If it was to be more realistic (and would also make it fairer) then Zombies need to be able to do a lot more damage when they attack. They could also look at reducing human skills whenever they are revived - equivalent of headshot effect. Also giving Zombies some way of hiding when they are offline is a good idea. In a lot of Zombie movies Zs just appear out of nowhere all of a sudden - mebbe give them something like a 'lie down' option where they then can't be noticed unles a) they stand up, or b) you search the area (100% chance you find them if you do search of course)
I'm only a level 4 survivor and already I am taking 2-3 Zeds down per 50 APs.
That said I ain't striking - sounds like lots of easy kills out there
I'm only a level 4 survivor and already I am taking 2-3 Zeds down per 50 APs.
That said I ain't striking - sounds like lots of easy kills out there