The current patch changes are interesting, and, as always, some will have more impact than others.
I'm always happy for a Soldier buff, but damage going from 19 to 20 is small in my eyes... Blizzard's justification is that you can kill a target with one less bullet, so a 200hp target is taken down with 10 rather than 11 hits... may make a difference, but I doubt my elims will suddenly increase dramatically.
I'm not sure about Reaper's nerf... the last buff changed health recovered from 30 to 50%, now reducing to 40%. I've being playing a lot of Reaper lately, and I've found some games that you do really well and get gold elims and damage, but other games where I've really struggled because the other teams specifically focuses you down, or your healers think Reaper needs zero support because he self heals and they expect you to win 1 v 6 fights (playing with
@imginy on Sunday, and our Moira (who spent the whole match primarily attacking their tanks) was abusing me for rushing the point to stall at 99% and questioning why was I losing against six opponents). Reaper still does big damage is the hands of a good player at gold level, but it will be interesting to see the impact of this change.
Mcree now does 300 damage with fan the hammer compared to 330 damage... not sure this is going to change much.
Torb change to move some armour from overload to base stats is a nice quality of life change, and will make him a bit more viable (as he is an easy target).
However, the anti-goats changes are huge when combining these Symm and Junk buffs with the recent nerfs. However, I still don't think OWL hero selection will change significantly until Baptiste is available (remains to be seen if he is favoured by the pros).
I think the Symm buff might be significant if you play a lot of Symm and know what you're doing. 'Your Overwatch' seem to think the new JR buff is huge: