Online Zombie Survival Game

If it was to be more realistic (and would also make it fairer) then Zombies need to be able to do a lot more damage when they attack. They could also look at reducing human skills whenever they are revived - equivalent of headshot effect. Also giving Zombies some way of hiding when they are offline is a good idea. In a lot of Zombie movies Zs just appear out of nowhere all of a sudden - mebbe give them something like a 'lie down' option where they then can't be noticed unles a) they stand up, or b) you search the area (100% chance you find them if you do search of course)

I'm only a level 4 survivor and already I am taking 2-3 Zeds down per 50 APs.

That said I ain't striking - sounds like lots of easy kills out there ;)
Ran out of AP's in the middle of a zombie horde, made it to a building but got eaten overnight. Anyone know a revive point near Stanbury Village?
Silicon, you have been singing banana phone. I couldn't be arsed to walk to the park as I was lieing on the pavement.

CliffyG, try St Marias church, there are normally hundreds of dead bodies outside, you cant miss it.
Gah, been on hols and come back to find my chap dead :( Currently stood outside Kebby Way School, where's the nearest reviv point now?
Ian Mac said:
Silicon, you have been singing banana phone. I couldn't be arsed to walk to the park as I was lieing on the pavement

yup :) tis pretty damn amuzing around there atm, although takes ages for the page to load!
Is everyone else having trouble logging on? Since last night I struggle to even get in, and taking turns, well it fails to process my action on screen half the time (even though it does do it - if I logout and login again I find I am an AP down).

Anyone with similar problems?
Bellboy said:
Is everyone else having trouble logging on? Since last night I struggle to even get in, and taking turns, well it fails to process my action on screen half the time (even though it does do it - if I logout and login again I find I am an AP down).

Anyone with similar problems?

Yup, its been on a bit of a go-slow all day.

Sam C
Personally I find my human alts rather boring as all they do is hide, search and shoot a few zombies, rinse and repeat.

I will concede that being a Zed outside Ridleybank is harder though but it depends where you are. Get a few zombie skills and its much more fun.

I can't be bothered to look for it now but someone here was in a safehouse that was being attacked and reading their posts makes being a zombie worthwhile. It went something like "OMG zombies have broken in, help?" etc
right, looks like the protest has been the cause of the server slowdown..... there are some modifications to the game that should have fixed it, and people are moving the protest to the surrounding squares to help :)

and i'll leave you with a few of the songs being sung at standstock 05:

Imagine there's no syringes\ It's easy if you try\ No dead bodies below us\ above us only BARHAR\ Imagine all the zombies\ living for today
mag there's no shopping malls\ It isn't hard to do\ Nothing to kill or die for\ No NecroTech too\ Imagine all the zombies\ living for the BARHAR
Imagine no firearms\ I wonder if you can\ No need for greed or headshots\ A brotherhood of BARHAR\ Imagine all the zombies\ Sharing all of Malton"

and for thouse firefly fans:
Take my land, take my life, shoot me down so I can't stand, I don't care, I'm still free, you can't take barhar from me

Didn't say that in the server news said there was a large contingent of people somewhere talking a lot.
Basically lots of Zombies and humans went on strike by all going to a park in Stanbury Village. They were all chatting and singing away which caused the server slowdown.

A lot of people feel that Zombies are outnumbered and underpowered and that Kevan (who makes the game) was favouring the humans with various updates while the Zombies got nothing.
I don't understand why people think Zombies should be able to kill humans so easily. The whole point of it is that they band together to attack...?
Rojin said:
I don't understand why people think Zombies should be able to kill humans so easily. The whole point of it is that they band together to attack...?

Thats not the problem.

The problem is its no fun playing as a zombie anymore... and as this is a game that requires people to play as both sides that may cause a bit of a problem...

Sam C
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