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Pascal Titan-X Launch

Surprisingly not seen any "rip off" comments yet or maybe my brain is just so fed up reading about pricing that it's blocking such comments out.
A feww comments.
Just because there was a Ti before doesn't necessarily mean there will be one this time. And a Ti doesn't have t have more memory than a 1080 if that's the sweet spot.
12GB is still a lot of memory at the moment.
I can potentially see another Titan with more cores and maybe HBM which then might make it onto the Ti too (so Ti might be 8GB of HBM memory rather than GDDRX).
Nvidia I think are masters at providing the tech when it's really required/when it matters rather than just putting it out there hence no HBM2 this time.
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This is a pure milking session. They will almost certainly release another Titan XP or whatever they call it with HBM later on.
I dont think that's certain at all. There will be another high end variant, but it's probably going to be an 'affordable' alternative to fit in above the 1080 once AMD releases something competitive in this segment, which probably wont be til early next year. This almost certainly wont have HBM2.

They *could* do a reconfigured GP102 with HBM2 around then, but unless GDDR5X is inadequate, which I really doubt(half a TB/sec bandwidth is pretty beastly)I dont know that it's going to upset any Titan X buyers and it'd be questionable how worth it it'd be for Nvidia at all. Titan Black was always a bit of a superfluous card - I dont know many people that bought one and that didn't require a completely different memory controller like adding HBM2 would need.

So I'm really not sure how this is a 'milking session' as you call it.
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Hang on, a comment on the guru3d article just made me think:

Why is this only 12GB for a Titan card? The 1080 and 1070 are both 8GB, so surely this means the 1080 Ti will be 12GB too (or even 16GB HBM2)?

Wouldn't it be VERY odd for the 1080 Ti to have the same (or more) memory than the Titan card? And surely the Ti couldn't have only 8GB.

Can it even have 8gb on a 384bit bus?
It's a new nvidia tactic, or is it? :p. Launch Ti's in a few months.

Would keep 1080's at the same price, 1080Ti's at £8-900 and pascal Titan at £1300.

They sure are milking every last drop this gen.
Got a 1080, think i'll skip this and wait for the Ti which I'm guessing we'll see November time if past releases are anything to go by and it'll be 3/4% slower and cost less.
1080 £620
Titan £1100
Ti £800?
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