Path of Exile(diablo clone)

Im still running my Blade Vortex Ice Point Assassin been doing ok so far in low maps but starting to hit a wall where i need to work on my resistences / life / es to push faster. My DPS seems good im just struggling with some of the bosses/metamorphs.

BTW not playing the blight league i have no clue with that mechanic so im just skipping it when i come across any in maps. Am i missing out or is it worth sticking with it?

Still love the occassional delve and legion mechanics, no idea why they rolled Blight into the main game.

Tempted to start a second char for clear speed and currency farming but im enjoying BV so ill stick with it for a while yet. Great league imo

It's very much worth doing if you can comfortably complete them, they will drop oils of varying colours (and rarity) upon completion which can be used to enchant rings and amulets, as well as blight specific gear. The enchants on rings serve to increase the effectiveness of the towers you make whereas the the amulet and gear will enchant with a notable passive from the tree. The better the passive the more expensive oils is required, but you can get some cheap ones that give decent benefits, a few with +12% to all resists if you are struggling there.

You can also get Blight maps which are just one gigantic version of what you come across when mapping, think the normal blight event but with 20-30 different paths at once. They can drop shed loads of loot with the right mods.
It's very much worth doing if you can comfortably complete them, they will drop oils of varying colours (and rarity) upon completion which can be used to enchant rings and amulets, as well as blight specific gear. The enchants on rings serve to increase the effectiveness of the towers you make whereas the the amulet and gear will enchant with a notable passive from the tree. The better the passive the more expensive oils is required, but you can get some cheap ones that give decent benefits, a few with +12% to all resists if you are struggling there.

You can also get Blight maps which are just one gigantic version of what you come across when mapping, think the normal blight event but with 20-30 different paths at once. They can drop shed loads of loot with the right mods.

Ty might do some reading up on the mechanic :)
Well I managed to get a few hours spare to take storm burst trickster into white maps and I've got mixed feelings on the build.
Normal game and maps it nukes things down in literally seconds - which is immensely satisfying.
Metamorphs on the other hand have been a bit hit & miss - they either die in seconds... or I do :mad:
Being stuck still to channel really isn't a good fit for this league.
Think it needs a bit of investment to improve life, shield and evasion.
Feels like Atlas progression is slow going this time around, I've got about 16 of the keystones but will have to invest a bit of time building up a nice base of maps before I can go any further. Apparently I should be seeing the endgame boss Sirus soon, not sure how it will go down but I've heard a few horror stories in terms of his damage output. Worrying as I've started to feel pretty squishy at times in the higher tier maps, my damage feels like it's more than enough as I can usually melt everything in seconds, including the metamorphs, but I've had a few deaths now due to having basically no phys damage reduction. May need to re-think things!
I put my bow dude on ice for a while and rolled a summoner. Gearing is slow but I now have all the bits for the build and running 2 5l for now. I havent had a lot of time over xmas to play but might get a few hours in today. I havent made a lot of progress on atlas either. I think this league i'm just going to chill and play for fun, not worry about end game too much and see what happens. Not had a single exalt drop either!
Not had a single exalt drop either!

I've also rolled a summoner as last build was just to squishy - should have them in maps tomorrow if I'm allowed to play :p

I've got about 800 hours in the game over the past 5 or so leagues and have yet to see an exalt drop! :eek: To be fair i do play pretty casually, but seem to progressing with each league - killed elder for first time last league, had highest level char at 93 and most currency at around 10 exalts (got lucky with a fiend div out ofa blight chest).
I've also rolled a summoner as last build was just to squishy - should have them in maps tomorrow if I'm allowed to play :p

I've got about 800 hours in the game over the past 5 or so leagues and have yet to see an exalt drop! :eek: To be fair i do play pretty casually, but seem to progressing with each league - killed elder for first time last league, had highest level char at 93 and most currency at around 10 exalts (got lucky with a fiend div out ofa blight chest).

And today my first exalt drops!

[Update] had 2 more drop - 2 years of nothing then 3 in one day - gotta love rng :eek:
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Quite liking the metamorph league so far. POE is my go to game when bored of all other games, tends to be a new league each time I return. :p

61 juggernaut using icecrash, quite good so far but not yet hit maps. :)
I go SSF every other league and sods law its when the valuables drop :rolleyes: Have about 60Ex worth built up in stash:eek:

Try as i might i just cant get on with this game, Grimdawn just flows so much better. Maybe its just me though.
I go SSF every other league and sods law its when the valuables drop :rolleyes: Have about 60Ex worth built up in stash:eek:


Ahhh the joys of RNG, had one of those drop right at the end of the Legion league. I'd toiled my way through the whole league having to farm a crazy amount just to get my builds going, came back in the last few days to fiddle with some summoner builds and this dropped, felt like a kick in the nuts with how much they are worth!

Try as i might i just cant get on with this game, Grimdawn just flows so much better. Maybe its just me though.

Grimdawn is my second choice and I usually go back once or twice a year when I'm feeling burnt out from POE. I think one of the things I take away from it is how your build can seemingly come together pretty quickly given how much you can level up in the first act. It always feels like you're only another level or two, or shrine point away from some kind of big improvement or interesting effect.
Ahhh the joys of RNG, had one of those drop right at the end of the Legion league. I'd toiled my way through the whole league having to farm a crazy amount just to get my builds going, came back in the last few days to fiddle with some summoner builds and this dropped, felt like a kick in the nuts with how much they are worth!

Grimdawn is my second choice and I usually go back once or twice a year when I'm feeling burnt out from POE. I think one of the things I take away from it is how your build can seemingly come together pretty quickly given how much you can level up in the first act. It always feels like you're only another level or two, or shrine point away from some kind of big improvement or interesting effect.

It could be, Tried again today i think i pinned it down to the camera in pillars being so much closer than the GD tbh.

Oh well i am sure something new will come along tried Inquisitor a total let down that one :)
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