Overclocking the i7 920

Yeah no wonder it was crapping out :P

To be honest, I'm surprised it even BOOTED at 3.8GHz with that voltage! Haha.

Btw, what's a safe QPI voltage? I have my system running @ 4GHz now, with 1.325V on the core, and 1.64V on my RAM, and QPI set at 1.36V. That sound ok?

Going to have to leave this for tonight. Time for work sadly. Will continue to overclock tomorrow afternoon from around 2ish.
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Only firm rule when overclocking the i7 is do not have more 0.50v difference between the QPI and RAM voltages else damage can occur.
Only firm rule when overclocking the i7 is do not have more 0.50v difference between the QPI and RAM voltages else damage can occur.

Really? Not heard that before. What's the reason?

*Runs to check his isn't over 0.50v difference* LOL
Only firm rule when overclocking the i7 is do not have more 0.50v difference between the QPI and RAM voltages else damage can occur.

If this is the case, then you can surely set QPI voltage to 1.6V then, esp as most RAM runs at around 1.5-1.65V. I have mine running at 1.64V. But if max recomended QPI voltage is around 1.375V or so, then that 0.5V rule can't be massively important.
Thanks for the settings Diablo, i still can't get my pc to run a stable overclock at 4ghz, the fastest i can get it to run stable is using easytune6 and letting it overclock my system to 3.2GHZ wwhich is really dissapointing...I must have been sold a dud!
Only overclocking to 3.2Ghz? Ouch mate. Make sure you set those voltages properly. Don't do what I did mate. I thought I had a crap chip too, but I was doing wrong voltages (1.13V instead of 1.3V on Vcore). Even a bad chip should surely be able to make 3.6GHz + I would have thought?

Keep trying mate. Don't give up.

Anyway. Today is stress testing day for me.
What would be the best combination of programs to run to test my i7 @ 4GHz?

There was a good post the other day, about what to run, but I can't find it anymore sadly =(

Edit: So, I just run 50 cycles of LinX. CPU passed at 4GHz, in 14 mins 50 seconds.

Temps not going over 80C on CPU. That is with the side of my case off for now (just in case anything goes wrong). Need to tidy up the cabling, and close it back up, but hopefully it shouldn't change much. Don't have any real airflow into the case on the side when the side isn't on, and room temp, is around 22C.

Idling at around 40-45C currently.

Those temps sound ok?
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madindehead, i wish that were the case mate, i have gone over the temps more than once,but still no success, even with the bios's sent to me by ocuk didn't work?
The temps are very fine. Linx doe'snt really work the QPI or RAM just the cores themselves so something like Prime95 on blend would test that.
If you bought the overclocked bundle from OC themselves, I would be very VERY surprised it doesn't work. They aren't the kind of people to send you a dud setup. I thought the guys there said not to fiddle with settings if they clocked it for you, but to send them a webnote etc?
madindehead, did you use the exact same settings as Diablo?

What is your memory running at the moment?

Please psot your bios settings if possible, I wanna try gert thie heap of mine sorted out this weekend...hopefully
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