PC Gaming is Dead

Steam happened. It just exploded with popularity.

I would never say it was dying or dead, but it seems there was a time when consoles were strong and developers/publishers were really concerned about piracy on PC. At the least Steam gives them a little comfort and with its popularity, a ton of sales.

This year has been pretty shocking for PC ports though... kinda dented my confidence a bit.

This, ports are worst than ever. Dev's are super lazy at the moment and just don't give a monkeys about the PC side of things it seems. I really hope it changes.
Consoles offering mid gen upgraded versions means its now ok to do things like a pc

Had a few mates so set on consoles being better, pcs always need upgrading blah blah when in reality they dont. But they happily purchased ps4 pros and the conversation is now dead :D

Ah, the 'PC upgrades are expensive' bull...

Yes, the components for a top end PC are a lot of money. I refresh my hardware around every 3-5 years. Which is about £600-£1000 depending on how flush I am at the time. That's not including a gfx upgrade, which is around £800-£1000 as I always get the latest. My next upgrade will be a 1080 ti from a 980 ti.

"Great Scott that's £2000 every 3-5 years!!!"... Yes, for a PC many more times powerful than a console. And even then, when you work out that lets say you buy a game on console once a month, costing £60 these days. That's £3,600 over 5 years... PC games on average cost around £20. With a select few being over £40. And even then, mostly found for less. So... going with the average of £25 a month for 5 years. £1,500...

Then you add in our resale value. My motherboard as I recently found out still fetches £100+ even though it's a 1155 socket!

So, whilst the upfront cost is high, the running costs a low and ultimately the overall cost is lower as well. Specially when I'm not even talking about entering mid range to still beat the performance of a console and you can upgrade in dribs and drabs as you go. Again halfing your cost.

Lastly, community, I'd say the PC community is very helpful over a number of forums. Whilst a bit 'lordy' at times, most people are willing to guide and help new comers.
The way Lying Dev explained it to me is that they basically create fully-fledged games that run on PC (which they have to, because that's what they're devving them on). They then add in the console controls (if not already there), functionality and little tweaks, before bunging it out the door to be put on disc and published.

All they'd need to do for a PC release is include the controller config, add in any PC-specific aspects and again bung it out the door. The PC side basically costs the publisher nothing as they've already done most of it in order to make the game, but publishers don't/didn't want to release on PC for reasons of piracy and what-have-you... which was what prompted the rant - I said I wanted a gaming PC and he started on about PC gaming being dead, with the above being his reasoning why.

Apparently you could find a few Console-Only releases on the usual torrent sites hacked and ported for PC, with the porting being done badly because it was a third party who didn't always know how it was structured, or were just amateurs.

That's the rough jist, anyway. It was a long and detailed rant about how it all works and why I would be wasting my time getting a PC for gaming... 4 years later, I'm very glad I ignored him!

Your mate is talking ****e I'm afraid. My partner is a senior software engineer in the gaming industry and that is NOT how it's done. You think just because they run the games engine ON a PC whilst they create it means it's DONE on the PC?

Jesus, did your mate tell you that he's a lizard overlord? Utterly stupid.

Honestly though chap, I'd ignore this dev mate of yours in this regard. He's no idea what he's talking about.
My partner is a senior software engineer in the gaming industry and that is NOT how it's done. You think just because they run the games engine ON a PC whilst they create it means it's DONE on the PC?
I didn't really care that much at the time, as I just wanted a gaming PC.
Dunno why he'd feel the need to lie about it, though. He's usually been geekily right about such things...

Jesus, did your mate tell you that he's a lizard overlord? Utterly stupid.
Well.... now that you mention it.... :D
Nah, nothing like that, heh heh!

Honestly though chap, I'd ignore this dev mate of yours in this regard. He's no idea what he's talking about.
TBH, we don't talk that much any more, so 'sall good.
I didn't really care that much at the time, as I just wanted a gaming PC.
Dunno why he'd feel the need to lie about it, though. He's usually been geekily right about such things...

Well.... now that you mention it.... :D
Nah, nothing like that, heh heh!

TBH, we don't talk that much any more, so 'sall good.

Maybe he's fibbing about being a developer.
I didn't really care that much at the time, as I just wanted a gaming PC.
Dunno why he'd feel the need to lie about it, though. He's usually been geekily right about such things...

Well.... now that you mention it.... :D
Nah, nothing like that, heh heh!

TBH, we don't talk that much any more, so 'sall good.

Good sport.

Maybe he's fibbing about being a developer.

Maybe he is a dev and we're all just mistaken? lol
The PC side basically costs the publisher nothing as they've already done most of it in order to make the game

Its not that simple unfortunately. Its a lot closer to that version of events now then when every program came written in assembler code for a specific cpu that varied with each machine but its still really nothing close to that idea afaik.

People have emulated old console games and it runs overall on a pc. If this development process now were so simple the pirate industry would be manually converting programs and selling them on pc.
If the points were that close you can bet someone would short circuit the games industry for their own profit.

They would have taken GTA 5 console and put it on PC early and so on.
When BF2 came out, it would only work on dx 8.1 I think and dx8 was not enough but it was very nearly enough to run the game. So people on the fringes, a small forum based team started to trawl through accessible code to mod the shaders to work with dx8, I believe they were using software interpretation instead of what was done in hardware. They covered up short comings so it didnt crash just output some graphical error and carried on playing. The shell shock fuzzy effect was like a black out, pretty bad but hey war is hell.

It was quite interesting, I had the dx8 ti4200, a very good card otherwise and I was very grateful they allowed me to play this amazing new game and wait a while longer before an upgrade. However it was really buggy, fps variation was massive from 150 down to 10 as it was choked by the cpu handling rendered frames. Some objects did not render at all as (I think) the required integer value was not large enough to handle complex objects. Thats ok, most objects were simple but the tanks especially I think were too much so they were invisbile when you played the game...
Kinda cool, kinda messed up and I played the entire game in a Cobra helicopter on full screen because at that speed from a distance you got 90% of the game play. I always had a massive bias to helis for the entire bf2 reign because on the demo my whole game was about never dying or I couldnt really play ground troop role.

Anyhow little league hacks are nice but its not that simple, I havent coded anything in many years but Im fairly sure it takes a lot of effort to process different iterations.
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Maybe he's fibbing about being a developer.
Now, that part at least is true - There are photos from the company website, Farcebook, etc and I've seen his name in the credits of more than one big title for SEGA, in the role he said he does.

Its not that simple unfortunately.
Not as writ, no. I did say I was paraphrasing...

If this development process now were so simple the pirate industry would be manually converting programs and selling them on pc.
That's what he's saying - Apparently some games have, albeit rather jerry-rigged, which is what results in pirated games that are choppy console ports to PC where the controls don't work properly and only show the XBox configuration, or something.
IIRC, he said the inhibiting factors are that it's a combination of not having time to do the PC aspects properly (or it taking too long to be worth any money), and not being able to implement them without knowing how the rest of the game was programmed.
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