Blizzard said the SR on the PTR would would be all over the place at the start as it is still being tuned. People in my games have said they are losing or gaining up to 150SR after games. I've been gaining 60-70 SR and losing 50-60SR on Tanks and support. When it hits live as seaosn 18 it is still in beta so expect the same wild variances. But season 18 is only 2 weeks long.
Placing 2800 is still really goodI'd be happy with 5 loses and not losing serious amounts of SR.
Yeah I'm happy enough with the SR I got, I main tank most of the time so would have hoped that my tank SR would be close to what it is on my account now, and it is... I expect if I do my support/dps placements I will be a bit lower than that (hopefully still gold or above)...
You might be surprised. I'm also a tank main (mostly) and I hold around 2900 with a peak at nearly 310 on live (placed 2950 on PTR as expected). my DPS placements were 2750 and my support was 3162 (climbed to 3225). I reckon as a tank player you have all the game sense/knowledge locked down. Just click heads as DPS. EZ mode!![]()
Sadly I can't hitscan to save my in-game life... I'm much more of a projectile fan (or other things that don't require precision aiming)... Support I tend to do okay provided I keep the role in mind... will be interesting to see what I get
Yeah, I'm an alright McCree but a very average DPS player. Reaper is where it's at and I'm going to try and get good with Mei too for the cheese.
Good luck with your DPS/support placements
Reaper is my DPS main nowadays, so the new meta suits me... only issue right now is the other 4 instalock DPS picks in every game! I haven't been on PTR recently, so need to start using role-lock! Also looking forward to role-lock for games when I play tank... will be nice to always have 2 healers!
Good luck with your DPS/support placements
So I did my support placements on PTR last night... interestingly seems to show that the game must have some sort of idea where it wants to put you based on I guess your existing stats for the different roles?
Tank - lost all 5 games, placed 2700 ish
Support - won 4 games and drew 1, placed 2480
The games went pretty well too, I played Moira in most of them; low deaths, gold healing in every game with what seemed like a reasonably high amount of healing... tried to focus on keeping the team up instead of getting carried away chasing kills
Interesting stuff!
Good job, 1 win away from plat!
They have apparently been tracking role MMR for the last 12 months ready for the new system. Jeff gave this information in a live stream with Seagul.
Overwatch central did an summary/info vid on it recently
Still can't really "get" the SR on this game.
I started at 2500 in comp today. Lost first game with a leaver, dropped 25SR. Then played and won with their team having a leaver, got 5SR back. Lost again a close game, another 18 SR goes, Won next game, close match, but good game, gained 8SR.
So I'm 2-2 on the day - yet I'm down 30SR?? how is that right? I had gold heals in all 4 games on my side.
Get ya self into diamond then win loss is same every game.
Easier said than done though, I tried getting back into game but struggling to gain any sr. Seems impossible for me to carry the team right now, the characters I play well (brig/lucio/rein/monkey/mercy) have a been nerfed too much for me to carry **** team mates to victory.
Currently stuck around 2500, going to grind it out this week see if I can make diamond before season ends.
Can't see my rank moving much it's just win one lose one.
Hopefully I will like new brig, I did try on ptr once but her shield was bugging out and I was getting killed even with shield up.