its a great way to test games
however, the image quality is atrocious.
on pc most people can run 1:1 no compression at 60fps on full settings the quality is pristine. its the reason i use pc for the crispest textures and monitor clarity.
it will take quite some internet bandwidth and stability to convince me to buy into all of this. if my games looked like blueray quality id still not be happy as that has visible compression on a monitor and banding on certain color ranges its just too limited visually due to the original render resolution also.
lets face it, with steam and a good net connection your downloading a game for a few hours and then playing for a few weeks and own it on the device or any other future device. in future games will DL even faster too, with all the power at the edge its the best solution. Steam could easily copy the video wall idea with some propitiatory video stream sessions for games so you can watch others play live without booting the game you just watch their multicast streams.
onlive just doesnt do it for me. i cant quite understand why its is being pushed? if millions of people buy into this then the gfx level will never really increase as fast as it can with individual machines. if its to help people with low specs? well even an old pc is capable of looking nicer than a console, soon even phones.
if it simply comes down to impatience from waiting a few hours to DL a title, or a complete non interest in graphics or sound let alone the most responsive controls then i can see it taking off. its the sort of thing that should be installed in hotel rooms for people to pay a few £ when their bored
we already have a better solution.
maybe one day with full fibre optic connections <1ms response (actually about impossible) we can compute share across server,pc,mac,linux,360,ps3,wii and the visual quality can increase on top of the already good main system graphics in real time
as far as i can tell its a gaming monopoly where you are held by the short and curlies over a subscription with no guarantee of quality
imagine how good ps4 and xbox 720 will be looking in 1080p over this service?