Origin Access Comes to PC

BF4 is pretty much the only thing I use Origin for, so I definitely don't think I'll be buying this. The titles available to play are actually pretty good from what I can see, but I've played most of the ones I'm interested in from that list so it's not worth it for me. Maybe once they've added more games to the vault then I'll consider it.
Dragon Age, Battlefield, Dead Space, This War of Mine and even Sim City would be worth £3.99 for a months play if you don't own them, especially if you're someone who doesn't replay games. If you don't like the games on offer then that's fine, but people criticising EA for it as though they're charging £15 a month for it is baffling. The games they add and the frequency that they add them is what will define the service in the long term, but this first month is a very strong showing.
Ah,EA..They make great games,But some of the business choices they make are not helping the gaming industry at all,Soon they will all turn like this so you have to pay a monthly subscription to play games instead of just buying them..trust me,If this works well for EA and other games company's catch on..
Anyone signed up for this and using the service? I'm tempted to sign up.

It currently has a nice list of games I'd be interested to try out / play. Battlefront, BF4, Plants v Zombies 2, Titanfall, Unravel, Command and Conquer, Aragami and Furi. Looks like a pretty impressive list to start out with, plus the £20 for a years subscription looks very tempting. By the time the sub runs out, who knows what else could be added and you'll more than likely have moved onto newer games.

I'm just disappointed that Battlefront is only the base game. If I have Battlefront in access, will I be able to buy the season pass / DLC?

Oh and they have also just included Fifa 17 in the vault, so something I'll try out.
I know that when the service was first launched, people didn't feel like it was worth the price. But I don't think they had a £20/year option and the catalogue lacked content. Looking at the games between EA Access (Xbox) and Origin Access (PC), it doesn't look like much is different between the two anymore. Just american sports which not everyone is interested in anyway. I would like them to add golf and NHL 17 though.
I'm subscribed at £3.99 a month. I think it's great value but then there were only a few games in the vault that I had already played. I guess it depends on how many of the available games you've got already doesn't it. Although you do get the early trials of new games to try if that is you're sort of thing...
I hope they add MoH: Airborne to the list.

@heartburnron I hope you haven't been subbed for a long time :p if so you should definitely go with the yearly sub when it's so much cheaper.

I must say, I'm surprised this isn't talked about more.
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