MU123 was quite easy as it is GCSE level I found. If you put the time in to learn it before you move forward it pays in the long run. I never even knew my times table or any fractions or algebra before MU123. I used an app to continuous practice my maths till it became embedded.
MST124 is the harder maths module I found and was more difficult to follow too.
You shouldn't really need additional books, your tutors and students will help push you in the right direction and often things get taught differently to how the OU do it so you sometimes can get confused and overloaded.
MST124 is the harder maths module I found and was more difficult to follow too.
You shouldn't really need additional books, your tutors and students will help push you in the right direction and often things get taught differently to how the OU do it so you sometimes can get confused and overloaded.