
I think I'm getting the hang of this. Overwatch is a really strange beast. It's uber spammy. Possibly the most spammy fps there has ever been. Yet there's skill in being able to navigate a path through the chaos. And some of the characters take real skill in use. Quake railgun twitch levels of skill. And it kind of all works. Weird, fun game.
I need to post a couple videos of mine :D and remember my battlenet log to grab others :) some matches go awesome and others.....ffs if you're playing a healer.....actually heal oh they quit; or changed from a healer.......*head desk*
Quake railgun twitch levels of skill.

Said no decent quake player ever lol. The game is far too slow to ever compare to aiming in quake. I feel like this game is far too lenient too with its hitboxes. The abilities that dont auto track for you seem to have really forgiving hitboxes. Look at hanzo arrows, take more ability to miss than hit with those :P

I am still enjoying the game with my friends for what it is so dont take my post as hate, but individually skillful it certainly isnt. More about an organised team with proper team makeup.
Is Bloomfield active? He has the first post on page 50, maybe just use that to list everyone? Or top of any page I guess.

I'm AndyCr15#2763.
patch notes:

Peacekeeper - Alternate fire
Recovery time (i.e. the amount of time before McCree starts reloading) decreased from 0.75 seconds to 0.3 seconds
Bullet damage decreased from 70 to 45 (Probably reverse patch form this)
Developer Comments: McCree was performing too well against all targets, making him feel like a must-pick in many situations. By reducing the damage of his alternate fire, McCree is now significantly weaker against tanks like Roadhog and Reinhardt, but still maintains his lethality against smaller targets like Tracer and Genji.

Widow’s Kiss - Alternate fire (Scoped Shot)
Base damage decreased from 15 to 12
Note: Scoped shot damage multiplier remains unchanged
Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2x to 2.5x
Players must now wait for the unscoping animation to completely finish before scoping
Infra-Sight (Ult)
Ultimate charge cost increased by 10%
*Developer Comments: In the right hands, Widowmaker can often feel unstoppable—even when just landing body shots instead of critical heads shots. The changes to her alternate fire weaken body shot damage while leaving her headshot damage unchanged. Additionally, we felt her Ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, was coming up a little too frequently, especially considering its impact on the game. *

Bug Fixed
Improved stability of the High Bandwidth option in Custom Games
Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to gain Ultimate charge whenever damage boosting an ally who was attacking a barrier or Ice Wall
Fixed a bug that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on a certain maps
Fixed an issue with collision on certain areas of Dorado not blocking line of sight
Game constantly freezes for me, at really bad times too and always resulting in a death. Starting to get really annoying and already tried reinstalling it. No other game freezes like this does.
Have been playing this game a lot! It's a real mixed bag sometimes, some days it can feel like one of the best games ever produced and others it can feel mighty frustrating!

Have really enjoyed playing through and learning all of the different heroes, still a bit useless at Tracer but have gotten the hang of most of the others. Really enjoying Zenyatta, D.va, Mei, Genji and Pharah. Such a big part of this game is learning the meta game of which hero to chose for different situations. At first I was either playing soldier 76, Reinhardt or Mercy blindly and never switching characters, but now I rarely play the same hero in any given match! It was such a massive relief being able to start countering Bastions who had tortured my poor newb soul!

Some days I can go on massive winning streaks where it feels like you're unstoppable and others you can lose game after game with no let up. I've found recording myself with Shadowplay and reviewing the losses has helped me improve massively. Often it was all too easy to feel like the team had let you down, but then you watch it back and realise you'd tunnel visioned a random Tracer and lured yourself into a deathtrap! There is a fair bit of blame slinging in the game when your team loses a game, but again, looking back at the match has often revealed the ones who cast blame are more than often the same players who never switch, never get behind your shield and are generally useless!

Really interested to see where they take this game in the future. As it stands it's a superb game that I honestly never thought I'd like as much as I have done. The hero design, the maps and everything else has been done so well in the game that it feels rewarding to play! :D
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