Overclockers UK Grand Opening!! Saturday 10th November

If I convinced a friend who lives in Birminghmam to travel to the Grand Opening and get there for 9:00 would he have a good chance of picking up the good deals like the

£49.99 Monitor
£199 7970
£49.99 Intel SSD

Could we get some idea of the amounts that will be available? I understand it is limited and not to expect much turning up Mid Day. But people making a trip to get there for 9:00 will there be a high chance of picking up the above deals or not?
If I convinced a friend who lives in Birminghmam to travel to the Grand Opening and get there for 9:00 would he have a good chance of picking up the good deals like the

£49.99 Monitor
£199 7970
£49.99 Intel SSD

Could we get some idea of the amounts that will be available? I understand it is limited and not to expect much turning up Mid Day. But people making a trip to get there for 9:00 will there be a high chance of picking up the above deals or not?

I suspect with only at least 10 on the 7970 and the cheap price, these will all sell to people who got there before 9am.

It has been said on here by ocuk that they have ample stock of the ssd drives so looks like there is a substantial number of them.

I reckon for the biggest savings and hence most popolar items that unless you are there before 7.30am you will luck out.

I have seen at least 5 people who have claimed they will be there for 5am to get the monitors and 7970 so that's half accounted for already.
I still love the people moaning that it's too far for them to travel to make use of the deals, when they in fact forget that it's a local shop opening...

A local shop for local people.........Tubs :p
I still love the people moaning that it's too far for them to travel to make use of the deals, when they in fact forget that it's a local shop opening...

A local shop for local people.........Tubs :p

That would stack up if ocuk hadn't emailed invites to people who live hundreds of miles away..................
No I;m going. Just saying why send invites to people hundreds of miles away if it's just for locals?

Because then people would moan that they classed themselves as local and feel left out because they didn't get an email!

You can't please everyone ;)
Damn I hate living so far away from, well, everything!!

Could quite easily blow a grand on those opening day deals :(
I'm camped outside already :p

nah not really :p but I will be there for before opening time. Sales wise I'm only really after one of the Asus monitors as it would be perfect for my dad so hopefully I can get one.

I'll probably pick up a few other bits and bobs as well, i'm tempted to get a g9x and that nice msi 7950 that is on offer (assuming there are no 7970s left) :p
For anyone coming along, if you have the OcUK stock codes for the general items you are wanting that will help 5UB and the guys on the counter.
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