Ouija boards - don't mess with them

I used to get abducted by aliens a lot, always when walking back from the pub. They'd erase my memory, steal all my cigarettes and fill my pockets with loose change before dumping me in my bed with my shoes still on.

does the memory erasal give you a bad headache in the morning? i've heard that's pretty common
Yes, Derren Brown is about as big a skeptic as you can get. He's worked to debunk the nonsense on moral grounds.

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Derek Acorah. :D

Anyone remember when he was scuppered by a bloke on his team? Twice, lol.

...He devised a plan to see if Derek was deliberately deceiving the public.

While on a shoot at Bodmin gaol he invented a long-dead South African jailer called Kreed Kafer - an anagram of Derek Faker.

"I wrote the name down and asked another member of the crew to mention it to Derek before filming.

"I honestly didn't think Derek would take the bait. But during the filming he actually got possessed by my fictional character!"

On the next shoot at Prideaux Place, Cornwall, Ciaran made up another fictional character, highwayman Rik Eedles - an anagram of Derek Lies. Sure enough, Derek made contact with the dead outlaw.

i was referring to Derren's debunking of Ancorah, and the fact people still go see Ancorah.

Fair enough, it looked like you were comparing the two.
Look at some of the James Randi debunking stuff, he debunked Uri Geller on live TV in front of millions but nobody cared.
He even debunked a very famous spiritual preacher who ended up going to prison but when he came out people still flock to him.
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