
Is it ~£26 alright? (from cdkeys)

The little bits of cosmetic loot and stuff aren't really a big deal - as long as they stick to what they've said about not charging for heroes/weapons as that would completely ruin things
I was playing as Pharah a bit yesterday (the one with Jump jets) and her Ultimate is a barrage of rockets wherever you activate it (normally above everybody)

But I didn't realise Roadhog could use his Chain Hook to snatch you out of the sky whilst doing this, so he shut me down and killed me as soon as I activated it.

I have no idea how a lot of characters work (Zenyatta - The robot healer confused the hell out of me) but it does seem like there is always a counter and nobody is overpowered.

A good Tank and healer combo is fairly essential for attacking though.
Game could do with a more comprehensive tutorial as most games are ruined by people deathmatching and not working towards the objective, common issue when something is free.
you forgot tracer triple dash in, put ult down rewind out

Oh yeah, I tried to avoid listing the ones which use ults as counters though.

Genji is probably one of the best counters to Bastion tbh, that reflect just destroys him instantly.
Bastion counters:

Pharah, Junkrat, Genji, Mei, Snipers, Roadhog

Pharah can shoot him from long range, Junkrat you can grenade him from around corners, Genji reflects all the bullets back and kills him instantly, Mei puts a wall in front of him, Snipers snipe him out from long range, Roadhog hooks him out of his turret mode.

Or you can just put a healer and reinhardt in near him and then most of the above is moot.

Especially since his range is pretty much as far as you can see.

Don't get me wrong he can be countered but most games are the same thing which is a bit disappointing.

Its a public match issue and will always be one. 90% of players simply won't pick to counter and i've lost the will the amount of times i've had to play a healer.
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Beta Key for anyone who wants it. Trust me.

Edit: Gone

Absolutely loving this Sin_Chase so thank you for that key :)

My brain still does a big 'NOPE ... WAIT ... OK' when I flick from the Unreal Tournament pre-Alpha to this game but to be honest, I'm having more fun in Overwatch than UT.

Not having played WOW for years either, I'm not entirely sure how I'm getting a 28ms ping in NZ so I assume they put in some Oceania servers at some point since 2007? Regardless, this is probably the most fun in a team game I've had in a long while and whilst I'm a big TF2 fan and supporter, this is just ... well, it's pretty bloody brilliant. It's astonishingly fun and well done.
Ranked play helps out with games being 2 rounds and a sudden death round should it end 1 - 1, rather than games just ending after 1 round. Gives games more purpose, plus a reason to win (move up in divisions)

As people play the game more and become more knowledgeable on team setups and counters, I'm hoping it also improves gameplay. There's also very large difference to quality of games right now, compared to playing in the beta because of this.
Has there been any talk about how the game will be supported going forward, will they release free updates or is there DLC planned?
Played a few games last night, enjoyed it quite a lot. Mainly playing support classes as playing a few friends. I'm glad they have a large impact on the game, more of an incentive to play them.

I amsuingly enough played one of my first games as Reinhart... didn't remember from the tutorial about hitting F1 to see a list of abilities and then couldn't work out what my secondary fire tapping RMB was doing so just ignored it...

Hence my surprise/embarassment when I finally realised that it's probably the single most important aspect of playing as that hero :p I wasn't in the voice channel but I bet my team-mates weren't impressed
Had a few hours on this last night to see what it's all about. Not sure it's worth £40+ because there's just not enough there for me. I'm not a fan of Team Fortress and this just felt like I was playing a more colourful version of it.
My ex wow. Wildstar guides are raving about this but it looks nothing more than another tf2 with a hefty price tag.

I can't imagine the pure chaos and lack of teamplay pubbing will be anything to get excited for.
It's OK. I've been having fun so far but that's mostly because I'm playing with a group of friends.

It seems to suffer from all the negatives of TF2/other class-based FPS, but I think like someone mentioned above it's early days and once people learn more about the game and the characters there will be less frustration with the rest of your team. The matchmaking algorithm also needs time to get balanced matches sorted.

I've found that Lucio is good for encouraging your team to be more aggressive - the number of games I've had where people would just camp out at a corner (when attacking) until the time ran out is unreal.
Sooooo, played a premade last night with some mates. And it's exactly what I don't want. Entering pre made matches is not to my taste as you have to work out strategies, counters etc. Not my cuppa

Which is annoying, as I just fancy a blast with mates.
Sooooo, played a premade last night with some mates. And it's exactly what I don't want. Entering pre made matches is not to my taste as you have to work out strategies, counters etc. Not my cuppa

Which is annoying, as I just fancy a blast with mates.

See, i want that competitive feel to it, that's what i'm looking for mainly although i agree with you casual should be casual.

I hope they will add a ranked queue which would hopefully draw premades towards that and leave the normal queueing to people who just want to have fun and not try hard to much.
why are people saying hefty price tag?

It cost me £26 from CD keys.

You don't have to buy it directly from blizzard.
Even from Blizz it's only £30 for the standard version (only difference is cosmetics/stuff for other games and Tracer in HotS for those that play) which is reasonable imo.

I imagine most are comparing it to other team based shooters though. CSGO being £10 (5 on sale, from steam, cheaper elsewhere I imagine) and TF2 which is F2P now I think.

I think the price is fine personally, but I can see why people may think it's expensive when compared to other games.
They just need to lower the damage on everything by about 1/3. There are so many one hit kill abilities that it's just so meat grinder-y at the moment.

Walk 20 seconds towards objective
Die in one second to something
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