Overclockers UK Grand Opening!! Saturday 10th November

I'm annoyed because people rolled up at 6am (fair play to them) and the doors opened.......it advertised 9, 8.20 is plenty of time for being there 9am.....but the doors had already opened 2.5 hours earlier, had it said on the website 6am I'd of got there then!!!!!!

Simple enough to understand moan!!!

No, it's not enough to understand your moaning. You would NOT of got anything if for example 30 people were there before you on the 'limited' items. Regardless of raffle tickets, all they were was to make sure the people who got there 1st knew there place.. Even without them, the same people would be in a queue waiting wouldn't they? You still wouldn't of got anything. Grow up.. :rolleyes:

40 minutes before this kind of event and you expect it to be near empty? You were dreaming.. I understand your frustration, but regardless you would still have those same people in front of you. The raffle tickets have not changed the amount of people in front..
So glad I didn't bother, opening the doors at 6am without clearly stating this was going to be the case is absolute crap.

Why? By seeing a crowd at 6am and proactively opening the doors earlier all it would mean is that the queues would be cleared earlier thus making it a better experience for everyone. The same people would all have been there first though whatever time they opened.

It's not rocket science? :confused:
All these posts moaning, I don't understand. Everyone knew it was first come, first served?? Regardless those people were there first...
So glad I didn't bother, opening the doors at 6am without clearly stating this was going to be the case is absolute crap.

What difference does it make?

The people who got there early were given tickets so they could get the offers they wanted.

They would have been ahead of anyone who turned up at nearer 9am regardless of what happened.
If people got there before you they would have been ahead of you in the queue for the best deals regardless of what time the doors were opened.

The raffle tickets were handed out so that those who got there first had first pick of the deals.

With bargains like that you honestly expected to turn up 40 minutes before opening and not find a lot of people had got there before you?

This pretty summarises why no one should be moaning. Irrelevant what time the doors opened, you wouldn't be getting anything unless you were there early enough to actually get a ticket anyway.
Why? By seeing a crowd at 6am and proactively opening the doors earlier all it would mean is that the queues would be cleared earlier thus making it a better experience for everyone. The same people would all have been there first though whatever time they opened.

Even if they'd stated they were opening at say 6am, those people that got there early would have just gotten there even earlier. The fella that was moaning would still be moaning :D
Really don't see what difference it makes whether the doors were opened early or not, or tickets were given out or whatever.

If 40 people were there before you, they were before you and whether they got to the deal at 06.00 or 09.05 before you, they'd have got to them before you regardless.

Unless you were expecting some sort of deal frenzy melee where the doors just opened and whoever fought their way to graphics card X first got the deal, I don't really see the problem.
Some people on this thread moaning , you must be brain dead, always the case, you snoooze you lose.

A very good offer from ocuk, well done on the ones who braved the cold night for a bargain.
I'm annoyed because people rolled up at 6am (fair play to them) and the doors opened.......it advertised 9, 8.20 is plenty of time for being there 9am.....but the doors had already opened 2.5 hours earlier, had it said on the website 6am I'd of got there then!!!!!!

Simple enough to understand moan!!!

And you would still have been in the queue AFTER the people that had arrived before you.
Or maybe someone doesn't understand the concept of first come first served? Maybe you thought it would have been fair to push your way to the front of the queue? :rolleyes:
It says 9am on the website!!!!! Didn't mention handing out tickets or anything at all !!!!!

Had I known that I would not of bothered!!!!! If they said clearly "we will hand out tickets from 5am in the morning etc"... I'd of said, er no I won't bother.

Petrol money please ocuk

All you need to know, regardless of when they handed out tickets : People were there infront of you so tough on you really!

If people are going to an opening event with limited stocks (take the iphone for example) they tend to queue up early.

Petrol money = lmao - your problem there dude!
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