Only MAJOR overclockers need apply - survey!

You could you up my updated 3700 on too please? :)


Edit: Just notcied you updated my 146 result with my 3700 by accident. My 146 clock is still this one. :)
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I hate Dreamweaver. It goes slow when tables get too big and I loose track of where I am. I'm going back to notepad!

/end feable excuse.

turbotoaster said:
does a 3.2 clock on a fx57 on air, class as a good clock, if so ill post a screen shot of it running super pi

Good yes, Major? ummm. Chuck up a screenie anyway, not like there are many FX57's about! :)
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weescott said:
Tables updated.

ancientone, sorry but your clock just isn't MAJOR enough. Keep trying though. :)

Cheers for the response, have changed things a bit but need a new board with higher multiplier to go further, the MSI is locked to 13 max and I need 15 or more according to Crystal.


Not bad if ya believe AMD's PR ratings eh? a 2600 running at just short of the Intel equiv of a 4Ghz cpu.

Anyway I will bow out of this convo.. :) BTW its a 584Mhz o/c from 1921Mhz to 2505Mhz so do I scrape in at the bottom of the XP-M's? The CPU is a XP-M AQQ4C 2600+ on a MSI K7N2 Delta being Peltier/Air cooled.

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I was being nosey at the place your buying it :p

Just wish i could magically make my lian li case blue to match the mach 2 panels, alas i'm poor :(
I'm going dust of my amd Barton 2400 mobile a go over the weekend and give it a go.

Used to have it running at 2616mhz on air @ 218*12 with standard old Crucial 3200 ram.

I'll give it a go with my Geil One TCCD and see how high it'll go.

Does any one know how high a asus A7n8x-e Delux will go on the FSB ?

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