Peckham Hair & Cosmetics - protest over an alleged shoplifter???

Numbers wise I don't think it's an issue. Unless you think all those 'taking the knee' blindly* will be useful idiots?

*I say blindly because most don't understand the ideology, or do loosely and have done no critique of it (being critical is against the ideology of course), while shouting incantations and doing actions that harm rather then help.

What matters is power, not the number of supporters. There are plenty of examples of a minority ruling a majority. Some people will be useful idiots. More earlier on, less later. Many other people will be rendered compliant by threat. Threat of losing their job, threat of harming their political career, any threat that works. It doesn't have to be illegal to begin with. As more power is acquired the threats can become more extreme and can be illegal once enough power has been acquired. Like the KKK at its peak, then like south American drug cartels. When enough power is acquired, the law can be mostly ignored. Like Russia today, for example. How's Alexei Navalny doing nowadays?

Propaganda is a key part of power. The gold standard is targeting children, either through youth organisations or (much more effective nowadays) through schools. Propaganda aimed at children today is far more power in 10-20 years when those children are the next generation of adults and have been fed the ideology as being the truth, the righteousness, all their life. Nobody is immune to conditioning.

An example that comes to mind is that of the death of David Baril. The relentless campaign of racist propaganda was so successful that in that incident it caused two independent passersby to either hallucinate or spontaneously construct false memories within seconds of the incident that obliterated their true memories. Those individuals hadn't been imprisoned and personally targeted and tortured in brainwashing to achieve a specific goal. It wasn't like Room 101 or suchlike. Those individuals had lived normal lives, unmolested and not personally targeted. Propaganda is that powerful when it's omnipresent, coherent and not effectively countered. If it's done enough (in both quantity and quality) it will ensure enough people will at least be compliant with the regime even if they're not actively supporting it.
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I stand with the black community of Peckham. This is an outrage. The Government immediately needs to Introduce an amnesty for theft up to a certain value!
I think it will gather pace until evidence no longer matters at all. It's not an evidence-based position to begin with. The whole picture is not what's used for propaganda. Riling up crowds and mobs works as a political tool, which is why it's been used over and over again throughout recorded history (and probably before). It also usually snowballs, often even past what the instigators want. The internally consistent endpoint is genocide. If <insert group identity here> is the root of all evil and its life doesn't matter, killing it is no different to taking a course of antibiotics to kill an infection of harmful bacteria. We're already at the stage where the former is a mainstream belief. The latter is the internally consistent endpoint of the former. It's happened before, multiple times. The Rwandan genocide is probably the most infamous recent example. Maybe we'd like to think it couldn't happen here. But I'm sure some Rwandans thought it couldn't happen there. Until it did.

Are you ok?
Not the brightest of people.

It is not a common source of tension in the UK but a common source of tension in London.

You need to widen your horizons, it is a common source of tension in the UK, and has been for decades. Look up the original Birmingham riots, or the riots from 2005 when a black girl was brutally assaulted and ganged raped in a cosemtic shop run by Asians. Spoiler alert, it was all made it all up over a shop lifting attempt. The riots caused countless damage along with the loss of two lives. History repeated itself a few years later with more riots between the Black and Asian community in 2011 (ish) leading to three deaths due to ransacking of Asian shops. It was only stopped when the father of one the dead appealed and worked to bring peace back to the community.

The sad dirty truth is anyone can be selfish and racist, even minorities. In fact from past personal experience, some of the most racist people I have ever experienced are minorities against minorities. It can be so bad that some refuse to be treated (in hosptial) or served (in a shop) if the person at the other end is the wrong minority.
I think the Asian man should've opened his shop up and been offered Police protection, he's essentially being threatened into closing his business. This is what happens when you let statues get torn down unlawfully.
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CCTV and cameras everywhere and social media makes things like this a thing. Every single person standing in that street supporting this "cancel the store" mentality are complete morons.
I think the Asian man should've opened his shop up and been offered Police protection, he's essentially being threatened into closing his business. This is what happens when you let statues get torn down unlawfully.

I’ve learnt that shopping baskets handles don’t make great weapons. Something I’ve often ponder when queuing at Tesco…
This may be slightly controversial (!) but the reaction would have been very different if the thief wasn't black. If the shop owner was white, then one imagines it would have been much worse.

Interesting article on what happened and why:

Black women are under attack

What's the point of this post, not sure :o except I was talking to my brother in law and he highlighted the fact that because of "systemic racism against black people" they don't have much choice re shoplifting as they don't have opportunities etc.
This may be slightly controversial (!) but the reaction would have been very different if the thief wasn't black. If the shop owner was white, then one imagines it would have been much worse.

Interesting article on what happened and why:

Black women are under attack

What's the point of this post, not sure :o except I was talking to my brother in law and he highlighted the fact that because of "systemic racism against black people" they don't have much choice re shoplifting as they don't have opportunities etc.
That article is absurd.
Not sure I mind if people nick a few things from Big Corpa, but a little shop run by a probably equally as poor minority? That's just dumb and evil for which the consequence will be a lack of shops entirely.
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