
I'll be on tonight looking for 2-3 people to play some ranked with, I think that's the sweet spot rather than a full 6. I've got access to a couple of TS servers if people want to join. Played with Andy and Sledge the other day which was fun.
I'll be on tonight looking for 2-3 people to play some ranked with, I think that's the sweet spot rather than a full 6. I've got access to a couple of TS servers if people want to join. Played with Andy and Sledge the other day which was fun.

I'd be up for this. Do you have to play all 10 matches to decide your rank in succession?

Favourite characters:
Attack - Pharah
Defend - Tjorbin/Junker/Mei
Tank - Reinhardt/Winston
Support - Lucio
yeah you have to play 10 before you get a rank. Add me on BNET Mav#2480 and I'll give you a shout when I'm on later for some ranked matches.

I will probably rent a new TS server for overwatch so if anyone from here wants to set up a little community with me then just add me and we can get playing together and on some voice comms.
I'd of thought the hit box model is likely to be larger than you would expect to cater for the console crowd where it simply isn't possible to be as accurate at aiming. It makes it more accessible without being too ridiculous.
yeah you have to play 10 before you get a rank. Add me on BNET Mav#2480 and I'll give you a shout when I'm on later for some ranked matches.

I will probably rent a new TS server for overwatch so if anyone from here wants to set up a little community with me then just add me and we can get playing together and on some voice comms.

why rent? just use discord for free!
Gah! Damn that sudden death mechanic... It hurts when a really close game has to be decided in such an arbitrary way :(

Just came out of an amazing competitive match which got decided by a sudden death with the other team winning the flip... Shame as up until that point it was the most epic and awesome match I think I've ever been in. At least I played okay (Zarya and went something like 46-6 with 20k+ damage and got POTG with a quintuple-kill :D)
Looks like I'm heading for a 0 win to 10 lose on ranked. Not had a competent team at all, kind of demoralising.
Ranked games started off terrible, think I ended 6 loses 4 wins.

Ranked to level 51, lost 1 game and went down to 50.
found the points system a bit annoying myself. won 2 games in a row and went up about 1/4 a rank. lost the next game and went down a whole rank. yeah maybe we were slightly favored to win our games hence the difference but it shouldn't be that noticeable. usually the way this works is if you play 10 games against equal opponents and win 6 you've progressed a bit. right now i feel like i'm winning 50% or more but going slightly backwards. also found the teams i had in the placements were much better, had 2 teams since rank 59 trying to go all soldier and all torb on def....

just looked. 22 games played 13 won. 1 rank lost
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Well that was certainly a good first placement game. Be surprised if it continues that way though!

Hollywood Attack first. Finished the entire thing deathless, 4 gold medals and silver for healing as Bastion on Attack and Roadhog on Defence. Team worked really well together. Hell the home straight consisted of me in Sentry Mode on the payload, Reinhardt sat in front of me, Mercy damage boosting me from behind and the other 3 running around. I killed 3 in sentry mode and 2 in tank mode...

... and of course, play of the match went to Genji who killed 3 people with his ultimate on the losing team and still couldn't take the first point... lol
okay now 16-11 after placements and lost 2 ranks. i'm calling bs somethings broken. check this ss out after a win

I'd have to win like 15 games like that to go up a rank but when i lose I drop a whole rank sometimes. sometimes the games are average 58 vs 57 etc but that 1 rank average difference shouldn't mean your win is pointless. also wondering if its the fact i play lucio a lot coming into it? like not getting many kills so the game thinks the team is carrying me? i got 23k healing the game I got that tiny increase though.
Higher ranked team wins = hardly any points.

Lower rank team = higher points.. Saw lirik last might do nearly a while rank 60 - 61 in one game..

Medals supposedly dont make any difference.
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Higher ranked team wins = hardly any points.

Lower rank team = higher points.. Saw lirik last might do nearly a while rank 60 - 61 in one game..

Medals supposedly dont make any difference.

still broken though in the amount of points it's giving. the way it seems to be is that you want to be the underdog. almost impossible to progress if favored. like i said earlier i have a 59% win ratio after 27 games and have gone down 2 ranks
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