Look at AgeUK as well. They have hundreds of "CEOs" for each small unit of the business Like a CEO for "AgeUK Birmingham".Yes, and others are awful too: Barnardos, for example, is a joke with amount of money it wastes - and I'm not talking about paying high-flyers well in return for excellent services. For example, one fairly minor (and utterly useless) manager with them is paid nearly £150,000 per year. It genuinely sickens me and I will never give to big charities again.
And each of these gets £50-£100k+. There muse be more CEOs in AgeUK than any other organisation I've ever seen.
You know that many of those so-called 3rd world countries have a huge middle-class these days? That they have more than enough money to sort out their own poor - if they chose to.The needy in this country can go **** themselves IMO, no excuses. We've got free education, free healthcare and social security. If you're poor here then get over it and do something about it - it is mostly only 'relative poverty' anyway... if you're really desperate then there are food banks and emergency funds/accommodation etc.. available too.
The people I want to give my money to are people in the third world who don't even have say a simple net to protect them from malaria, or don't even have safe drinking water. That's where donations can really make a difference. I've got no time for any citizen or permanent resident of a first world country, I've already paid plenty in taxes to subsidise their existence.
The stuff that really irritates me are the go fund me campaigns to help some individual from an ordinary background who could be helped by loans or family rather than donations. Like a friend on Facebook posting about some other idiot friend who went backpacking in Thailand without travel insurance and got injured... they needed money for a parent to fly to him and to pay for treatment... a credit card or loan could cover that. Ditto to some hippy chick whose uninsure houseboat sank - she had the audacity to essentially beg for money on social media to buy a new one. The amount of money raised in either case (in the thousands) could save actual lives in Africa but instead goes to some infividual/family who ought to be able to sort themselves out or rely on loans from a bank/credit card or someone close to them.
Take India. It has a space program and a massive middle class/elite class population. And you know what? Some Indians think of their poor in the same way you just described the Western poor - **** them. Just proves that humans are no different here to anywhere else. Once you lift a few out of poverty, they stop caring about the ones left behind. You create a middle-class and elite class just as uncaring as those of the West.
Poor in the West are soon to be in the same position as the poor anywhere. The global elite have the money now, and the global elite don't really care about nationalism or any of that crap. The rich/poor divide in the West and elsewhere will grow until the Western poor live in the same conditions as the Indian poor. Sure they have some way to come up, but the West's poor can look forward to ever-worsening conditions as well. This is the true face of globalisation.