**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

This game is nowhere near 100% timing. Basically you're saying that he's stating the obvious in that the guy with the better mechanics will get ahead and to ignore strategy and micro.

Macro alone does not win games past Bronze.

"A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a vision." - Google dictionary.

If I go into a battle with 100 Roaches against 80 marauders then I know whose going to be winning. Macro only trumps Micro/Strat when you're playing against someone who is clueless.
Well yeah i guess you have a point, but imo destiny is pretty good and he knows what hes talking about, ive only read what you guys said but plan on watching it later, no need to bash destiny so much, hes good and i really like watching him.
Well yeah i guess you have a point, but imo destiny is pretty good and he knows what hes talking about, ive only read what you guys said but plan on watching it later, no need to bash destiny so much, hes good and i really like watching him.

I can't even name a pro player that's worse than Destiny. Not to mention Destiny is a juvenile idiot who won't ever make it far in life with his attitude.

But you're one of those people that like watching him XD You won't understand.

Macro really isn't the most important thing especially if you're building the weaker unit composition to your opponent.

Gordon Ramsay openly insults and swears at his employees, it's completely different to racially insulting someone over the net because you've lost a game on the internet.

EDIT: Macro has nothing to do with looking at the minimap. You're just assuming things by saying someone focusing on micro/strategy don't look at the minimap.

How can you even say they suck at flanking when that's technically micro'ing? Also hotkey choices make no difference to macro capability, it's whatever works for you.

You make no sense.
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I'm no longer replying to your posts.
You're obviously a juvenile fool seeing as you find a racist idiot "Entertaining" and think that the guy who hardly plays SC2 now and actually wants to switch to LoL someone who is passionate about SC2.

Believe what you want as your above post is full of contradictions of your earlier posts.
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LOL just for your information I'm a Master T/P and Plat/Diamond Zerg.

I know what works in learning and you're telling me that focusing entirely on Macro works and it doesn't. You're also saying that unit composition is Macro which it isn't, Macro is spending your money effectively and keeping production smooth.

If you find a guy who repeatedly throws racial insults around like they're candy hilarious then you're incredibly juvenile. I've watched his stream quite a few times seeing as that's all he does because he's so terrible he can't attend any online/offline tournies.
All he does is troll and repeatedly cuss like some overgrown manchild. One could argue he's just having fun and likes to joke around but the dude rages at people, starts insulting them and gives idiots like yourself someone to laugh at.

Yea, he sounds like a real good guy and the funny thing is, the guy had a partner and child. He acts like he's half his age.

I'm no longer replying to your posts.
You're obviously a juvenile fool seeing as you find a racist idiot "Entertaining"...

*popcorn* :D

Welcome to the forums btw halleluhwah, assuming you're not an alt. account :p

I'm pretty meh on destiny myself, not too bothered by his existence, not too enthralled by his play or streaming.
Right...getting started with SC2...can someone point me in the direction of some top tips for newbs?


That's the official wiki which has basically all the information you'd ever need on mechanics. It is a bit outdated but it's a good starting point.


On the right-hand side to the top below the calendar you have current (and list of the next 24hours) events of online/offline tournaments that'll pop up and let you know whose streaming/casting them and below that is a list of pro-players who are streaming.

There's also forums there with loads of information,builds and discussions.
Halleluhwah you're completely right Kamwah is just being an idiot as usual (<3). Macro is far and away the most important thing. You can get to platinum literally a-moving on the minimap every game and never looking at your army if your macro is decent.

Can you get to platinum with great micro even though you get supply blocked all the time and dont build more than 30 SCVs? Not likely. Well.. maybe as protoss tbh cos they are EZ mode.

Also welcome to the forums Halleluhwah. If you stick around this thread you will notice Kamwah and I disagree on pretty much everything and between the two of use we post like 90% of the posts so it's mainly a continuing exchange of "no you're wrong" lol. Punctuated regularly by "toss OP" posts which is the only thing we can agree on :D

EDIT: i do actually agree destiny is a bit of a knobface. He's not a racist though. I call people <bundles of wood> all the time and I'm not homophobic I just use it as a generic insult.
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You're completely wrong Sheep.

This guy is telling me that from bronze-diamond all you need to do is constantly build build build and that's not true. It has changed since the days of Destiny being anywhere near those leagues and it has become so much more diverse in skill levels.

Go look up the threads on TL that discuss it and you'll see my point of view.

I don't really care on your perspective of that Macro governs your unit composition and build which in my eyes is completely strategy, you can't run 150 marines into a line of siege tanks.
In the lower leagues everyone is going to be improving, you're going to get the ones who're clueless and haven't looked up any guides/online help and those are the ones you're going to win most of the time by just focusing on macro. The other ones who're focusing on improving their game as a whole will be the ones you're going to lose to if you don't know any strategy.
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Right...getting started with SC2...can someone point me in the direction of some top tips for newbs?


^ this guy is literally the best way by far to learn to play. I would recommend you play a few dozen games first though just so you get a hold of the basics, like which buildings build what units, shift queing, and using hotkeys.

After you've got the hang of that start working through filtersc's videos. He's already finished his terran tutorial series and he's doing zerg next (i think) starting over the next couple of days. If you want to play protoss then you'll have to wait a bit longer for his videos.

The races are basically as follows:

Protoss: sit in your base most of the game just building probes and units, and defending as necessary. Push out with a big deathball and hopefully kill your opponent. Units are expensive and strong and you will usually be the one dictating the game. Protoss also has the largest variety of gayass strategies which make people rage so non-protoss players will hate you :)

Terran: the race I play. Most of the time you have to be the agressor, poking in and out and harassing. Doing this at the same time as building units and structures back home requires good multitasking skill. Terran probably has the biggest variety of gameplay and IMO is the funnest to play. This race rewards micromanagement skill more than the others.

Zerg: doesn't require much micromanagement skill and macro is also very easy. The only challenge is knowing when to build drones and when to stop and build units instead. This is harder than it sounds.

Sorry if I'm over-patronising, I assumed you don't know too much about the way the races actually feel in the multiplayer. GLHF :D
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You're completely wrong Sheep.

This guy is telling me that from bronze-diamond all you need to do is constantly build build build and that's not true. It has changed since the days of Destiny being anywhere near those leagues and it has become so much more diverse in skill levels.

Go look up the threads on TL that discuss it and you'll see my point of view.

I don't really care on your perspective of that Macro governs your unit composition and build which in my eyes is completely strategy, you can't run 150 marines into a line of siege tanks.
In the lower leagues everyone is going to be improving, you're going to get the ones who're clueless and haven't looked up any guides/online help and those are the ones you're going to win most of the time by just focusing on macro. The other ones who're focusing on improving their game as a whole will be the ones you're going to lose to if you don't know any strategy.

I'm not saying you'll win every game. But you'll win the large majority. If you don't believe me go and watch filtersc's series. He goes the same build in all matchups (1 rax FE). He never does any scouting. He doesnt buy any upgrades and he doesnt ever take a third. He doesn't look at his army at all he just a-moves on the minimap

And he raped his way up to like gold just doing this. He got to diamond doing the same but a little more advanced (getting stim etc) and adding in very basic micro. 99% of his APM was still macro.

You are the one who is wrong here. "This guy is telling me that from bronze-diamond all you need to do is constantly build build build and that's not true." That's not what he is saying. He's saying that that's the most important thing to do and he's right. If someone is able to do that AND micro well, then that's awesome. But if they only have a low amount of APM and cant multitask then they are far, far better off focusing on their macro as their priority.
Day9 is the best Sheep. Why do you do this to our relationship?


I love day9. But I think filtersc is better at actually making someone improve without having to watch like 20hours worth of dailies. There are a few exceptions like day9s ones on mechanics. But most of his dailies are analysing specific styles/builds which is better for someone in gold upwards rather than someone just starting out.
Whatever XD Let's just leave it at that cos I'm not going to continue arguing with ya'll about what the best way to improve is.

Day[9] cries at night because of you Sheep.
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