Parking Nazi Neighbour.. I need to mess with him.. IDEAS?!

just buy a car for like 500quid, park it there and leave it.

I bet the guy will go crazy trying to figure out whos it is.
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just buy a car for like 500quid, park it there and leave it.

I bet the guy will go crazy trying to figure out whos it is.

Yeh do that anonymously. Make sure the car's registered address is somewhere not on the road. Keep it fully legal and there is nothing that can be done.

Although the more adult thing to do is to have a conversation with him as you leave saying what a terrible neighbour he has been.
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Buy a banger, tax, insure and MOT it, park it there one night, and just leave it there for a year or so..
Paste "Free Parking" over his existing signs
Buy a caravan/trailer, and have it delivered to this spot, clamp it myself (for security!), and just leave it there.
Put up adverts in the village, or local paper/magazine exposing his nonsense, and that anyone can park there if they fancy telling him what's what
#2 could be considered vandalism. So make sure there are no cameras nearby if you do choose to do this.

#4 could be considered defamation, so I'd tread carefully. But if you do choose to do it, use a fake Facebook account and watch it spread like wildfire through the neighbourhood. Tag all the MPs and councillors in the area and even the local police - I'm not sure they will like people knowing that this has been ongoing for such a long time, without anybody seemingly being able to put a stop to it.

I'd be quite tempted to go a bit further with the toys idea and use epoxy resin to help keep them in place.

Legally, don't parking notices have to show the company details as well as terms and conditions?

19 Signs

19.1 A driver who uses your private car park with your permission does so under a licence or contract with you. If they park without your permission this will usually be an act of trespass. In all cases, the driver’s use of your land will be governed by your terms and conditions, which the driver should be made aware of from the start. You must use signs to make it easy for them to find out what your terms and conditions are.

19.2 Entrance signs play an important part in establishing a parking contract and deterring trespassers. Therefore, as well as the signs you must have telling drivers about the terms and conditions for parking, you must also have a standard form of entrance sign at the entrance to the parking area. Entrance signs must tell drivers that the car park is managed and that there are terms and conditions they must be aware of. Entrance signs must follow some minimum general principles and be in a standard format. The size of the sign must take into account the expected speed of vehicles approaching the car park, and it is recommended that you follow Department for Transport guidance on this. See Appendix B for an example of an entrance sign and more information about their use.

A standard form of entrance sign must be placed at the entrance to the parking area. There may be reasons why this is impractical, for example:
• when there is no clearly defined car park entrance
• when the car park is very small
• at forecourts in front of shops and petrol filling stations
• at parking areas where general parking is not permitted

9.3 Specific parking-terms signage tells drivers what your terms and conditions are, including your parking charges. You must place signs containing the specific parking terms throughout the site, so that drivers are given the chance to read them at the time of parking or leaving their vehicle. Keep a record of where all the signs are. Signs must be conspicuous and legible, and written in intelligible language, so that they are easy to see, read and understand. Signs showing your detailed terms and conditions must be at least 450mm x 450mm.

19.4 If you intend to use the keeper liability provisions in Schedule 4 of POFA 2012, your signs must give ’adequate notice’. This includes:
• specifying the sum payable for unauthorised parking
• adequately bringing the charges to the attention of drivers, and
• following any applicable government signage regulations.

See paragraphs 2(2), 2(3) and 12 of the Schedule.

19.5 The wording you include on your specific parking terms signage is your decision. However, you should try to use plain and intelligible language in all your signs and information.

19.6 If you provide a telephone line to respond to complaints, challenges and appeals from motorists relating to the terms and conditions of parking they have entered into, these calls must not be charged above the basic rate.

19.7 You should display the BPA’s AOS logos at all sites. This will help the public to see that you are a legitimate operator, and show that the site is run properly.

19.8 Important: you may have to give other information on signs and notices under companies and consumer protection law and other legislation.

19.9 So that disabled motorists can decide whether they want to use the site, there must be at least one sign containing the terms and conditions for parking that can be viewed without needing to leave the vehicle. Ideally this sign must be close to any parking bays set aside for disabled motorists.

19.10 Where there is a change in the terms and conditions that materially affects the motorist then you must make these terms and conditions clear on your signage. Where such changes impose liability where none previously existed then you must consider a transition to allow regular visitors to the site to adjust and familiarise themselves with the changes. Best practice would be the installation of additional/ temporary signage at the entrance and throughout the site making it clear that new terms and conditions apply. This will ensure such that regular visitors who may be familiar with the previous terms become aware of the new ones.
Thanks @darael, this information is really useful. I wish I knew it when I got stung for a parking fee last year. I was charged after parking only six minutes to get out and check the sign which said I couldn't park there without a specific permit bought beforehand. If I had known this specific wording then I could have used it as the reason for appeal (my appeal was rejected). Often signs are placed high up to avoid being vandalised. In my case I had to search for the signs (up high) to realise I was not permitted there without a specific permit. Then was charged for the privaledge.

I will keep it in mind for the future!

19.9 So that disabled motorists can decide whether they want to use the site, there must be at least one sign containing the terms and conditions for parking that can be viewed without needing to leave the vehicle. Ideally this sign must be close to any parking bays set aside for disabled motorists.
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As it looks like a few of you are moving out from the neighbourhood soon, Angry Man won't know who have done the following:

- sign his address up to numerous pyramid schemes
- ^^ Devil worshipping conventions
- ^^ junk mail for adult shops
- ^^ fake (or real!) letters from Jehovah's Witnesses
- ^^ letters from TV Licensing
- ^^ a letter with court summons
One thing I will add is that be careful, I would expect someone like that to have cctv, wether you can see it or not, and he is possibly glued to it when in his house so doing anything will probably alert him that it’s you.
Surely you need a skip before you move out...
I know the perfect location
Fellas dropping off a skips aren't the sort to back down from an angry man who is bang out of order.

So you say all the houses have a plan that shows they own the road directly outside their house if I get this correct.

You could stand outside and when you see him on your bit tell him to get off as hes not allowed on it, at all :)
For more hilarity you could get the other neighbours to do the same that are moving as well. Tell him hes trespassing and you may need to invoke a solicitor if he repeatedly does it to understand the legal position.

If you know his full name look for anyone that may need to visit. Double glazing, funeral services, that type of thing. Put in comments box specifically to park in front of no parking sign outside number xx where this is available
You aren't going to do anything. If you were going to, you would have had a word with him by now. Your whole street is running scared, and that's not going to change.

Just move on and forget about it.
Iirc up to 7 years on you can be responsible for undeclared disputes (I had noisy scum bags next door) so I would personally move on and again serve any revenge cold.........
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