Online Zombie Survival Game

Spacky said:
Very! :mad:

Had it once and am sure it will happen again.

Anyway seems a lot of people were off it for a while over Christmas as I feasted my zombie and gained a lot of points not to mention my survivor gained 210 points in one day with his shotgun

Oh well am off to watch Land of the Dead to keep the Zombie Xmas spirit alive :D

How are you finding shells for the shotty? I get more pistol clips than shells when I search.

Whoop said:
How are you finding shells for the shotty? I get more pistol clips than shells when I search.
i found a full shotty and 3 rounds in 8 searchs in the gun store in the mall :D
pheeew finally managed to resurrect my other character who's been dead for days. I'm surprised at how much zombie action there is these days.
Kind of lost interest now, got 2 high level chars most of the skill you can buy and am stuck in routine of go to mall, spend 50 ap's searching, wait a day, go out kill 4 or 5 zombies come back and wait a day to search the mall again etc etc etc. Complete lack of any realtime fighting has bored me.
^ Same here, boring innit, but its better being a zombie, as you get more satifaction in killing someone. I might just create 3 zombie accounts and join them up.
Lanz said:
^ Same here, boring innit, but its better being a zombie, as you get more satifaction in killing someone. I might just create 3 zombie accounts and join them up.

Probably not possible..? I have tried attacking with one character and healing with another. Wounds treated as much as I could possibly do blah blah, no XP earned :(

They must lead a seperate existence!

Whoop :)
I dunno, i currently play one necro and one soldier, they are both in the same spot, the necro goes out and dna/revives any zombies, and once he runs out of APs, i get the soldier to go and shoot whatever remains.

Having say 3 zombies going around in a group, get into buildings with one, attack someone inside with another, and then use the third to finish him off (as zombies have a weak attack, its rare i make a kill)... just a thought.
I just played my 50 starter action points. I made a cop, started in a car park and then took three shots at a zombie nearby, all missed :(. Barrakaded myself in a warehouse, then searched and found nothiong. checked out two firestations and picked up two flare guns. Barracaded myself in a nearby pub and went to sleep...

I wish someone would make a Zombie survival MMO RPG/FPS

Edit: Or a STALKER Online game would really really rock my socks
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Morning all.

There are currently 2 Zed's barricaded into 2 buildings in Kinch Heights. 1 is inside Club Veysey in the south east, and the other is inside McNally Crescent School 1 square south of the club.
My Z is now at Millbanks Way (40, 74) and needs a revive if anyone is in the area and could be so kind. I was just getting killed in Kinch so I legged it
blah came on this morning and my Cop had been killed by a zombie, well, thats my game over, I dont want to be a zombie :( And I dont see a way to restart with anther human
Nieldo said:
blah came on this morning and my Cop had been killed by a zombie, well, thats my game over, I dont want to be a zombie :( And I dont see a way to restart with anther human

Head to a revive point, I've been revived many a time without even wanting to lol

Whoop :)
alright, Im waiting at the rhodenbank monument. Dont know if I want to bea cop anymore, all I got was a handgun and ive shot 3/6 shots already :P

Edit: IS there an OcUK guild that guards an area? Or somewhere you call home? If so I would like to join :)
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Sam Cat, thanks a lot for healing one my feral zombies. He got headshot soon afterwards again and is still lieing in front of the Whittaker Boulevard in Tapton. :)
Nieldo, you search police stations or armouries (or malls when you have got the skills, not worth it early on) to get more ammo, pistols and shotguns, flak jackets etc. Search hospitals to get First Aid Kits. etc etc. read the faq for more details. DO note that you won't find something on every turn, indeed I have often searched for 30 or more goes and barely got a thing out of it, tis frustrating.
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