Path of Exile(diablo clone)

Been getting terrible lag the last 2 days, are they doing any tweaks with the servers?

Wish they would sort it out trying get the last chapter done so i can go farm for xp in the earlier levels lol.
Cool. Downloading now. I loved Diablo 3 but have no desire to play it after spending about 150 hours on launch. Hopefully this will be a nice change. :D
I give up today the lag is unplayable lost close to 50% xp ;O thank god you cant de lvl
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Its not cost effective to farm white items and then use a portal scroll. The portal scroll will cost more than all the white items. If your going to farm white items do it near a waypoint and only use the waypoint. Or just farm magic items and then convert some of the full orbs you get from that into scrolls of wisdom.

Oh so should I just sell the magic items without identifying them? I always thought it was better to identify them before selling, so I use up all my wisdom scrolls on that and have none left to buy portal scrolls.

What orbs should I sell to get wisdom scrolls? I thought you could only get them from selling items.
Found my second Portal gem today, now I don't have to keep swapping it between characters :D

Been trying out a Fire Trapper Templar. Crazy effective so far. Literally sprinting through normal laying waste to everything in my path with Fire Traps and Fireballs. Beat Kole before I decided to go make dinner so I'll hopefully be finishing off Piety later.
Oh so should I just sell the magic items without identifying them? I always thought it was better to identify them before selling, so I use up all my wisdom scrolls on that and have none left to buy portal scrolls.

What orbs should I sell to get wisdom scrolls? I thought you could only get them from selling items.

You can also sell Whetstones and armor scraps if you are desperate for portal scrolls, but then you will need those later too so don't go overboard
So this game is F2P right? Is it full of micro-transactions?

Surprisingly, no.

With one exception, all microtransactions are entirely cosmetic. They're not radical cosmetic changes, either. It's not like you're limited to 800x600 for free and have to buy higher resolutions or anything like that. It's things like a glow for a weapon, a pet that does nothing except follow you around, a victory dance animation, different animations for spells...a wide range of purely cosmetic effects.

The one exception is extra storage space in your stash (not in your inventory, which would be a significant advantage). It's useful if you're collecting lots of stuff as spare kit or for different characters you might play in the future or for vendor recipes. Certain combinations of items get special prices from vendors, but extra stash space is almost irrelevant since the devs deliberately broke the "same name" recipes.

Microtransations are handled through the website, so they don't even intrude on the game.

I sent them $20 purely on the principle that a free to play game that actually is genuinely free to play is worth paying for :)
Oh so should I just sell the magic items without identifying them? I always thought it was better to identify them before selling, so I use up all my wisdom scrolls on that and have none left to buy portal scrolls.

I wouldn't buy portal scrolls, on the whole. I think that 3 scrolls of wisdom are more valuable than 1 portal scroll. I use waypoints most of the time, and I get enough portal scrolls from drops, as a rule. I just used up most of my portal scrolls slogging through the temple and killing Piety on cruel difficulty - I save them for situations in which I expect to die a lot.

If you sell magic items without identifying them, they are almost worthless. You get two shards of transmutation. So you need to sell 10 unidentified magic items to get 1 orb of transmutation, which means you need to sell 160 unidentified items to get 1 orb of alteration, which is the basic currency item. If you identify a magic item, it will almost always be worth far more. It's very rare for it to be worth less than a couple of shards of alteration, usually worth 3 or 4 and sometimes worth a shard or two of alchemy. My estimate is that identified magic items are on average ~25 times as valuable as unidentified ones.

What orbs should I sell to get wisdom scrolls? I thought you could only get them from selling items.

You might be able to trade orbs for scrolls of wisdom from other players. I don't know of any NPC vendors that sell scrolls of wisdom.
Cool thanks, I guess I will stop buying TP scrolls now. I keep picking up white items but maybe I should stop and pick up blues only. It's hard to judge item worth since there's no gold value, so I thought I had to keep picking up everything to collect stuff from vendors.
Certain stats on items give you certain rewards from the merchant. Mostly it'll just be a small number of shards, some offer bigger numbers or better quality shards (such as the +1 Gem Level stats or flasks with Surgeons will reward you with an alchemy shard I believe). Obviously you can't get those without ID'ing them so you're probably better off just having a few stacks spare then ID'ing as much as you can.

It is quite a nice system, works a lot better than D3s 'everything you pick up is worth gold' ******** when anything worth having is worth 100s of millions and most items are worth 1000. 2 Alterations (the 'reroll magics' ones) are worth a Jewellers Orb at a merchant, 4 Jewellers Orbs are worth a Fusing at merchants and the Fusing is equivilent to an Alchemy and can be traded quite easily.

Its why you see a lot of people offering to buy 10 Alterations for an Alchemy/Fusing or 20 for a Chaos, people who don't realise you can buy them straight from merchants effectively lose currency even if they think they're getting a good deal.
Where do you buy alchemy or chaos for alterations? I can't find the merchant.

You can only go up to alchemy orbs from vendors. You can't buy them directly for alt orbs. You have to trade orbs for orbs in order. 2 alts for a jewellers, 4 jewellers for a fusing, 1 fusing for 1 chance, 4 chances for a scouring, 2 scouring for a regret, 1 regret for an alchemy. So it take 64 orbs of alteration to buy 1 orb of alchemy and the trading process is badly implemented. Say you have 64 orbs of alt and you want to buy 32 jeweller's orbs with them to start the progression to buying 1 orb of alchemy. You have to click and drag 1 jeweller's orb into you inventory, 32 times. Then more clicking and dragging for every other step. 53 clicks and drags in total, to buy 1 orb of alchemy.

There's a table for vendor orb trading here, under the title "Main Progression"

Clarissa in Act 3 has the entire main progression, so you can do all the orb trading with her. Other NPC vendors only have some.
Theres no reason to ever go higher than Fusing at a merchant. The price for an Alchemy using Alterations at a merchant is something like 8x higher than the price for a Fusing, yet to players, Fusings = Alchemy and are interchangable in trades.

I decided to convert some of my Alterations yesterday which was handy as it gave me some more fusings to use/trade. Picked up a few decent pieces of armour yesterday because most of my characters seem to have plenty of choice between 20-40 but then almost nothing between 40-55.
If anyone wants to group up for maps softcore then please let me know IGN - SparkyArrow , lvl 80 ranger atm, I always have healthy pool of maps.

Maps to opener always and loot to name or FFA depending on group/rules.

Contact me in game or reply here :)
My ranger got a new toy :D


Cost me 1 Exalted 2 Chaos. Dunno whether that was good or bad but I'm happy with it.
Well, I'd been missing something obvious in retrospect. I should have been going at it Karui-style - the best defence is dead enemies. DPS, DPS and more DPS. I've split the two attack skills I use over two items, each with life leech, extra melee damage and added fire damage, and switched to a heavy 2H mace that's slow (0.95 attacks per second) but does a lot of damage. It's a huge improvement in power. I take more damage if I'm hit, but I kill most mobs before they hit me and I leech loads of health. Act 1 merciless was a suicide run before, but now only the side areas are deadly. Those undead rhoas have a hell of a hard hit and they run in packs. I'm going to grind cruel docks for a few more levels and get more damage nodes.

I think I'll aim for getting a Marohi Erqi and try for a faster attacks support gem with my skills. Maybe add some dex so I can level it further.

I've still got lots of play left in this game. Superb value for money.
Got an automated security email from GGG last night saying that I'd logged in from somewhere in China. Looking on the forums it seems there have been a lot of accounts hacked in the last few days, so I'd recommend logging in, changing your password and making sure it doesn't match the password for your registered email address.

Now downloading the update to see if all my stuff is still there and doing a full MWB scan...

First time I've ever had an online security issue, and apparently the same is true for a lot of other people affected, so there's some suspicion that it might be GGG themselves who got hacked. Not sure, but check your accounts people!
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