How bad are the different Hells of the various religions?
Are we talking Slough levels of bad?
Worse - Scunthorpe.
How bad are the different Hells of the various religions?
Are we talking Slough levels of bad?
Oh ****!Worse - Scunthorpe.
How bad are the different Hells of the various religions?
Are we talking Slough levels of bad?
Modern or back in the sensible days of the Shahs?Tehran.
Modern or back in the sensible days of the Shahs?
Does anal count or no?Modern, everyone's a virgin.
referencing post #45.
Does anal count or no?
Craziest thing is, I expect that's what they'll believe.Its just Allah testing them. The ones that die are truly blessed.
As always there are exceptions to everything, and Ramadan is no different in that you actually can eat and/or drink for many various reasons (the two you mention above are included), rather than it being a blanket ban. However, its still upto the individual to decide what to do, and quite a few I worked with in the aviation world (which is exempt if req'd) still preferred to adhere to their Fast and, as such, accommodations around work hours etc had to be made for them for everyone's safety.