
Hopefully get back to playing soon. Had a little break, little one has been keeping me busy. You guys still playing regularly?
Aim alone can still get you to diamond and above

Yeah the great dps players like you scott only really need aim and some common sense to get high ranks.

I think with the healers they really have to learn ins and outs of the game to rank up. There is surprising amount of players in diamond and masters that play nothing but mercy. They rank up by just knowing the game well and knowing their priorities.

The tanks is a mix of both you need the positioning to always be correct and the skills to be hitting shots.

3000sr on a controller is pretty impressive. I doubt there's many players much higher.

As musty says above 3000sr is actually on the low side for me.

I hit 3818sr the season before last and could have gone a little higher had my cat not changed the channel in overtime as I was about to win lol.

I would love to push up into 4000sr grand master.

I have said it before but there definitely comes point at around 3500sr where the aim of the healers no longer makes a difference. The dps players in masters normally just instantly kill anything they can see so healers main job is just staying alive and out of sight.
It is interesting to know that you've made it that high in the ranking using a controller imginy :) Obviously at a much lower rank but I think I should follow you and stick to playing tank / healer in comp until I've practiced my DPS aim in quick play more. I don't think I'll ever climb that high but I'd like to be roughly the same level across platforms.

I think once you put the hours in on pc and get to grips with keyboard and mouse you will rank up.

I think most important thing if you want to keep ranking up is to keep playing with people that are higher rank than you so you can learn how the game is played at the next rank up.

The way the game is played changes a lot as the sr climbs and what you can and can't do changes a lot.

I think as you climb out of gold it's more and more about games sense. Having a team know when to call it and back out rather than get staggered is huge. Ult timing, callouts, all the things that are just missing in lower level/quick play. That's probably where I can improve the most.

Yeah not many people like waiting or they wait at wrong times.

Normally on 2cp/control point you need to keep everyone jumping in on the fight until either you have the point or you are all dead. If your team is dead die with them.

If you die and point is lost wait at spawn until the others are back and spawned with you.

Most people don't start doing this basic game play until they reach diamond level where is becomes mandatory.

Edit:Im mainly talking about solo que games.,
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Hopefully get back to playing soon. Had a little break, little one has been keeping me busy. You guys still playing regularly?

Me and musty still playing a lot, probably around 4 nights a week 3 hours a time.

He normally comes on around 9pm.

I have been back on the game everyday for the last week about 8 hours a day.

Dont inflate his PAD SR ego anymore!! ;)

Ginny im still laughing at the salty fellow who couldn't understand a reduction from 50 > 40 is 20% .....

Are you on tonight? Maybe we can a few more of us together.
Just got the below from Blizzard

"Congratulations MustyPie#2171, you are a winner!

The next time you log in to your Blizzard Battle.net account through your Overwatch game, you will see that your account has been credited with 100 League Tokens"

Typical as i was only streaming for the emote for Lucio anyway! which i got the other night ... Anyway to gift the tokens to anyone else?
all done and dusted for me.

Until something is done with reports/trolls etc - I've uninstalled. Zero enjoyment any more, forced more and more into constantly healing and I'm bored out my mind with that role.

LFG doesn't work/solo que doesn't work. Whilst I understand these maybe my specific issues with the game, I'm totally bored with insta lock dps players, who kill nothing, do nothing, moan about healing etc. I don't want 2/2/2 all the time, I'm happy with anything, but far to many just won't switch, think they are god like dps players (despite being stuck in gold for 10 seasons).

3 wins 10 losses in last 13 games. (where's the 50% ratio?)

I actually kept a note of my last 5 games played using LFG/solo que
  • Rialto attack - 4 insta lock dps players, one tank, leaves me healing, cart goes nowhere on attack, Defence, same 4 dps insta locks - game over inside 1 minute on defence.
  • Busan - 3 dps, 2 tanks, 1 healer again - they have a pharah - we have mcree/solider/dva. Pahrah wrecks us for the 2 rounds, another loss.
  • Junkertown - 2/2/2 (shocker) - We don't get to first point on cart (I have gold elims as moira, silver damage) - defense - 3 dps, 2 tanks, me forced to heal again, round over inside 90 seconds. (top elims was 8 from me as Moira/mercy!!)
  • Next game - one trick hanzo (500 hours) - one trick solider ( 450 hours), one trick rien (679 hours!!!) - fine lets go....Me as lucio, other healer as Moira - gold elims for moira, silver elims for me as lucio.....another loss on Dorado inside 2 minutes. Rein just charged in the whole game, died every time, solider didn't ulti once, Hanzo manage one.
Zero enjoyment in the game, have no interest in it any longer. I play for some fun, banter and "hopefully" self improvement but I can't keep stick time into it when there is nothing enjoyable or fun about it. Bored out my mind with it.

Blizzard clearly don't know what to do with the game either, the amount of buffs/nerfs flying around at the moment are a joke. The game is lost, developers don't know what to do with it either. That new Paris map is dreadful.
I'll offer 2/1 on boo playing again by the end of the week. :D

I've fired it up again. Haven't been playing any comp, just playing quick play and the 4v4 death match they've got on at the moment. Enjoying it, but I'm not sure if I'll get back into comp or not.
He'll be back... like battered housewives we all come crawling back convincing ourselves that we can somehow do better and that it's not the game's fault...

I haven't done my placements this season yet, how long do I have to do them? Haven't missed a season since the game came out so would like to get them done when I can bring myself to play 10 games of this trash
He'll be back... like battered housewives we all come crawling back convincing ourselves that we can somehow do better and that it's not the game's fault...

I haven't done my placements this season yet, how long do I have to do them? Haven't missed a season since the game came out so would like to get them done when I can bring myself to play 10 games of this trash

You get six weeks per season i think, we are only on the first or second week of the current one i believe?
I'll offer 2/1 on boo playing again by the end of the week. :D
He'll be back... l

not this time boys - why do anything for "fun" when it's clearly not fun. I get limited gaming time due to work/kids/family stuff so time to move on. Apex keeps me happy and I've got back into driving games recently.

When Blizzard actually decide to stop messing around with the game, nerf this/buff that etc, I may return but the recent maps have been awful (Paris/Lunar/Busan) - Been 18 months since a new cart map.
Apex is fantastic... after playing Overwatch as my main go-to online shooter for a couple of years it was almost a shock to the system going back to a game that actually felt competitive and skill based. I'm not great at it but when I do well or badly I can clearly understand what I did wrong or what the enemies did right and learn from that for future games...
I actually kept a note of my last 5 games played using LFG/solo que
  • Rialto attack - 4 insta lock dps players, one tank, leaves me healing, cart goes nowhere on attack, Defence, same 4 dps insta locks - game over inside 1 minute on defence.
  • Busan - 3 dps, 2 tanks, 1 healer again - they have a pharah - we have mcree/solider/dva. Pahrah wrecks us for the 2 rounds, another loss.
  • Junkertown - 2/2/2 (shocker) - We don't get to first point on cart (I have gold elims as moira, silver damage) - defense - 3 dps, 2 tanks, me forced to heal again, round over inside 90 seconds. (top elims was 8 from me as Moira/mercy!!)
  • Next game - one trick hanzo (500 hours) - one trick solider ( 450 hours), one trick rien (679 hours!!!) - fine lets go....Me as lucio, other healer as Moira - gold elims for moira, silver elims for me as lucio.....another loss on Dorado inside 2 minutes. Rein just charged in the whole game, died every time, solider didn't ulti once, Hanzo manage one.

Tbf, that's only 4 games and 2½ of the problems can't happen with LFG :p
Tbf, that's only 4 games and 2½ of the problems can't happen with LFG :p

I can go on and write up another 8 games if you want, I did keep notes as I was looking for some answers/ideas to think about how to change things.

LFG can be just as bad......roles are locked - your stuck with 2/2/2 and no option to change anything. If roles are unlocked, many many games people just play what they want despite picking healer, they go dps/vice versa.

I liked the idea of LFG to start with, it worked well, but locked roles are so restrictive that you can't change anything unless you have 1/2 flex etc
I actually kept a note of my last 5 games played using LFG/solo que
  • Rialto attack - 4 insta lock dps players, one tank, leaves me healing, cart goes nowhere on attack, Defence, same 4 dps insta locks - game over inside 1 minute on defence.
  • Busan - 3 dps, 2 tanks, 1 healer again - they have a pharah - we have mcree/solider/dva. Pahrah wrecks us for the 2 rounds, another loss.
  • Junkertown - 2/2/2 (shocker) - We don't get to first point on cart (I have gold elims as moira, silver damage) - defense - 3 dps, 2 tanks, me forced to heal again, round over inside 90 seconds. (top elims was 8 from me as Moira/mercy!!)
  • Next game - one trick hanzo (500 hours) - one trick solider ( 450 hours), one trick rien (679 hours!!!) - fine lets go....Me as lucio, other healer as Moira - gold elims for moira, silver elims for me as lucio.....another loss on Dorado inside 2 minutes. Rein just charged in the whole game, died every time, solider didn't ulti once, Hanzo manage one.

I'm by no means a great player, but I would still take a look at your own performance and look where you can improve. Gold Elim's as Moira is quite common actually, because her orbs often proc the last hit for the elim counters. Its your raw healing stats you need to look at. If those are good for the match considering, then yes your DPS are probably bad.

Elims / damage stats have to be taken with a pinch of salt. You can get gold/silver damage as Moira quite easy, if your up against big tanks (like hog/dva) and focus them with your right click all the time your alive. Does this mean your out DPS'ing the DPS players? Not really no.It just means your target priority is wrong.

Not saying that is the case in your games per say, just an example that the medals don't really mean **** when you look at things bigger picture.

The above said, i still agree with a lot of the negativity with this game, but its the same with any team based MP game. A lot of things are out of your control - and at times that can be very frustrating.

That's why I very rarely solo queue anymore.
My wife mains Moira, we can destroy as DPS but she always ends up with gold elims, it's her E syphon ball that does it.

As others have said, just play the best you can and move on.
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