PC Gaming is Dead

Everyone knows and this includes console owners, that PCs are better than consoles. The games are better, the control methods are better. Everything is customisable and you have a certain amount of freedom to choose. Consoles are for people who can't afford or don't understand PCs.
Another point, consumer available spending power.
Back in the days of say the PS2, most were used by teens and sub 30s. That same age group are now "middle aged", and have considerably more buying power in the way of disposable income. So whereas our parents might have blanched at spending such a sum of money on a gaming PC, many of us don't see it as an issue, as we probably don't spend it on model railways or many of other hobbies that we might have done by our parents.
I think that consoles allowing mods could help bring more players over to PC in future. There are limitations on the console so only a few mods can be installed and even those mods are cut down versions due to the weaker system. I could see some people getting a taste for modding and wanting to get a mid range PC to do it properly.
Another point, consumer available spending power.
Back in the days of say the PS2, most were used by teens and sub 30s. That same age group are now "middle aged", and have considerably more buying power in the way of disposable income. So whereas our parents might have blanched at spending such a sum of money on a gaming PC, many of us don't see it as an issue, as we probably don't spend it on model railways or many of other hobbies that we might have done by our parents.

Consoles were also proportionally more expensive though back then. They're the least expensive they've ever been on the whole now with inflation factored in and the significantly less mass market appeal that covers a very wide range of interests.
Consoles were also proportionally more expensive though back then. They're the least expensive they've ever been on the whole now with inflation factored in and the significantly less mass market appeal that covers a very wide range of interests.

Agreed. So based upon just costs, you'd expect the consoles to be killing PC gaming completely.
My argument is that we as PC gamers simply don't care that our PCs cost so much, because we now have the disposable income, spending power, and attitude to deal with it.
PC was never actually dying, but Valve did help a lot to get it ahead. And now with Denuovo nobody can really complain about piracy anymore either.
Consoles are decent for comfort, but I will never use them as main platform when the performance is so bad. I do buy them from time to time for exclusives though, eventhough exclusives are the scourge of the industry.
PCMR is strong in this thread.....

You're only hearing the vocal minority ;)

To me, "PC gaming" today is just playing multi-platform games on a PC, mostly. And why would you want to do that? Well, the flexibility of the platform, the customisation you can do to your rig. The modding, the... It's not "better" than console gaming, it's just suits me more than a console did/does, but I fully understand there are down-sides as well as positives. It's a much less streamlined experience, for one. It's a lot more work to get a PC working properly, even if the end result is/can be prettier.

Btw, I play all the games I can with a 360 gamepad. Mouse and keyboard really doesn't do it for me these days. Sure you use a mouse for some games, like point and click adventures. But I love the 360 pad so much I play all my FPS with one now. I don't play competitively, of course.

My biggest complaint with the last console I had was nothing to do with graphics or FPS... it was the bloody noise! But today, with all the games pretty much being available on all the platforms, I don't really have much incentive to buy another console, when I can keep improving the old PC.
PC was never actually dying, but Valve did help a lot to get it ahead. And now with Denuovo nobody can really complain about piracy anymore either.
Consoles are decent for comfort, but I will never use them as main platform when the performance is so bad. I do buy them from time to time for exclusives though, eventhough exclusives are the scourge of the industry.
Piracy was never an issue anyway. Hasn't it been shown that game sales figures haven't increased along side denuvo use?
The problem is most pc players are elitist. You cant play any game online without some one calling you a noob or hearing the elitist speek, or people arguing and flame wars starting out in so called team games.

Pc players just think they are good by default cause they play on P.C. Because they playing on pc that means they more serious and better at games and they know everything. And because they sometimes watch streams and e sports that makes them more pro as well.

There used to be communities based on games but that sort of thing is dying out cause p.c community as a whole as become more toxic. I remember wireplay servers and jolt servers being very community based for games like quake, unreal and tfc. But now people just jump from game to game whatever is the next big thing is

I play both on pc and console and from my experience console is far more fun these days than pc. As stupid as it sounds there is far less kiddy bs and drama on consoles.

I also think its getting to the point of where the cost of pc gaming isn't worth it. Every one knows pc is the superior gaming platform but i have really enjoyed playing the likes of uncharted 4 and rachet and clank and these games look just as good if not better then anything on pc which is sad to saying considering how much i have spent on my 2 k monitor and 1070 gpu.
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The problem is most pc players are elitist. You cant play any game online without some one calling you a noob or hearing the elitist speek, or people arguing and flame wars starting out in so called team games.

Pc players just think they are good by default cause they play on P.C. Because they playing on pc that means they more serious and better at games and they know everything. And because they sometimes watch streams and e sports that makes them more pro as well.

There used to be communities based on games but that sort of thing is dying out cause p.c community as a whole as become more toxic. I remember wireplay servers and jolt servers being very community based for games like quake, unreal and tfc. But now people just jump from game to game whatever is the next big thing is

I play both on pc and console and from my experience console is far more fun these days than pc. As stupid as it sounds there is far less kiddy bs and drama on consoles.

I also think its getting to the point of where the cost of pc gaming isn't worth it. Every one knows pc is the superior gaming platform but i have really enjoyed playing the likes of uncharted 4 and rachet and clank and these games look just as good if not better then anything on pc which is sad to saying considering how much i have spent on my 2 k monitor and 1070 gpu.

Sorry this is just a load of hogwash. Maybe a few a very small minority & I bet you find the same in console players, such generalisations, what someone spank you so you still crying?
Sorry this is just a load of hogwash. Maybe a few a very small minority & I bet you find the same in console players, such generalisations, what someone spank you so you still crying?

I agree.

In ANY community you have good and bad eggs.

The beauty is, you find a server full of filth, move on :D

I play TF2 MVM a lot and more often than not, have good times.

There can be an element of elitism in some games but that is down to the individual communities, not PC gaming culture as a whole.
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was xbox 360 era when games were being simplified more and ruined like rainbow 6 games trying to be all cod and terrible ports. Seams its taken more serious now since the last consoles have come out.
The problem is most pc players are elitist. You cant play any game online without some one calling you a noob or hearing the elitist speek, or people arguing and flame wars starting out in so called team games.

Pc players just think they are good by default cause they play on P.C. Because they playing on pc that means they more serious and better at games and they know everything. And because they sometimes watch streams and e sports that makes them more pro as well.

There used to be communities based on games but that sort of thing is dying out cause p.c community as a whole as become more toxic. I remember wireplay servers and jolt servers being very community based for games like quake, unreal and tfc. But now people just jump from game to game whatever is the next big thing is

I play both on pc and console and from my experience console is far more fun these days than pc. As stupid as it sounds there is far less kiddy bs and drama on consoles.

I also think its getting to the point of where the cost of pc gaming isn't worth it. Every one knows pc is the superior gaming platform but i have really enjoyed playing the likes of uncharted 4 and rachet and clank and these games look just as good if not better then anything on pc which is sad to saying considering how much i have spent on my 2 k monitor and 1070 gpu.

I'm afraid I cannot agree with your first sentence. When I played on Xbox Live on my 360, I found that I encountered far more people calling others even worse names than the example you used, and I mostly played online. Other "n" words were used frequently, followed by "die of this and that", or "I hope your mother..." etc. The level of toxicity and elitism was far higher than what I've ever encountered on the PC, and I used to play League of Legends! I'm fairly sure that it's the same for the PSN. From experience, the console market is saturated with teenagers that are of the opinion that because they're on the Internet and they're anonymous, they can do or say whatever they please with no repercussions. Not everyone is bad, but in my experience years ago, I was far more likely to encounter people like this on the console than on the PC.

I also don't know how you can compare console games to PC games in terms of graphics. I've got The Witcher 3 on PC and I've seen it on an Xbox One, and the difference on my PC at only 1080 is huge. The PC version also runs far more smoothly with those higher graphics settings. BF1 is one of the most recent AAA titles, and it looks and runs far better than on both the PS4 and the Xbox One. In your two examples, you aren't comparing like for like at all. Neither of those games are available on the PC so there's no proper comparison.
I have always found the PC gaming community to be extremely accommodating, sure there is the odd idiot, but I think because it has an older and hopefully more mature demographic these issues are minimal.

I have experienced the opposite on Xbox live and PSN, this may be the audience that the games attract though on those consoles (Fifa etc). On the PC I normally play MMOs, ARPG and the odd FPS, and I have always felt the communities to be solid and friendly.

In respect of cost, yes it expensive to have great hardware. I probably spend just over a grand every year on 'upgrades', but it offers me the opportunity to play games the way they were meant to be played in my opinion. Bang per buck its expensive, but its all down to what is an acceptable cost for that premium, for me its worth it.

I still do love my consoles ( I have PS4, X1 and a WiiU) but only for the exclusives.
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