
How exactly does the voice chat work? I think I have everything set... but no-one responds if I ask if it's working... Is there anything specific? Someone once said to join Overwatch chat or something similar?

(A Google suggests I auto join voice chat, so anything else I could be missing?)
When you talk in voice chat you should see your name in the top left, it'll be green if you're talking in group chat, and blue if you're talking in team chat.

You can press P ingame and select which channel you want to be in. I have it set in options so that group voice chat is off, and team voice chat is auto-join (if you just have it set to on you have to press P in game and then join it manually).

When you start a match it should say something like "You've joined team voice chat, there are 3 people in this channel" if you're in the chat channel, otherwise you have to join through P.
stuck at it last night and played a few more rounds but only ended up wining 1 round, dyed so many time was put up against some really good teams
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They do need to get rid of this favour the shooter nonsense though.

I am getting sick of clearly being behind a wall and then just dropping dead due to me having been shot on their screen due to latency issues or whatever. The worst ones are the roadhog chains, half way down a corridor and getting pulled back. Had one yesterday where I chained another roadhog and started to pull him, Mid chain he teleports back and I get pulled towards him instead and fall down a hole....Ugh
Had one yesterday where Roadhog chained my Tracer even though I blinked left, twice, before hand, which put me down a corridor behind a wall.

Killcam even confirmed this, and it still chained me in. Slight bug there methinks.

net coding seems to favor those with a higherish ping......you could be around the wall; but they still see you and hit on their screen - and because of their higher ping; they will get the kill......nearly raged a few times because of how crappy their net coding is...
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