**** Original Starcraft 2 Thread ****

Hey carlazai if you can upload a replay or two of you playing as well as you can but losing, I'll be able to give you some decent guidance. I'm diamond protoss but have been playing zerg lately just for fun and am probably around platinum standard... I tend to try to avoid using infestors too just because I'm kind of lazy... So that could help :p
Did anyone watch the Dreamhack coverage the other weekend?

I've never watched SC2 before but, my god, it was awesome! I was literally hooked all day. Made me want to play it properly (so far I've merely dabbled).

Dreamhack had the best production I've seen for a SC2 event. GSL live events are definitely close but they don't come close to the quantity of games that DH, IPL, MLG and AsusRoGs do.

Noob question: loving the game for the last 2 weeks. Seem to be stuck at rank 18 in bronze league. I have a feeling its because unless i can get a good rush in mid game then i quickly get stumped by top tier terran and protosss units.

Bit of research suggests infesters are the way forward. Only problem is that i dont understand the unit. Any advice please on how to get the most out of this unit. Any advice on ultralisks would also be appreciated.

If you're not getting Infestors it means you're not able to get the positional advantage which rooting the enemies army provides.
Playing Zerg is mostly positional and heavy-macro based with very little micro needed. At the moment the metagame is that as a Zerg you should be dictating the rhythm of the game because of how Zerg works with being able to quickly build any kind of unit available to you in great numbers all at once.

Zerg is definitely the race that requires the most knowledge to play effectively and reading on Teamliquid.net can help you (The Zerg Help Me thread is great)

Start using them, instant diamond league :D

No. Infestors are viable casting units but their not in any way OP.
If you jump on the OcUk channel when you go online, there is quiet often people in there. They can give you a hand as at bronze level you are probs missing some key mechanics. The perfect example was a recent 3v3 three I played just to have fun of racing, both the protos did not get warp gate at any point an I was the only one that expand before the 20 min mark, so yeah just massed roach ( so much skill) and the killed all three of the enemy team.

So yeah would be good for people to jump in that chat channel, then we could get some games from time to time etc.
I have been playing Protoss for quite a while now and have only only just started getting Colollus. They are an extremely good unit if backed up with Stalkers

Stalkers with blink and Colollus with range upgrade are a very brutal combination. Just need to keep them safe from air units and pesky cloaked units.

this is my tag alexl1984 #2589
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cloaked units are fine to deal with just jump in with a couple of observers with your death ball and you should be fine.

As for killing off air units then you need to walk your colollus back through your army. You will need ten to be able to still shoot but what this will do is drag the enemy air forces over your stalkers who can then take out their air.

With zerg is is also very very good to get a mothership to go with your army so that you can vortex the enemy broot lord and corruptors and then get your archons into the vortex to get a archon toilet on the go. It also lets you deal with half their army at a time making yours so much stronger.
Mother ship can also be really good in PVP
Thanks for all the offers of help. I will dig through my replays after work and find some of my recent loses and see what you think. I want to get better so any help is appreciated.
Thanks for all the offers of help. I will dig through my replays after work and find some of my recent loses and see what you think. I want to get better so any help is appreciated.

Ill have you a game of 1 vs 1. I havent played 1 v 1 for quite a while now but am placed at mid silver in 3 vs 3.
I have been playing Protoss for quite a while now and have only only just started getting Colollus. They are an extremely good unit if backed up with Stalkers

Stalkers with blink and Colollus with range upgrade are a very brutal combination. Just need to keep them safe from air units and pesky cloaked units.

this is my tag alexl1984 #2589

Try going Colossi/Archon, absolutely brutal combo and smashes nearly everything anyone can throw at it. Back it up with a mothership to vortex those mass of corruptors/blords/vikings and you're guaranteed a win really...
ok had a quick look through your replay there.

Now I will start off by saying that I am not a zerg player primarily so if any of this is wrong someone please correct me.

Ok first off you went gass first , why ? It didn't seem to help you
with your roach attack at the start that died off and personally I am not a fan of one base stuff like that , it can work however so thats not the main thing.

You then went on to get a natural which was very very late for a zerg in today's meta game ( mainly because of the roach attack)

After that you did an ok job of injects and getting to three base , that was good.
You were low on drones for a while , I noticed that at 12 mins or so you had on 25 , should have a fair few more ( again I think this was the failed roach attack)

If you see him coming at you like that and you have a lot of drones ( you had a decent amount when he made his final push ) then don't be afraid to put loads of spines down ( just grab like 6 or so drones and just and then just tell them to plan down as spine crawlers. This will buy you time to get units out.

Your tech was also all over the place a bit , you had roach hydra , bit of an old combo but perfectly fine, then you got mutas , that cost you a lot of gas that could have been used to make a larger roach hydra army.
There were also a fair few times that you weren't upgrading anything from one or more of your evo chambers but thats not too massive a problem at this point.

The main thing was that you didn't have your hotkeys set right and thats a massive thing as zerg. I would recommend going and finding apollos new zerg tutorials they will show you how to do your hotkeys .
you want all hatcheries on one key and then use the camera locations for injects , it works really well.
Furthermore you did not have your army hotkeyed. At the very least your main army should be hotkeyed to 1 at all times, then you can get your entire army all together .
You were caught out of position a bit by his attack which is fine , it happens .
At this point to you had loads of minerals and a decent amount of larva ( I think cant remember off the top of my head, if not then just drop a macro hatch at some point )
what you should do as a zerg in this situation is select all your hatcheries click "s" then hold "z" and hey presto an army that will smash most bronze players.

When you left the game though you had a load of larva and tone and tone of minerals and he was only just taking a natural ( he was a pretty terrible player , not to be harsh but yeah) so you essentially had the game won when you left ( idra rage ? :L )

Main points
+ look at your build order ( also covered in apollos strat guides )
+ You need more drones mid game
+ Streamline your unit composition and work on the upgrades for them
+When you find you have a lot of money and nothing to do with it, build a macro hatch and then build loads of units , roach's ,lings whatever
+ Sort out your hotkeys

Apart from this your injects are not terrible so tbh get the hotkeys and a decent build order and you will fly out of bronze in a week or so
Hope this helps and if there are any mistakes then I am sorry but its getting late and I need my bed :L

Thank you for taking the time to watch my vid and write about the areas i need to improve.

I have been watching videos to get the most out of my game (i had downloaded apollos new vi but not had the time to watch it). I have heard that it is possible to have the hatcheries all one key but i cannot work it how to select them all at once, any idea?

As for my hydra+roach army its because i seem to get pwn'd by air attacks often and it was my counter. I do realise its not optimum so i will look into getting that sorted asap.

In some of my later games last night i was much better with the tech upgrades. It does make a difference in a lot encounters.

Hotkeys i know are a serious weakness, you only have to watch the korean replays to see the pace they move around the map at. I hope it just practice.

Are zergling armies that powerful? I always go for roaches because i find my lings getting gimped. Is there a secret to ling armies or is it just a case of sheer numbers?

And what is a macro hatch? Is it just a base to pump out units?

Again thanks for all your help :)
Thank you for taking the time to watch my vid and write about the areas i need to improve.

I have been watching videos to get the most out of my game (i had downloaded apollos new vi but not had the time to watch it). I have heard that it is possible to have the hatcheries all one key but i cannot work it how to select them all at once, any idea?

As for my hydra+roach army its because i seem to get pwn'd by air attacks often and it was my counter. I do realise its not optimum so i will look into getting that sorted asap.

In some of my later games last night i was much better with the tech upgrades. It does make a difference in a lot encounters.

Hotkeys i know are a serious weakness, you only have to watch the korean replays to see the pace they move around the map at. I hope it just practice.

Are zergling armies that powerful? I always go for roaches because i find my lings getting gimped. Is there a secret to ling armies or is it just a case of sheer numbers?

And what is a macro hatch? Is it just a base to pump out units?

Again thanks for all your help :)

Shift-clicking units adds to your selected units.

You can also shift-number when a unit is selected to add it to that hotkey along with whatevers already hotkey'd onto it.

Zergling armies aren't really that powerful but they make good and very cheap meat shields. I can't think of an army comp except BL/Infestor (The lategame comp) that doesn't have Zerglings in it. They're also great for runbys.

A macro hatch is a hatch placed in your base where you hotkey it just to create units from it.
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