Myself and Yewen have done extensive testing over the past few days to ensure that the hardware can pass stress under heavy load
the bundle was left overnight inside a cardboard box to restrict airflow whilst running prime on the cpu and furmark on a gtx 280
the temps were high but simulated a case with bad airflow
in all fairness i would recommend this bundle be put in a case with good airflow
something along the lines of an antec 900
but it has been tested in a worst case scenario environment
i originally specified a noctua cooler - but myself and Yewen noted a massive improvement in cooling performance when using a Fenrir
here is the 14hours screenshot under prime
notice the max temps not even touching 80'c
this is excellent for air cooling
but i must stress that a good case and reliaable power supply is reccommended to get similar results
when all said and done...
this is a seriously BANGRA BUNDLE!!!
Myself and Yewen have done extensive testing over the past few days to ensure that the hardware can pass stress under heavy load
the bundle was left overnight inside a cardboard box to restrict airflow whilst running prime on the cpu and furmark on a gtx 280
the temps were high but simulated a case with bad airflow
in all fairness i would recommend this bundle be put in a case with good airflow
something along the lines of an antec 900
but it has been tested in a worst case scenario environment
i originally specified a noctua cooler - but myself and Yewen noted a massive improvement in cooling performance when using a Fenrir
here is the 14hours screenshot under prime
notice the max temps not even touching 80'c
this is excellent for air cooling
but i must stress that a good case and reliaable power supply is reccommended to get similar results
when all said and done...
this is a seriously BANGRA BUNDLE!!!