Pentagon releases UFO footage

For sure - the glare has to be coming from somewhere and the pod is tracking something.

Is there a longer version of the "Gimbal" video (the one West did analyst on)?
As i had always assumed the three videos released, "FLIR1"/"Tic Tac" from 2004 involving the USS Nimitz off San Diego and, "Gimbal" and "Go-Fast" 2015 with the USS Theodore Roosevelt off Florida, were all separate occasions?

This is in reference to the 2004 Nimitz "FLIR1"/"Tic Tac" video isn't it (, one where Fravor is involved in, rather than the "Gimbal" video?
Sorry yes. Its getting a bit confusing as there is so much misinformation and people mixing the video together on youtube and sticking them together. FLIR1"/"Tic Tac is the oldest one. "Gimbal" and "Go-Fast" are taken 1 year apart. With the one that has multiple Radar confirms UFO swarm around Navy warships looking like the newest one. There are more videos and reports out there from Navy's encounters with UFO's and often with these objects entering the water.

Its clear what ever these things are they are real.
An ICBM at its terminal phase (re-entry) into the atmosphere is doing mach 23 which I believe is 7km a second - so your wrong about the heat, pressure and stress etc. Not only that, during the midcourse phase, ICBMs can travel around 24,000 kilometers per hour (15,000 miles per hour) which is still in excess of the amounts you stated.

Tbh one of the main reasons ICBMs can withstand those speeds as they re-enter, is through the use of ablative materials, or materials which burn up in a controlled fashion to allow the payload enough time to survive it’s one way, single use trip..

The behaviour of an ICBM is about a billion miles away from the reports of these flying saucers, some of which are apparently doing 40 miles per second at 1 bar lol.
With the one that has multiple Radar confirms UFO swarm around Navy warships looking like the newest one. There are more videos and reports out there from Navy's encounters with UFO's and often with these objects entering the water.


Pretty amazing stuff, I assume there’s some actual evidence for this?

Pretty amazing stuff, I assume there’s some actual evidence for this?
It was all over the news last year.

Video footage and radar the Pentagon confirmed as real. Like the other videos some objects entering the water.

The unclassified version of the Pentagon’s UAP report (not a report on above, report from June 2021) says more than 140 instances of strange sightings by military aircraft remain a mystery. The newer congress hearing from 2022 I believe mentioned the navy reported 400 encounters backed up by multiple types of sensor data with 11 near miss's.

From the 2021 official Pentagon UAP report that is partly public and declassified.

“UAP clearly pose a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to U.S. national security. Safety concerns primarily center on aviators contending with an increasingly cluttered air domain. UAP would also represent a national security challenge if they are foreign adversary collection platforms or provide evidence a potential adversary has developed either a breakthrough or disruptive technology”

“Most of the UAP reported probably do represent physical objects given that a majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors, to include radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation.”

We should be moving past asking are UFO's real as we are clearly into the point they are real, and at the point of what are they.

EDIT: "The UAPTF has 11 reports of documented instances in which pilots reported near misses with a UAP" (unclassified part of congress hearing from 2022)

Its clear they have a lot more data behind closed doors enough for them to take UFO's seriously. Right at the start they say UFO's are real and need to be investigated.
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So er, I don’t see any evidence of a “swarm of UFOs around a warship”

I see a news reporter conflating about 20 different things into one sensationalist report, some of which are lens flare and sensor dust.
It wasn't 1 warship it was a fleet of warships and the radar clearly shows the swarm of UFO's. This event is inferred video of the UFO’s trailing, deck footage of the UFO, ships backed up by crew witnesses backed up by two different types of ships radar which is confirmed across multiple ships in the fleet along with transcripts from the ships logs.

This is a well known widely reported event. Not a one off sensationalist report with lens flares and sensor dust, that’s a load of nonsense. The data was cross reported by multiple navy ships in the fleet and crew across those ships. At least 9 UFO’s where picked up by 2 types of radar and the event lasted hours. Video footage from the combat information centre of the USS Omaha corroborates the fleet data. Papers have spoken directly to some crew and the Pentagon have confirmed the event is real. This is not one ship with faulty sensor data, this is a fleet of ships with the same corroborative radar data from multiple radar sources, backed up by inferred red video, backed up by deck video, backed up by 2 types of radar also on video. On top of all this there are transcripts from the ships logs.


:01 “OOD if you can write a general LAT/LONG of where we’re at.”

:03 [faint voice] “We do have some X-band RADAR tracks…”

:05 “Yes Sir.”

:06 “And then… the number of contacts you’ve got. Get the course and speed meters off 'em.”

:09 “Copy.”

:10 “You know what I mean? In relative position to us. And bearings. Might be helpful too.”

:15 “Eyes up.”

:16 “Eyes down.”

:18 [intercom] “CSM TAO, maintain track, maintain track as best you can.”

:24 “Track 781 just sped up to 46 knots. 50 knots. Closing in.”

:33 “138 knots. Holy ****. They’re going fast. Oh, it’s turning around.”

:36 “That one’s pretty much perfectly zero zero zero relative, right?”

:39 “Yeah.”

:40 “263 at 3 miles. 55 knots, speed.”

*OOD (Officer of the deck) / CSM (Combat System Manager) / TAO (Tactical Action Officer)

One of the crew speaking to the newspapers. “The most impressive evidence we witnessed was their endurance. The event lasted over an hour with all contacts just disappearing. We were never able to discern where they departed to.” - Crewman, USS Omaha”

“In the end I’m 50/50 that it is man made tech from somewhere. Either way it’s world changing. Because of the incredible energy capacity of the crafts.” - Crewman, USS Omaha"

We have the pentagon report saying UFOs are real. The President came out and said UFOs are real. Congress had a full briefing on the matter and said UFO’s are real. Other governments have joined in and said there Navy’s have had the same experience and UFO’s are real. The Pentagon report says “majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors, to include radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation.” Yet we still have people not wanting to admit UFOs are real. Its time to stop making fun of people who say UFO's are real and time to start taking the subject seriously along with removing the stigma behind this subject.

EDIT: Edited out this last bit of my post as it might be interpreted wrongly and come across as an insult. Which is not want I intended.
It wasn't 1 warship it was a fleet of warships and the radar clearly shows the swarm of UFO's.

Ok so just a few things:

Jeremy Cordell, a renowned ufo film maker is the only person making the claim that the navy ships were “swarmed by UFOs” nobody else says that, nobody else confirms that - those are his words and his words alone.

Secondly, the footage of the radar operator was confirmed to be legit by the pentagon, that’s all they confirmed - that the specific video of the radar is authentic, nothing else.

They make no reference to any ufos or swarm, the “account” supposedly given by the crewman about the way the objects behaved, comes from Jeremy cordell and hasn’t been confirmed or verified by anyone else.

Lastly the video you linked before with George knapp, does show lens flare and sensor dust in some of the footage, some of those videos have been doing the rounds for years now and are nothing new.

This is how ufologists operate: Get lots of disparate pieces of information, accounts, videos - some benign government statement which reads tantamount to: “yeah that video is real” package it with all the above then claim it’s aliens..

On Jeremy Corbell: He’s been involved with Bob Lazar numerous times (a convicted felon and fake scientist who is so full of **** it’s unreal) and makes ufo videos and shows, so the conflict of interest here is frankly off the scale…
ok so Ball Lightning. That's a thing, apparently, everyone's happy. Leaves room for all the groups; alien balls, scientists and people that believe in ghosts. Hey maybe its ghosts!

The report says a lot of things, its basically saying we have no idea what this are, could be camera issue or tech problem or new tech we don't want people know about or Chinese Tech (even though they're too lazy to land their own rockets and just let them randomly crash back to earth), or alien spaceship (stop sniggering).

The limited amount of high-quality reporting on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) hampers our ability to draw firm conclusions about the nature or intent of UAP

In a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics. These observations could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer misperception and require additional rigorous analysis.

There are probably multiple types of UAP requiring different explanations based on the range of appearances and behaviors described in the available reporting. Our analysis of the data supports the construct that if and when individual UAP incidents are resolved they will fall into one of five potential explanatory categories: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG or U.S. industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, and a catchall “other” bin.

The military doesn't have to say **** about ****. They make awesome weapons like and other cool stuff. Some of it flies.
Ok so just a few things:

Jeremy Cordell, a renowned ufo film maker is the only person making the claim that the navy ships were “swarmed by UFOs” nobody else says that, nobody else confirms that - those are his words and his words alone.

Secondly, the footage of the radar operator was confirmed to be legit by the pentagon, that’s all they confirmed - that the specific video of the radar is authentic, nothing else.

They make no reference to any ufos or swarm, the “account” supposedly given by the crewman about the way the objects behaved, comes from Jeremy cordell and hasn’t been confirmed or verified by anyone else.

Lastly the video you linked before with George knapp, does show lens flare and sensor dust in some of the footage, some of those videos have been doing the rounds for years now and are nothing new.

This is how ufologists operate: Get lots of disparate pieces of information, accounts, videos - some benign government statement which reads tantamount to: “yeah that video is real” package it with all the above then claim it’s aliens..

On Jeremy Corbell: He’s been involved with Bob Lazar numerous times (a convicted felon and fake scientist who is so full of **** it’s unreal) and makes ufo videos and shows, so the conflict of interest here is frankly off the scale…
That’s not true a lot of the news channels and newspapers say they independently approached the crew without Jeremy Cordell to get their version of the event and multiple crew confirmed the event. Some of the accounts come directly from crew.

The newspapers and news channels where reporting videos as verified by the Pentagon. As in all videos not just the radar bit.

As far as I can tell all 3 videos, transcript, crew statements are all from the same event. So the data at the movement doesn’t appear to be disparate, it’s all corroborative.

If we also combine above with what the President said, Congress Hearing and Pentagon report say then its clear UFO’s are real. Its just a question of working out what type of physical object they are. I still think unmanned Drone/Craft is the best explanation though most likely its multiple different explanations.
ok so Ball Lightning. That's a thing, apparently, everyone's happy. Leaves room for all the groups; alien balls, scientists and people that believe in ghosts. Hey maybe its ghosts!

The report says a lot of things, its basically saying we have no idea what this are, could be camera issue or tech problem or new tech we don't want people know about or Chinese Tech (even though they're too lazy to land their own rockets and just let them randomly crash back to earth), or alien spaceship (stop sniggering).

The military doesn't have to say **** about ****. They make awesome weapons like and other cool stuff. Some of it flies.
Does this mean at last you admit UFO/UAP are real and are in some cases unknown physical technology based objects as per the reports and congress hearing. The congress hearing is newer then the pentagon report and was based on a lot more detailed data gathered and analysed then the older Pentagon report. No more of this nonsense its all just a glare, of yours. EDIT: (Saying UFO/UAP are real does not mean UFO/UAP are aliens)

"a majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors, to include radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation.”
That’s not true a lot of the news channels and newspapers say they independently approached the crew without Jeremy Cordell to get their version of the event and multiple crew confirmed the event. Some of the accounts come directly from crew.

Got any proof of that?

The newspapers and news channels where reporting videos as verified by the Pentagon. As in all videos not just the radar bit.

This doesn’t really mean anything in context though.

The Pentagon has confirmed the fact that the videos are legit, in the sense that they’re not a hoax or have been faked. The fact they contain in some cases lens flare, sensor dust, bird and probably another plane - is a different matter entirely.

If we also combine above with what the President said, Congress Hearing and Pentagon report say then its clear UFO’s are real. Its just a question of working out what type of physical object they are.

Nobody is saying that UFOs aren’t real, of course they’re real - anything that flies which can’t be identified for whatever reason is a UFO and the Pentagon have confirmed this (what else could they say???)

My problem is you get scammers and liars like Jeremy cordell, George Knapp, Louis Elzondo and Bob Lazar, who simply want to use it as a money making vehicle. They get everyone worked up over aliens, so they can sell their second rate stories, lies and cheap shows to places like Fox News and worse.
Got any proof of that?

This doesn’t really mean anything in context though.

The Pentagon has confirmed the fact that the videos are legit, in the sense that they’re not a hoax or have been faked. The fact they contain in some cases lens flare, sensor dust, bird and probably another plane - is a different matter entirely.

Nobody is saying that UFOs aren’t real, of course they’re real - anything that flies which can’t be identified for whatever reason is a UFO and the Pentagon have confirmed this (what else could they say???)

My problem is you get scammers and liars like Jeremy cordell, George Knapp, Louis Elzondo and Bob Lazar, who simply want to use it as a money making vehicle. They get everyone worked up over aliens, so they can sell their second rate stories, lies and cheap shows to places like Fox News and worse.
As far as I am aware the USS Omah event has no evidence for a cases of lens flare, sensor dust, bird and probably another plane. Drones seem most likely the problem is no one has public drone technology with this type of endurance or that can move at these speeds.

It cannot be sensor dust as the fleet picked up the objects using multiple types of sensors. It cannot be a bird as it was some form of technology with lights. If the data we have is accurate then it cannot be a plane either.

As for not meaning anything I disagree. With have footage from the deck, reliable eye witnesses, footage from interfered, footage from 2 types of radar backed up by multiple ships and a transcript of the logs. That is all corroborative.

“Got any proof of that?”
“A crewman with direct knowledge of the case, who spoke to on condition of anonymity, “

These are meant to be from crew as well

“The most impressive evidence we witnessed was their endurance. The event lasted over an hour with all contacts just disappearing. We were never able to discern where they departed to.” - Crewman, USS Omaha”

“In the end I’m 50/50 that it is man made tech from somewhere. Either way it’s world changing. Because of the incredible energy capacity of the crafts.” - Crewman, USS Omaha""

I don’t have time to dig though all the news channels that reported this. Others new sources said they confirmed via speaking directly with crew. 8 Navy ships where involved all reporting the same.
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