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Pascal Titan-X Launch

12 Sep 2013
The market is being saturated by Nvidia at the moment, They've got choices pretty much across the board now and to be honest they have the better option in the only segment AMD have covered unless you plan on keeping your card for 3+ years, AMD must be feeling the pressure something rotten.
3 Jan 2010
Well if its £400 + over 1080 then I expect £400 pound worth extra frame rates!! So will this beat 2x 1070 or 2x 1080?

Honestly who is this GPU line up aimed at? ridiculous Why buy this now for £1000 only for Nvidia too release 1080ti in couple months for less and match it in performance?
Sad thing is people will pay this and they will continue to drip feed them.
The only good news about this gpu is that it means the 1080ti is closer :p I agree, after the 980ti / titan releases it was evident that anyone with patience greater than a child and resiliance to marketing greater than an Apple fanboy that there is no point in these sort of cards. Titan is an ego card but it does mean we should get 1080 ti just 2 months later or 3 if Nvidia don't feel the pinch from AMD but no sweat either way.
19 Oct 2008
Second hand 1080's worth £200 by August :D
I'm not serious.
If the specs are correct, which they are as I've just checked the Nvidia site, it's not going to be as stand-out as many thought. Maybe proper "big" chip cards come on the second generation of a new node?
They could have course do a Titan X Black too :).
Looks gorgeous though

Think I may keep my 730 Gt for while longer as I have zero time for gaming at the moment anyway.

Been fairly excited by the new tech this year but so far have refrained from buying anything at all :), not even the new 6900 or 6950.
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28 Jan 2010
This just seems like there's so much wasted space, and adverse effect on clocks, coming from all those standalone FP64 cores.

If Nvidia scaled up the P104 core instead, they could fit 4864 cores (19 SMs, or 38 if they're split into 128, not sure) in the same die area. I think I have that right anyway.

Obviously the P100 core has professional uses, and it's very compelling for those workloads, but it's a shame they can't make an FP32 beast for gaming (and indeed more niche professional workloads as well).
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7 Aug 2013
Faster and faster, but with no real innovation. AMD can't seem to keep up with the speed, but at least they are trying to bring new tech that actually improves things.

I remember when Nvidia came on the market and they were the game changer with T&L. Now all they are doing is making faster cards at extreme prices.

Not saying their stuff is good, but with all the money they make, why aren't they pushing the boundaries?
Nvidia put their resources into making ever more efficient and powerful GPU's. It may not be outwardly 'innovative', but I'm pretty sure you dont achieve the results they do by being close minded and not having some extremely talented engineers.

I think AMD have proven in recent times that being innovative is a gamble. Their CPU's were 'innovative' in terms of design philosophy, but they had compromises as a result and the good aspects of their CPU's were never properly utilized. AMD's GPU's have had async compute capabilities for a few years now, yet they are really only now benefiting from them any.

Also gotta remember that Nvidia are really only relevant to PC gaming. AMD have the console side wrapped up, so anything Nvidia did that was 'innovative' on the hardware side would have a very hard time getting taken advantage of, since the consoles wouldn't be capable of the same things. And can you imagine the backlash even on the PC side? When Nvidia cards are particularly good at something, it seems to make people mad because AMD cards cant do the same thing.

I dont think it's fair to say that Nvidia aren't innovative at all, because there's more going on with the hardware than you're giving them credit for enabling things like Shadowplay to be as good as it is, their SMP engine for VR that could be really big, GDDR5X, low latency preemption, but it's true they aren't necessarily reinventing their hardware design. At least not with Pascal, which we should remember is only a stop-gap architecture while we wait for Volta. In the end, I think Nvidia are more concerned with putting out products that are guaranteed to be great now rather than products that might be great 2-3 years from now. Which seems to be working out for them. After all, performance is PC gamer's no.1 priority, no? So long as they deliver on that, I dont see much room to complain(apart from prices, of course!).
28 Sep 2014
GTX 1080 launched 27 May 2016 then...

GTX 1070 launched 10 June 2016 then...

GTX 1060 launched 19 July 2016 just a few days ago then...

Pascal Titan X announced, launch 2 August 2016... SHOCKED & AWE!!!


GP102 has 44 TOPS INT8 (new deep learning inferencing instruction) that GP104 don't have.

Very interesting, wonder what it will mean in games? Big boost in games performance, rendering, PhysX, AI, VR or async compute just like Intel's CPU SSE instruction. :eek:
12 Sep 2013
Too easy for nVidia
It seems that way at the moment, Let's hope AMD's long game works out.
If the specs are correct it's not going to be as stand-out as many thought.

It does not need to be if there is no serious competition, It's the Kepler Titan all over again, They'll sit on a warehouse full of Titan Blacks until needed.
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3 Sep 2010
I think this could be an overpriced turkey.

12gb memory - nothing new
Only 2 way SLI - making the above 12gb pointless
11 teraflops performance - only just faster than a 1080
Price - need I say more

You always pay a premium for the percived fastest card
seems like a great card for 1080p owners playing overwatch.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
4 against 2 sure but that's not really a problem and to be expected, What's the percentage of 3 and 4 way gamers. I'd lay money on it being 0.something. The case is the new double layered SLi offers a better experience, on top of that Pascal has distinct advantages in VR and Titan X owners are the sort of gamers that will be buying VR headsets so they've got it's superiority pretty much covered.

It was interesting running the above with the new Time Spy bench, the TitanXs did make it look visually better as well as getting a higher score.
4 Feb 2006
This is a pure milking session. They will almost certainly release another Titan XP or whatever they call it with HBM later on. They know AMD has nothing so mop up those who will pay anything for the latest card.
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