
They just need to lower the damage on everything by about 1/3. There are so many one hit kill abilities that it's just so meat grinder-y at the moment.

Walk 20 seconds towards objective
Die in one second to something

Then everyone would moan about bullet soaking.... Anyway if that's your experience then your doing it wrong.

Sniper - 1 shot kill
Hanzo - 1 shot kill
Bastion hiding in the corner - dead in under a second
Tracer 3 blinks towards you and half a clip and you're dead.

There's just so much instakill stuff that you can't react to. It's spammy as hell.

The maps seem open but have so many ridiculous choke points that the enemy can just turtle behind. It promotes ridiculously campy gameplay (with the exception of tracers which you will just die to constantly)

Sniper - 1 shot kill
Hanzo - 1 shot kill
Bastion hiding in the corner - dead in under a second
Tracer 3 blinks towards you and half a clip and you're dead.

There's just so much instakill stuff that you can't react to. It's spammy as hell.

Must admit I've noticed few one shot kills. Normally I've taken damage without noticing.

What character are you playing as?
Tried all sorts of characters. I quite like Mercy's skill set but there are so many things around that instakill you that it's just pointless. Pharah seems pretty fun but again her skillset doesn't mesh with the game, going up into the air is absolute suicide.
If you play as low hp characters you die really quickly, Tracer (and the other 2 150hp heroes) dies to one body shot from Widowmaker for example.

You can't die to half a tracer clip though, that's only 120 damage if every shot hits :p. Hanzo only hits for 135 damage iirc (he fires much faster than WM so he does less damage). This is for body shots, if you're getting hit in the head you should be dying quick :D.

Edit: I'd definitely prefer it if everyone was more tanky or people did less damage, but I don't mind it too much how it is now.
Tried all sorts of characters. I quite like Mercy's skill set but there are so many things around that instakill you that it's just pointless. Pharah seems pretty fun but again her skillset doesn't mesh with the game, going up into the air is absolute suicide.

Mercy is very squishy which is kinda good as she OP as hell team wise.

Pharah is actually my main player now. Quite like her ability to jump out of the way.
I've not been killed by a single widowmaker as tracer, reaper can teleport out, or go out with a tank.

Most characters are killed easy when solo, its a team game, if you deathmatching then you will die quickly.
Sorry not meaning to come across as a **** or anything, but I don't think the criticism is just, it's lack of playtime/experience.

It's a great looking and polished game but I don't think I'll be getting though as I've got too many games to play, not enough time and while it's certainly good - it's not amazing.
The main problem for me is that it's not really a game you can enjoy solo. The 1% of the time you get in to an even match it's great, but 99% of the time it's just frustration as you desperately try to convince the half of your team that's decided the best way to attack is to pick a sniper and sit inches outside the base that they're not actually being that helpful.

Even using the "wellfare points" ultimate isn't satisfying because unless your team has some semblance of coordination they're just going to continue to pile ammo into a Reinhardt shield and sit in their cosy corner.

With teammates, voice comms, and a vaguely even match it's great fun. Honestly though, I had more fun with the Doom beta than this.
I get what your saying, i'd guess that only 30/35% of the games i've played have been fun / balanced.

It's no fun being locked in or locking the other team in - i've said it above, but free access lets anyone try it, including many that have no interest in this type of game - so they pick whoever they think looks the most awesome, ignore the objectives and then essentially ruin it for everyone else.
I get what your saying, i'd guess that only 30/35% of the games i've played have been fun / balanced.

It's no fun being locked in or locking the other team in - i've said it above, but free access lets anyone try it, including many that have no interest in this type of game - so they pick whoever they think looks the most awesome, ignore the objectives and then essentially ruin it for everyone else.

Well, this is bound to happen with an open beta. I guess the hope is that those that try it will like the game enough to buy it, learn to play properly and create a healthy playerbase, without which a game like this can't function. But it could backfire because the gameplay deteriorates with all the headless chickenry that goes on in an open beta.

I'm speaking as someone who has only tried the game due to the open beta but always tries to go for objectives in matches (in any PvP / multiplayer game I play). I've found it's not worth bothering with the PvP matches because they mostly descend into pointless death matches and everyone playing the current fotm cheese. So I've been sticking with Players vs AI matches. But this gets old fast and none of this is making me inclined to buy the game.
Just installed this and it crashes as soon as I get into any game or tutorial. GPU drivers are not the latest but I cba updating them tonight :(
Got matched with what I assume was a 5 man party earlier, they all locked in Thorbjörn and told me to do the same, which I did for a laugh. Six Bob the Builders mindlessly running about while their turrets do the work actually worked better than I'd expected, although I've never felt so redundant in my life :D

Loving this game. Been hooked on the beta since it went open. Pretty sure I'll buy the game at some point.

Battle ID is Shwdi#2533 if anyone wants to add.
Got matched with what I assume was a 5 man party earlier, they all locked in Thorbjörn and told me to do the same, which I did for a laugh. Six Bob the Builders mindlessly running about while their turrets do the work actually worked better than I'd expected, although I've never felt so redundant in my life :D

Loving this game. Been hooked on the beta since it went open. Pretty sure I'll buy the game at some point.

Battle ID is Shwdi#2533 if anyone wants to add.

Your kidding right? Haha that may well have been us, one of my friends said let's all choose him and we all did. They didn't even get close to getting the objective.
Was up against a team of Genji's last night, felt like a scene from FEAR with those speedy ninja's everywhere.
They should just rename "play of the game" to "Q of the game". In ~10 games last night 9 play of the game's were from a hanzo ult.
Your kidding right? Haha that may well have been us, one of my friends said let's all choose him and we all did. They didn't even get close to getting the objective.

Love trying new things. I've noticed there are different ways to win as well which makes the game interesting.

I actually recorded the game so managed to grab a shot of the teams. I'm guessing you were one of these: :p

They should just rename "play of the game" to "Q of the game". In ~10 games last night 9 play of the game's were from a hanzo ult.

Really? Not "Bastion fire in one spot continuously of the game"? :p

I'm enjoying it... one question though - if you buy the Origins edition off of cdkeys.com do you get the key right away? Or will the game be locked again after the Beta until the 24th?
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