I play both on pc and console and from my experience console is far more fun these days than pc. As stupid as it sounds there is far less kiddy bs and drama on consoles.
VR may push things back towards consoles as the power requirement is less (?) or the consoles are more efficient at it see ps vr.
PC Gaming is awesome! What’s the most hated game of the year? Probably something like Call of Duty Infinite Warfare (even hated by people who haven’t played it). Compared to the games I grew up on (Pacman, Digger and the worst Golf game ever) it is astonishing, and it still probably doesn’t make my top 20 games of the year.
Even with no proper games, the demos and mini-games on my Vive are literally mindblowing. I give my friends and family members a go just to see their reactions, gamers and non-gamers alike are blown away every time. Kids to grandparents with big stupid grins they can’t wipe off their faces afterwards. ‘Can I have another go’?
Someone said in another thread how 2016 was such an awful year for games, no originality etc. blah blah blah yakketty schmakkety:
Battlefield 1
Dishonored 2
Dark Souls 3
Deus Ex 4
Civ 6
Tomb Raider
Total War: Warhammer
WOW: Legion
F1 2016
Xcom 2
Titanfall 2
Day of the Tentacle Remastered!
COD Modern Warfare Remastered!
Pony Island!
And I know there were brilliant games I missed.
I think the main reason people are unhappy is because they don’t really appreciate what they already have. I'm happy I do.
Pretty much, in essence anyway.Err no, that isn't how it works.
Pretty much, in essence anyway.
Konami, I think, were big into console games but refused to release on PC, even though it'd cost them little more than the DVD-ROM burning, because the games already ran on PC.
Aforementioned Dev friend was ranting about precisely this, citing how PC gaming was indeed dead (despite also being PCMR himself) because of the above.
Pretty much, in essence anyway.
Konami, I think, were big into console games but refused to release on PC, even though it'd cost them little more than the DVD-ROM burning, because the games already ran on PC.
Aforementioned Dev friend was ranting about precisely this, citing how PC gaming was indeed dead (despite also being PCMR himself) because of the above.
OK, dev is clearly lying... Go ahead, then. Tell me all.That really isn't how games development works.
OK, dev is clearly lying... Go ahead, then. Tell me all.
The good sized team in room next that have been working their backsides off for the last X years on the PC version of a AAA multiplatform title disagree with you.
Did they Dev it on a console, or did they Dev it on a PC?
Not for, but on...?
The way Lying Dev explained it to me is that they basically create fully-fledged games that run on PC (which they have to, because that's what they're devving them on). They then add in the console controls (if not already there), functionality and little tweaks, before bunging it out the door to be put on disc and published.*sigh* go on then....
They are working on PCs.