**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

Regular people are getting in but it seems to be that a lot of pros were pulled in due to some unfair bias and the press they get from pros streaming it.

They're going to provide much better feedback on balance and issues than the herp derp general populous of SCII.
They're going to provide much better feedback on balance and issues than the herp derp general populous of SCII.

I disagree. These people are paid to win and if that means moaning to your fanbase to get them on your side about a particular point then so be it.

The couple dozen or so times I've heard balance discussion straight from a pros mouth on one of the talkshows they either A. dance around the subject because they haven't got the balls to say it or B. They go as far as saying their race is the weakest and worthless.

It's like the Queen patch, the tip top Zergs said it wasn't needed. Blizz doesn't listen and they don't admit fault.
Just read that in the next season (does the current one end on the 9th of Dec or 12th of Sep?) that your ladder ranking will show where you really are in regards to your league ranking placement and how close you are to promotion/demotion etc.

Ladder Tier Removal

Currently not all divisions within a League are created equal. Individual divisions are actually assigned to different “tiers”, and players are assigned to tiers based on skill. This system hasn't been very transparent, making it difficult to determine your next promotion. For example, if you’re in a lower tiered Diamond division, just getting to Rank 1 doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll see a promotion soon.

With the goal of increasing transparency for ladder players, we’re removing tiers from the ladder with the commencement of 2012 Season 4. The removal of tiers from all leagues will allow players to better gauge exactly where they’re at on the ladder and how far away they are from the next league.

After this change, climbing to (for example) Rank 2 Diamond will mean that you are in the top 2% of all Diamond players, and you are very close to moving into the Master League. Similarly, Rank 50 Platinum is in the top 50% in the Platinum league, and so forth.

Would hate to be ranked 100 in Bronze next season :D
What do we reckon. HOTS out before Christmas? Can't be that much more to do surely if they're at the tweaking units phase? Hopefully the single player campaign was finished a while back.
Argh so annoying... I seem to have encountered a bug where I play my placement match and don't get placed... :-/ A fair few people seem to have it but I want to be placed before my MMR falls back down to platinum (where it belongs! :-/)
Masters zerg cheesed me in my placement. Built 3 hatches and must've cancelled as I had like 40 lings in my base soon after the scout of em.

Gave me the old 'what league?' I should've said high diamond...
Hey guys im not a serious SC2 player and havnt played a single 1v1 or normal game

I have thought player over 200+ Custom Games

So is Anyone up for some Custom Games? Mineralz ect?
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That was a great fun game tonight with Void, Danfrommars and theconker

So funny I was laughing. Great game and always happy to play some fun team games again.
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