ok had a quick look through your replay there.
Now I will start off by saying that I am not a zerg player primarily so if any of this is wrong someone please correct me.
Ok first off you went gass first , why ? It didn't seem to help you
with your roach attack at the start that died off and personally I am not a fan of one base stuff like that , it can work however so thats not the main thing.
You then went on to get a natural which was very very late for a zerg in today's meta game ( mainly because of the roach attack)
After that you did an ok job of injects and getting to three base , that was good.
You were low on drones for a while , I noticed that at 12 mins or so you had on 25 , should have a fair few more ( again I think this was the failed roach attack)
If you see him coming at you like that and you have a lot of drones ( you had a decent amount when he made his final push ) then don't be afraid to put loads of spines down ( just grab like 6 or so drones and just and then just tell them to plan down as spine crawlers. This will buy you time to get units out.
Your tech was also all over the place a bit , you had roach hydra , bit of an old combo but perfectly fine, then you got mutas , that cost you a lot of gas that could have been used to make a larger roach hydra army.
There were also a fair few times that you weren't upgrading anything from one or more of your evo chambers but thats not too massive a problem at this point.
The main thing was that you didn't have your hotkeys set right and thats a massive thing as zerg. I would recommend going and finding apollos new zerg tutorials they will show you how to do your hotkeys .
you want all hatcheries on one key and then use the camera locations for injects , it works really well.
Furthermore you did not have your army hotkeyed. At the very least your main army should be hotkeyed to 1 at all times, then you can get your entire army all together .
You were caught out of position a bit by his attack which is fine , it happens .
At this point to you had loads of minerals and a decent amount of larva ( I think cant remember off the top of my head, if not then just drop a macro hatch at some point )
what you should do as a zerg in this situation is select all your hatcheries click "s" then hold "z" and hey presto an army that will smash most bronze players.
When you left the game though you had a load of larva and tone and tone of minerals and he was only just taking a natural ( he was a pretty terrible player , not to be harsh but yeah) so you essentially had the game won when you left ( idra rage ? :L )
Main points
+ look at your build order ( also covered in apollos strat guides )
+ You need more drones mid game
+ Streamline your unit composition and work on the upgrades for them
+When you find you have a lot of money and nothing to do with it, build a macro hatch and then build loads of units , roach's ,lings whatever
+ Sort out your hotkeys
Apart from this your injects are not terrible so tbh get the hotkeys and a decent build order and you will fly out of bronze in a week or so
Hope this helps and if there are any mistakes then I am sorry but its getting late and I need my bed :L