I'm of the opinion that the Legend path is a massive trap. You lose some incredibly powerful bonuses from the Mythic paths and don't really recoup them with the extra levels. Not to mention a lot of things like spells and feats don't keep advancing by virtue of having those extra levelsI think first playthrough will (or was) going to be kineticist, likely base version rather then any specific archetype. But I also wanted to do Legend Mythic path, but thinking about it, looks like the idea is double the level cap with Legend vs picking a mythic path, but I am not sure if kineticist will synergise well with other class's given you keep your hands free. Alas think I will wait a few weeks before playing to let initial bunch of patch's come through and play encased first so see what ideas others come up with!
I'm of the opinion that the Legend path is a massive trap. You lose some incredibly powerful bonuses from the Mythic paths and don't really recoup them with the extra levels. Not to mention a lot of things like spells and feats don't keep advancing by virtue of having those extra levels
If anything I feel like Demon is the best choice for a kineticist
Dipping into Rogue (Thug) to pick up some sneak attack was a really good use of a level in Kingmaker so I would imagine it's still pretty good now. Monk (Zen Archer) looks to be a good dip in Wrath giving you Point Blank Mastery at 3rd level along with a handful of other things like a bonus feat, increased move range and the like. Beyond that it's probably just fleshing out the build with things you feel it may be missingOh yeah no I expect you will not be as powerful without going down the mythic path route, partly why I want to go down it, sounds attractive to not have any divine powers depending on the build or roleplay your doing. Seems the rest of the crusade moulds to your Mythic path so beating it as just a human (well as much as one can be blasting fireballs etc) has an appeal for me, at least for one run.
Yes indeed on the feats and spell aspect, which is why if I do go legend route think the kineticist route is not ideal. You would have 20 levels in kineticist for example, then 20 in another class (or 40 spread over whatever) but question mark is what will kineticist synergise with well.
Stand alone game built on the same ruleset with a completely new campaign and massively improved and increased systems from more classes to more races to Mythic classes and so on and so forth. Kingdom management and time constraints are by and large out, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 based tactical combat on a turn based overworld map is inIs this an expansion? Main game was good but had too much ballache involved for me.....
Stand alone game built on the same ruleset with a completely new campaign and massively improved and increased systems from more classes to more races to Mythic classes and so on and so forth. Kingdom management and time constraints are by and large out, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 based tactical combat on a turn based overworld map is in
Kingdom management and time constraints are by and large out, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 based tactical combat on a turn based overworld map is in
YESLooking forward to the rotating camera oddly enough!
Looks like theres so many classes/subclasses/races I genuinly dont know what im going to make until I start the game. Ive avoided p much all the hype and updates till now so its all gone over my head. I know i'll be making some sort of lawful evil / magic character probably.
I bet your character will be baldLooks like theres so many classes/subclasses/races I genuinly dont know what im going to make until I start the game. Ive avoided p much all the hype and updates till now so its all gone over my head. I know i'll be making some sort of lawful evil / magic character probably.