Overclockers UK Grand Opening!! Saturday 10th November

Wow those deals are amazing! Do they qualify for next day....er...wait a minute, only available to visitors to the store? Hmm, OK, tank and a half of petrol, leave at 3Am to get there on time, estimate about £120 in petrol alone....not worth it.

Well done guys, you just screwed over the many people that can't visit the store. I'd say there are more customers that can't practically go to the store than customers who can. nice effort chaps.

This should clear things up

Cannot display the rest of the images.
BTW is there stock limitation for these offers?

There is I believe but it's unknown :(.

I still love the people moaning that it's too far for them to travel to make use of the deals, when they in fact forget that it's a local shop opening...

The idea is that it's a store for people local anyway - it's not as if you're going to travel 120miles each time you want to buy something. The level of retardation in this thread has reached critical mass!
There is I believe but it's unknown :(.

I still love the people moaning that it's too far for them to travel to make use of the deals, when they in fact forget that it's a local shop opening...

The idea is that it's a store for people local anyway - it's not as if you're going to travel 120miles each time you want to buy something. The level of retardation in this thread has reached critical mass!

I'll say no more ;)

Seriously though, of course it's frustrating for those of you not close enough to travel down, but at the same time, not all of our customers use for forum and we always have loads of offers and competitions limited to forum members, so time to do something for our local customers too. Plus, we've got a whole bunch of deals that will be announced only on the forum today, so you guys really aren't being left out on this :D
My m8 has put is sleeping bag in his car and is taking 2 flasks of soup hes leaving here at 2am so he can be at overclockers for 3am then hes going to sleep in is car ready to be first in the queue.
I think hes crazy really but its up to him.
My m8 has put is sleeping bag in his car and is taking 2 flasks of soup hes leaving here at 2am so he can be at overclockers for 3am then hes going to sleep in is car ready to be first in the queue.
I think hes crazy really but its up to him.

Wow that is sad.
I was considering heading down tonight. Being there at 12pm tonight and having a kip is probably easier than getting up in the middle of the night and driving down. I'll see how the weather is looking later though.
Hm...2 to 2 and half hour each way between Milton Keynes and OcUK (Newcastle), and around £25 of fuel each way...

As much as I would like to come (even if it's just for a look-around), I'm afraid it is not happening...:(
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Looks like I'm going to be driving down solo now :( Like hell am I getting up at 4AM to be there crazy early though. I'm gonna get there for 830/9 maybe
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