I switched over from console like 10 years ago but still play everything on pad. Im I bit reluctant to make the switch to keyboard and mouse because of wrist injury.
I got the xbox razer wolverine tournment pad, it's pretty good for overwatch as it has extra button on top to use for jump so you can keep both thumbs on at all times and still mash jump. Also it has button on back that you can use to slow down sensitivity for more accurate aiming and the sticks have a nice amount of sensitivity to them.
Anytime I'm playing above 3000sr I normally just play healer (lucio,brig,mercy) my aim is no where near the level needed to play dps above 3k, but I did have a match earlier at 3000sr where no one actually wanted to play dps so I played Mei. We did lose the round though so someone else took dps and I went monkey and we won.
I got potg here is the clip, as you can see my aim is far from perfect, I only got the one headshot and they were standing still. I did land a nice ult though freezing 4 people.
Here is a random lucio potg from earlier today. He plays surprisingly well on pad, I got to 3500 the other season just playing him.
My best character is Brig though and even though she had 35 nerfs since release and sucks as a character right now she is probably still my best. Even playing on pad there isn't much you can't do with her.
Here is a funny clip from earlier today.