Yikes, i log on and find sc2 on page 6 of pc games?! Hope the game's not quite dead yet
I want to start playing again at some point, who's still active these days?
(aside: BUMP!)
I've just come back from a two week holiday, but I'm playing again now! We must play more!
For some reason I've found myself getting bored of HOTS a lot quicker than I got bored of Wings when it first came out. Maybe then it was a case of starting in bronze, learning the game and moving up the ladder to diamond so signs of progress. Whereas in HOTS I placed in diamond, stayed in diamond and never go up or down?
Whatever it is, I'm bored now
Thats probably just the plateau you reach.
I believe they have also changed it so you can no longer be demoted.... which I think sucks!