Parking Fine

Well seem as it is at an Aldi car park I wouldnt care about it anyways. The people who supply them tickets are idiots. When I was with a few friend a while ago, we when to a Mcy Ds in like a Aldi car park and teh Mcy Ds car park was full so we parked in the Aldi 1 bare in mind that it was pretty much the same car park only thing that was different was a sign saying that theres spaces are for Mcy Ds not Aldi. So a guy came up to our cars and started writting as we were ordering and so we went out and said what you doing. He said he was writting a ticket cause we went into Mcy Ds not Aldi. We said were are we meant to park theres not spaces left. He said not my problem, so we drove off and we never received a letter or anything.

I called it a fine cause well it was an invoice slip stating that they had a fine and parking incorrectly not paying for a ticket.

All I know is that the ticket people in Aldi car parks arent legal at all and its just their way of making money from people. If they say that they are going to take you to court then ask them for a photo of your car with the ticket. If there isnt any then chuck the letter in the bin. If there is then see them in court if they even take it that far which I Doubt
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I called it a fine cause well it was an invoice slip stating that they had a fine and parking incorrectly not paying for a ticket.

In that case I suggest every single person who has ever paid your employer sue into the small claims court and seek not only their money back, but interest pursuant to s69 of The County Courts Act, plus costs, and court fees.

By calling it a fine, the company are extracting money unlawfully and as you say, their own paperwork provides the evidence. They'll be bankrupt by the end of the week. :D
well they should I dont work there anymore all I got told and trained to do was if theres no ticket on display then take photos of all sides of the car then issue a ticket fine thingy then take a photo of it on the car and then call whoever it was and ask for the address of the person stating that your a parking attendant. Print off the pictures and send them a letter. I dont know how legal it is but Im sure if theres a machine that you need to pay to get a ticket from so you can park in that car park like NCP ones then Im sure if you dont pay for a ticket then can you be fined?
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Some of you people make it harder on yourself. There's no need to get defensive and start doing all the leg work and asking them for proof. Just ignore them and they go away. They'll send you 2 or 3 letters over a 6 month period, which you can just bin.
well they should I dont work there anymore all I got told and trained to do was if theres no ticket on display then take photos of all sides of the car then issue a ticket fine thingy then take a photo of it on the car

Indeed, I'm not disputing that you were 'only doing your job'.

and then call whoever it was and ask for the address of the person stating that your a parking attendant.

DVLA I assume?

Print off the pictures and send them a letter. I dont know how legal it is but Im sure if theres a machine that you need to pay to get a ticket from so you can park in that car park like NCP ones then Im sure if you dont pay for a ticket then you can be fined?

It isn't lawful at all, provided it is run as you say. Levying a charge for the service of providing a parking space (eg a ticket machine at NCP) is lawful. Providing clear signage offering parking at x rate for y amount of time is also lawful. Arguably, stating that exceeding this time is charged a a much higher rate (eg longer than 2 hours = £60) is also fine.

The thing is, they're not and never can be fines in the eyes of the law. Ever. Fines are penalties, and penalties are unrecoverable at common law, period. You simply can't do it.

As I said, the invoice is for parking at the Aldi for an alleged amount of time. It's entirely within the OP's remit to dispute this invoice (note: not a fine) and say he isn't liable, for many reasons. He may not be the driver concerned, hence didn't enter into any contract at all. Further or in the alternative, he might not have noticed an inadequate sign and therefore had no knowledge of such a contract. The possibilities are endless.

Suffice to say, once and for all, fines from private companies are unlawful and are in no way enforceable. Your employer owes an awful lot of people an awful lot of money, should it be as you say (which I have no reason to doubt). The OP still just needs to send in the simple letter outlined early in the thread, and relax.
Well just to let you all know, My dad told me he would sort this out and he sent a letter to Parking Eye last week stating that their is no way the fine is going to be paid and he argued a few other things in his letter like the lack of notice of the fine on the night etc and that he wants photgraphic evidence too. The company then refused to issue photographic evidence a couple of days ago and then today on my doorstep another letter came through from them with a cheeky reminder & also photgraphic evidence! Going to write another letter to them shortly.

Well just to let you all know, My dad told me he would sort this out and he sent a letter to Parking Eye last week stating that their is no way the fine is going to be paid and he argued a few other things in his letter like the lack of notice of the fine on the night etc and that he wants photgraphic evidence too. The company then refused to issue photographic evidence a couple of days ago and then today on my doorstep another letter came through from them with a cheeky reminder & also photgraphic evidence! Going to write another letter to them shortly.



Once again, I refer you my initial reply in post #2. Follow my advice, and then forget the matter. Or, carry on ignoring sensible advice (as you clearly intend to) and go around in circles. By sending the letter, your father has basically acknowledged the 'debt' on your behalf. Have fun with that.

Once again, I refer you my initial reply in post #2. Follow my advice, and then forget the matter. Or, carry on ignoring sensible advice (as you clearly intend to) and go around in circles. By sending the letter, your father has basically acknowledged the 'debt' on your behalf. Have fun with that.

We have took on board your advice, my dad has dealt with these sort of fines loads of times and has never paid a penny to one of these company's.

We have took on board your advice, my dad has dealt with these sort of fines loads of times and has never paid a penny to one of these company's.


Yet you posted in here asking for help, and then clearly ignore it. The content of the letter you refer to your father sending is wrong in many respects, and you still talk of 'fines' - which can't be issued by a company, under common law. You are (and likely already have) made this far more difficult than it needs to be.

From what you've said, all your father has how achieved is (1) admitting that you were the driver with liability and (2) asking for - and receiving! - evidence to this fact. Doh.

I'm not having a go mate, but this course of action really hasn't helped you lol
Yet you posted in here asking for help, and then clearly ignore it. The content of the letter you refer to your father sending is wrong in many respects, and you still talk of 'fines' - which can't be issued by a company, under common law. You are (and likely already have) made this far more difficult than it needs to be.

From what you've said, all your father has how achieved is (1) admitting that you were the driver with liability and (2) asking for - and receiving! - evidence to this fact. Doh.

I'm not having a go mate, but this course of action really hasn't helped you lol

We're NOT ignoring your advice at all. I do understand that maybe we have gone around this the wrong way, Because my dad was with me on the night he said he solely feels responsible even though I told him from the start that its my car, il deal with it etc but he did not listen.

Happened to us with a Tesco car park. Paid it, wrote to Tesco and said it's absolutely disgusting. Vouchers exceeding the price of the ticket sent. Done.
Don't write any thing! Listen to the advice in the thread which has been given to you over and over again.

ignore them and don't respond.
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