Online Zombie Survival Game

I find the zombie dialogue a laugh. Have a few swipes at some survivor, go "Graaaagh". Fab stuff, but now its even better! All thats superb, but i have been PK'd by another zom. Oh well :(

I'm outside the Blackmore building. There is more action down here, but be prepared to be shot if your are not in a group.

Another 7xp and I will have all the basic zombie skills :cool:

Maybe we should shamble down to Kinch sometime and say graagh to the other OcUKers ;) and eat their brains.
I've just made it to St. Judes and gone Grrrgh and then Mrh?. Unfortuntely, moving about sucks up all my XP, being a lvl 1 zom :(

Thats a bit of shame Kangaxx, as Silicon and I are both in front of the Blackmore building now :D

I am resting now until tomorrow unless I catch any humans trying to molest the crowd of Zeds.
The zombie balance has always been pap tbh, I have a lvl 11 human and a lvl 1 zombie which started playing at the same time :o

Ian Mac said:
Thats a bit of shame Kangaxx, as Silicon and I are both in front of the Blackmore building now :D
Don't you worry, i'll catch up with you, and you'll have a Graarrrgh for your trouble :p

I think its time my character actually got off level 1 but its annoying that all the skills are 100XP each :rolleyes:


Amazing how much easier as a survivor this gets once you get above level 3-4 - getting maxed out pistol and shotgun aim is a must, as is free running. Must have jumped up another 5 levels in the last week thanks to those babies.
Whoop said:
Father Retribution has just been sighted by moi outside St Hubertus's Hospital :o


The hospital was raided. Killed all 3 zombies inside (didn't see Father Retribution amoungst them - didn't go outside though), barricaded up and patched a few of the guys inside up.
Wilf said:
Hmm just been killed by a survivor, how annoying.

Very! :mad:

Had it once and am sure it will happen again.

Anyway seems a lot of people were off it for a while over Christmas as I feasted my zombie and gained a lot of points not to mention my survivor gained 210 points in one day with his shotgun

Oh well am off to watch Land of the Dead to keep the Zombie Xmas spirit alive :D
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