
also after almost punching my screen by a Bastion player, I actually repeated the same frustrating tank turret strategy on others........this game has some nasty balance issues.
Is Overwatch actually worth the £30-£40? At the moment I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the Competitive ranking system etc.

The current iteration of competitive is frustrating, but the 2 main issues have been talked about by the dev and they are working on resolutions.

If you're wondering, the 2 biggest issues is leavers in competitive. If someone leaves, it's harder to win 5v6 than most other games. That isn't the issue though - everyone gets punished if someone leaves. The winning team (team with no quitters, or even the team that manages to pull off a crazy 5v6 win) is penalized by getting much, much lower ranking points. Normally you go up or down by 50-75% of a rank, but if someone leaves then you only gain 10% of a rank if you win. Blizzard have already mentioned the other day they're working on the leaver problem.

The other issue is coin flip in the case of a draw. A coin is flipped to decide who gets to attack or defend in the final round. If you cap the first point, the attackers win. If you defend the first point, defenders win. The problem with this is the vast majority of maps heavily favour attackers for the first point. So if you roll the defense flip, you basically lose by RNG after a long hard fought tie. Blizzard have already said they're scrapping coin flip sudden death in season 2, but I imagine it will happen sooner with all the complaints.

Worth noting that even with those 2 issues, competitive mode is still extremely fun.

tl;dr it's worth the money 100%. Best game to come out in years.
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also after almost punching my screen by a Bastion player, I actually repeated the same frustrating tank turret strategy on others........this game has some nasty balance issues.

honestly theres a counter for everything. you just need to know it. for example bastion is a cakewalk to a decent pharah or honzo
Had a competitive game which was a good learning experience the other night...

Attacking first on Hollywood... as we pushed out towards the point it became clear they were using a very cheesy comp - 4 Torbjorns, 1 Symmetra and a Reinhardt... We made some ground and switched heroes to try and counter it but it seemed to be impossible and any time we did manage to bust down Reinhardt's barrier and take out a turret they'd easily rebuild it before we could get past the other 3 turrets... Suffice to say we lost... Little salty, but ultimately hero stacking is apparently here to stay...

So our defense round comes along and we decide to copy their cheesy strategy and give them a taste of their own medicine... Double embarrassment then when they stomped us a second time! But I thought it was interesting in seeing how they countered it. 2 Reinhardts and 2 Bastions - they would push forward with the barriers into view of a Torb turret and then quickly setup Bastion behind it in turret mode which would make very short work of our turrets (even if Torb ulted). We didn't have a chance to try and counter that because it was all over before any of us respawned!

Live and learn eh?
I think that's the key, isn't it. A) knowing how to counter it and B) persuading your team to do what's needed... Sometimes I think B is the harder bit.
due to my shifts one of the times I can play is about 4am. and MAN the teams are bad and full of REALLY toxic players

I think that's the key, isn't it. A) knowing how to counter it and B) persuading your team to do what's needed... Sometimes I think B is the harder bit.

Yeah aint it just. then again ill shift if it comes to it, even tho im Maining Rhin and Mercy atm cos no one else will
Really wish they'd fix the issue with Roadhogs hooks. Its starting to **** me off every time I play him now.

Had a game last night where we very nearly lost cos the Mercy revived the team with 1 min to go on the last point. 2 seconds before Mercy revived everyone, I hooked her from close range because she was too far to kill and she didn't move at all so obviously survived and Revived everyone immediately. Its no wonder only about 5 heroes see any competitive play at high level.
its also ****ed in other ways. Explain to me how it stops rhinhart charging INTO roadhog. Not exactly how physics works here kids!
So sick of toxic kids whining about me playing torb on cp maps. If you have any clue how to play Torb he can dominate... being able to pop up infinite level 1 sgs and snipe. I die very few times and often rack up top frags and damage, as well as being a constant distraction. Yet the kids will whine constantly and cause us to lose. Sigh.
My rank took a nosedive from 61 to 58, why? Because when we had our winning games, people on the other team quit at the last minute so everyone else in the game got hardly any win or loss rank exp.

What a stupid ****ing system, I'm not going to bother playing anymore until they fix this ****.
My rank took a nosedive from 61 to 58, why? Because when we had our winning games, people on the other team quit at the last minute so everyone else in the game got hardly any win or loss rank exp.

What a stupid ****ing system, I'm not going to bother playing anymore until they fix this ****.
yup very annoying had a lot of the same happen to me. you'll be winning in sudden death after a close game and one quits so then 3-4 others or whole teamquits so they dont get a loss and you get barely anything for the win. I know after so many quits you get banned from competitive but if this stays the way it is they really need to stomp it out allowing you only 4-5 quits over the 2-3 month season
Why not just give full xp when they quit? 9/10 they quit when they're losing heavily already, and the odd times it's an actual connection problem (which is pretty rare these days) will even out in the long run. I don't understand the need for this goofy system.
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