What model asus rog is it?
I repaired a few laptops in my time and am absolutely baffled by how a screen, specially for an 8+ year old laptop could even come close to £300 inc labour!
Absolutely. Especially with ebay, you can find most screens or a cheap compatible for what? 80 to 120 give or take for most screens.
When they said it was the screen, and I was arguing it out, I had a look at the cost on ebay and they are going for £450 on ebay and so I kind of thought.. Hmmm...
I have alos done perhaps 35-40 screens and no, if they are going to cost sily money, I would tell the customer BEFORE hand.
9 times out of 10 they would ditch the thing and get new.
The model?
Its a G73SW
Now here is the kicker...
There is a reset button for the CMOS on teh bottom of that model Laptop... Not mine?
Ok ,so I opened mine up to get at the bottom of the motherboard, with the idea of simply drilling a tiny hole to get at the button.... Nope! there is no button?
Ah? So, remove the battery then? Where is the battery? There is no battery on this board to remove? So its it one of those soldered in Axial Capacitor style ones? Dunno?
Nothing obvious!
Turns out that there is a few variations of that model, and there is no way to easily clear the BIOS on it... This is also how I know that they have NOT replaced the Motherboard even though they said they have and I have already been charged for it... Because it is still doing EXACTLY what it did for me and thats why I asked ASUS if they will repair it.
uh yeah, don't do that, definitely make matters worse.
I'd actually be pushing for a free repair here, or get it sent to somewhere competent that Asus can authorise to handle it.
If they really needed to install windows to test anything then they should be able to disconnect your hard drives and connect one of their own for testing, they should not be messing around with customer hard drive data, especially if you haven't approved them to do that.
Also do highlight to Asus that they might want to look at why their authorised repairer feels the need to create lots of obviously fake 5* reviews.
Yeah, Im kind of thinking that they can give me a refund now, but they ( not asus ) are clearly looking for more excuses to keep on charging me. You could certianly tell by the tone I got from the git on the phone yesterday.
And yes, why do they want to wipe all my data just to put some tools on it? Youre spot on... Using their own HD would be vastly better of course, and having to keep reinstalling just makes more work for them anyway.
I saw the huge number of fake reviews and it was so obvious that its embarrassing... The legit ones are all 1 star and then there are thes 5 star ones, nothing in between.
I did write it but I decided not to publish and I even got am email shortly afterwards pointing to it and I clicked it and I got an OOPS! page, so thankfully it didnt post it.
I definitely will do when its done.
My purchases are almost always based upon the level of customer support I can expect to get, all companies have good and bad products so you just have to be careful with what you decide to pick up. Gigabyte and Zotac come to mind for having excellent UK based support, Zotac also offer the longest GPU warranty I'm aware of at 5 years if you're in the market for an Nvidia card. Given there's companies out there selling the same products at the same prices only offering 2 years, I lean toward the company with the proven track record that's got more faith in its own product. I'd never touch Asus, I've had issues myself and there's too many nightmare stories surrounding what many view as 'the' premium computer hardware brand.
Hope you get it sorted soon, every time you post an update about these guys they somehow manage to become more ridiculous.
Yes, I have always been happy With gigabyte stuff and other companies too if I am honest. The only company that has let me down is seagate.. I used to use ONLY seagate until every HD I sent off would come back with a CERTIFIED REPAIRED Label on.. .You can recognise those as they had the green band around the label. You would sometimes not get your HD back, and when I send off a HD thats a few days old and I get back someone elses HD, thats simply not good enough, and one, even two, I will let slide, but I have over a dozxen PCs and they all have multiple HDs in and when I got to half a dozen failures... That was me done.
My Hds are all currently Toshiba or WD ( Tosh are an unknown for me, but my main Windows PC has been running a couple for about 2 years now and its been rock solid so I am happy with Toshiba
I agree with the long warranty idea... I try to go for WD Black drives not only because they are much quicker, but they have a 5 year warranty as opposed to a 2 year one and sure, that does not guarantee your data, but it does guarantee you will have the drive for 5 years. Its just up to me to back things up and I do. I have yet to have a WD fail on me that has not had a good hammering throughout its life. They have died after being abused of course, but I mean under normal use, they have done their job well.
Again the Asus Laptop and indeed everything that I have thats Asus has been for the most part, great stuff. I cannot fault the stuff, not even that laptop, and I have been 100% happy with everything I have thats Asus made... But this.. This is a big problem for me, to know that if the worst does happen, they are using these disgraceful knobs to do any repairs and thats simply not a safety net that I am happy to have.