I would say it is still very buggy but at least you can progress to the end of the main quest line now (following all the hotfix patches) even if it's not necessarily by the means you wanted, quite a few of the side and companion quests are still broken. The devs have stated they are putting all of their efforts, at the moment into pre-release testing of patch 1.1, which allegedly fixes over a thousand discovered bugs, this should be released in a few weeks after that it could possibly be in a much better state.
I learned some valuable lessons about rations, and remove/restore/buffs during my travels through the undead cyclops dungeon. Never again will they be neglected! I also manually level everyone in my group - I don't trust the system.Just a big BIG warning about that................ The ending, I can't say any more than that without spoiling but I would definitely advise taking manual control of all pre-gens character development and try to create multiple synergies across various group members and use them all so you can adapt to them in the party, don't neglect remove/curative/restore spells
Anyone still playing this?
Just wondering what it's like in it's current state. Like the looks of it and it's sale time and all, but put off a bit by some of the negativity across the reviews. Just wondering if they're still indicative of it as it now stands.
Cool, some of the reviews made it sound like even when you'd got to grips with the game, played with a good strategy and not made mistakes, you were still massively overpowered by a merciless RNG.
If that's the case, I'd not enjoy it, but if balance is there I might give it a punt then. Cheers.
Cool, some of the reviews made it sound like even when you'd got to grips with the game, played with a good strategy and not made mistakes, you were still massively overpowered by a merciless RNG.
If that's the case, I'd not enjoy it, but if balance is there I might give it a punt then. Cheers.