There are a lot of people eating humble pie having not believed in this or slating it.
Dont think I would buy full priced newly released title on there yet though but as said above, gives those with mediocre/Notebooks access to the latest games.
Was a smart business move gettign rid of the subscriptions.
Are games on your account permanently? Last I looked it was for 3 years or something.
Would prefer it if this was available as an add-on service on Steam though, best of both worlds.
Scarily, I am sure someone like Bobby Kottick would LOVE to have his grubby mits on this though, zero piracy.
The service has some great features though, like being able to watch others play and cheer/jeer them - LOL
Steam is nowhere near anything like that.
What Onlive does do is take the community integration which Steam brought us and takes it a step further.
Their 3/5 day rental packages are great value too, especially for single player games.
Thumbs up if a Steam/Onlive alliance would rock your boat?
Like it or hate it, Onlive is the future of gaming. Platform agnostic is surely the way to go?
MY WORD - Supreme Commander 1/Forged Alliance is on there - Mmmm