They messing you about, they have broke it. It's apparent from what you are telling us if this is 100% the true story. If it ever went to small claims court you would win.
I will try to make this small.
A few years ago, I bought my son a 125 motorbike. It was ina shop and it was in great condition, but it had been dropped and so the brake lever on the right hand and foot were bent. The tank was also scratched but thats fine. He wanted £1800 for it and so I said that I want a 12 month MOT for that! - He said yes and I paid him.
Now, it had gone a month and I asked him whats going on, and he saiod it needs a bearing for the MOT, then he said they sent the wrong bearing ( Front and ack are the same )
Anyway, this kept going on, and so I started to ask for my money back. He then said that he is having issues with the paperwork and so on, and it had gone to 7 months later ( yeah 7 months ) and he finally camr to the house and dropped off a bike... It was the same model but this was a bit of a crapper.
Anyway, 3 days later my son said he hates it, its wobbly.
I had a lok and sure enough, it was a death trap. I took it to the local Honda dealer, and asked the mto check it over and they condemned it as too dangerous to ride. They gave me a list of the things wrong with it, and they include all the bearings in teh wheels, and the headstock, both tyres were below legal limit, both discs were broken, the chain and both sprockets below legal limit the front sprocket was held on with a hair clip, and so on and on....
So, I contacted Small claims ( its cost me by the way ) and I sent them some paperwork for them to look through.
I also need to point out that every phone call I made in and out, is always recorded, so I also sent them the phone calls on MP3 and I have written a small program to get the texts out of the phone for myself and the shop and his mobile, so I had them too, showing that he had lied to me on every point and then what I got in the end was not even the bike that I bought and paid for, and we first got mitigation, and the guy advised that if we go to court, there is simply no way that he could win.
So, he had until JULY 4th to fix the bike and get it an MOT.
on the 5th of July, I used vehicle check and I saw that it had failed the MOT, so I phoned him up and I told him that its just failed so what is he going to do ,and once again he said that the MOT guy was not in and he will MOT it as soon as he can... I then said that I just saw it had failed!!! - he is nothing but a disgusting liar.
Anyway, a week latyer he phoned me and said it was done.
By this time, I had bought my son a new bike and I said to my mate, that he could have it for his son so both our lads could ride out together!
So, my mates son came with me and we picked the bike up...
The lad got lost somehow...
Turns out that he had only just managed to get about a mile down the road and it broke down.
He had gone to a friends house and they threw it into a van and brought it back to his home.
I checked it out and the electrics were crap, and the pin on the coil had corroded and it had snapped and so it was unable to run the bike.
Now, I took it to get it MOTed again for a giggle and it failed on almost everything.
I Decided to escalate the process to going to court and guess what happened?
Because he had given it an MOT ( Like I said... HE gave it an MOT ) they would not even take it to court... There was no notice on the form that he had to do all the repairs, but because he MOTed it, they said that he did his part, and I lost the case.
No, I never eve ngot it to court.
Even though, all I needed to do, was to have the judge making the decision, read the same info that the mediation guy had seen and it would have been a clear case of fraud.
I have since managed to find the guy who sold it to the shop, and he sold it for £100 - he bought it from his mate for £50 with the intention of gettign it on the road, but it would have cost so much that he didnt bother and so he sold it as spare parts knowing that it would NEVER be road Legal and he told the guy that.
So, the guy ghave it an illegal MOT too!
So the moral of this story is that just because its absolutely impossible to lose in court... You still might.