.
CliffyG said:
You need to find a mall for shopping / bargain hunting.

Yep :) I was just wondering if it was possible to get necrotech items in a mall, as opposed to a necrotech building only.
Need a little help in Kinch Heights outside of the Gibbes Drive Fire Station [48, 86].

My alt is stuck outside after running out of AP's. 1 Zombie with infectious bite and around 28HP taking chunks out of me :(.
samcat said:
Right everyone, theres a strike on:

Zombies are now a very unbalanced character, and large numbers of people are going on strike until its sorted.

Sam C
I don't know what was worse, losing XP for being HS or having to spend 15AP to stand up after being HS. Either way, my lvl 1 zombie can't seem to hit anything, and then i run out of XP, get HS and go back to square one. Its understandable that people are striking, something does need to be balanced out. Its so much easier for the living :(

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