**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

Can't seem to get this game to work at all. the latest patch was downloading and I quit it before it patched. I just launched it and the launcher would say anti virus error. I followed someone's advice on google who said to delete the battle.net folder and it just reloaded 3 gb worth of stuff on the launcher but now it's ready to play but a crash error comes up and says 'files are missing from your installation'

Urg why did they remove the repair tool?
Dunno what to do atm, trying to log on but getting this everytime I hit play


Any ideas?
afraid not, delete the whole folder and start again?

post here if you get it working in next hour or so, otherwise stick a message here if you're on tomorrow, then i'm off on hols for a week i'm afraid
Did anyone watch the Dreamhack coverage the other weekend?

I've never watched SC2 before but, my god, it was awesome! I was literally hooked all day. Made me want to play it properly (so far I've merely dabbled).
Does anyone have a guest pass for this they'd be willing to swap for a Diablo 3 / WoW pass???

downloaded the starter pack, so would like to try the full game now :D:cool:
Thought I would try here before the gfx card section. Got a palit GTX 670 and occasionally when in a MP game on SC2 my probes carrying gas lok a bit corrupted in so much as they are carrying a triangle of gas half the size of the nexus. Anyone else encountered this? Trying to estbalish if a random foible with the game or my card is starting to develop a problem. Running latest non-beta nvidia drivers and all uptodate with windows/game.
Noob question: loving the game for the last 2 weeks. Seem to be stuck at rank 18 in bronze league. I have a feeling its because unless i can get a good rush in mid game then i quickly get stumped by top tier terran and protosss units.

Bit of research suggests infesters are the way forward. Only problem is that i dont understand the unit. Any advice please on how to get the most out of this unit. Any advice on ultralisks would also be appreciated.
Don't put infestors on your front-line army. Try to bind them to a seperate control group and keep them at the back/alive as they're very squishy. Infestors seem to be good vs all match ups as fungal is very powerful and also infested terrans are good way to pump left over energy to boost your army or harass.

I don't see many ultras as they're so big they kinda block each other when massing them. I don't see the value in getting a few either so most zergs get mass brood lords.
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