Path of Exile(diablo clone)

Yeah, I'll be playing this until WoW TWW comes out, if things are looking good, I'll be rotating the two games.

3.2.5. looks great. I've only around 800 hours in PoE and am an utter n00b and coming back to new leagues after skipping a league here and there is daunting and overwhelming, all the new systems and mechanics.

But this time, I want to learn as much about the game as possible. I want to start understanding things more and more each day. And I think it would be pretty cool going into PoE2 knowing a lot more about the game than I currently do know.
Ah man I only just spotted the Call to Arms > Autoexertion change, I don't get why, it seems such a pointless thing now.
skills do 2x dmg

would been to good
I mean the melee guys are still gonna get benefit from it with the exerted attacks and skill gem buffs, everybody else using the auto cries for the buffs now loses out. Just a weird thing to introduce it last league and then remove the utility in the next rather than reducing the effect or splitting it between two new support gems.

I'm just salty that my necro has lost enduring cry, the banner skills and had nerfs to the ascendancy :D
I mean the melee guys are still gonna get benefit from it with the exerted attacks and skill gem buffs, everybody else using the auto cries for the buffs now loses out. Just a weird thing to introduce it last league and then remove the utility in the next rather than reducing the effect or splitting it between two new support gems.

I'm just salty that my necro has lost enduring cry, the banner skills and had nerfs to the ascendancy :D
was to easy, ggg dont like easy.
manually use warcry is a lot of work

I suspect many will go melee at start then change to spell builds like ice nova of frostbotls or such
as the playstyle isnt zooming
I go 2h due to league mechanic and been a long time I played 2h
Going to play the Archmage Heirophant I intended to play as my 2nd build in the last league - sadly the league was so awful I quit long before it was time to start a new character. :cry:
Going to play the Archmage Heirophant I intended to play as my 2nd build in the last league - sadly the league was so awful I quit long before it was time to start a new character. :cry:

DirtyDan79 (poe dan) has a guide for the heirophant ball lightning of orbiting build, ds_lily was testing it recently it was good enough with scuffed gear to do all bosses and get all 4 stones. With investment it would melt ubers.
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the heiro can flip between 4 skills with not that many changes

- spark, probably weakest by kinda comfy
- ball lightning
- ball lighting of orbiting
- frost nova of frostbolts, strongest but 2 button

I did a spark run a couple of days ago and it was fine, swapping to a lvl 5 ball lighting felt better with no tree changes, same with orbiting (it needs good tank as you're a lot closer to stuff). I did nova last league with pretty good gear and it was nuts
the heiro can flip between 4 skills with not that many changes

- spark, probably weakest by kinda comfy
- ball lightning
- ball lighting of orbiting
- frost nova of frostbolts, strongest but 2 button

I did a spark run a couple of days ago and it was fine, swapping to a lvl 5 ball lighting felt better with no tree changes, same with orbiting (it needs good tank as you're a lot closer to stuff). I did nova last league with pretty good gear and it was nuts
ice nova with helmet kitavas thirst becomes a one button build
3 hours to go and not picked a build yet :cry:

screw it, bleed lacerate glad, need some pops
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