Pentagon releases UFO footage

Does this mean at last you admit UFO/UAP are real and are in some cases unknown physical technology based objects as per the reports and congress hearing. The congress hearing is newer then the pentagon report and was based on a lot more detailed data gathered and analysed then the older Pentagon report. No more of this nonsense its all just a glare, of yours. EDIT: (Saying UFO/UAP are real does not mean UFO/UAP are aliens)

"a majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors, to include radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation.”
Well, the only explanation for camera glare would be some object causing the glare, like a jet engine exhaust for example. Remember the footage we see, this object isn't making any fancy maneuvers, it's just flying. The fancy maneuver stuff is in other reports and radar and witness accounts.

Glare and diffraction spikes explanation by Mick West seems plausible to me. It's still an actual flying object out there causing the glare.

I can't comment on the eyewitness accounts or how beleivable they are.

150 years ago people had hard evidence of fairies for a life time, until 2 sisters admitted before they died they did it with a pane of glass. "Everybody lies" - House.

Better quality data is required.
“Got any proof of that?”
“A crewman with direct knowledge of the case, who spoke to on condition of anonymity

Presumably you can see this from my point of view, as being rather problematic?

We have outlandish claims being made, such as “UFOs swarm US navy ship” when 5 minutes of research is done - it turns out the only person who is saying this, is a ufologist who makes shows about UFOs……………….

When proof is requested, a link to the daily Mail is provided which contains no proof of anything at all…

It seems like what these people are up to is this:

1: Get some benign footage from the US military showing *something* which is really unremarkable, a blob on a screen or some stock footage of a radar operator.

2: Make a song and dance about it being leaked, (when in actual fact it would have been requested and provided, otherwise the person publishing leaked military information would be in jail)

3: Put the story together with a huge dose of lies, sell it to all the news networks

4: Nobody can really prove it wrong because the footage was so vague and inconclusive in the first place.
Presumably you can see this from my point of view, as being rather problematic?

We have outlandish claims being made, such as “UFOs swarm US navy ship” when 5 minutes of research is done - it turns out the only person who is saying this, is a ufologist who makes shows about UFOs……………….

When proof is requested, a link to the daily Mail is provided which contains no proof of anything at all…

It seems like what these people are up to is this:

1: Get some benign footage from the US military showing *something* which is really unremarkable, a blob on a screen or some stock footage of a radar operator.

2: Make a song and dance about it being leaked, (when in actual fact it would have been requested and provided, otherwise the person publishing leaked military information would be in jail)

3: Put the story together with a huge dose of lies, sell it to all the news networks

4: Nobody can really prove it wrong because the footage was so vague and inconclusive in the first place.
No, I don’t see it as problematic. I see it as you having trouble accepting what you are looking at. It’s not an outlandish claim. At this stage the outlandish claim is saying there are no UFO’s.

As far as I can see there is no proof at this stage of a huge dose of lies. You’re the one that seems to have tried to write all this off with poor excuses like “lens flare, sensor dust, bird and probably another plane” when as far as I can see none of that applies to the USS Omah event.

You seem to be assuming everyone is lying without proof everyone is lying. You seem to be saying the NewsChannel’s are lying about talking to the crew directly, the transcript is fake, the video from the deck is fake, the video of inferred is fake. The radar is somehow vague and inconclusive.

What if all the news channels are telling the truth and they really did talk to the crew. Which means the log transcripts and radar are accurate and crew statements are real.

I know media doesn’t always report things 100% accurately but when they say they have sent there journalists out to speak to people directly involved in an event, that tends to be true otherwise they can get into trouble. Do you think the journalists are lying about having spoken directly to the crew involved? If they are telling the truth that means your statement of “it turns out the only person who is saying this, is a ufologist who makes shows about UFOs” is wrong.

It might seem outlandish to you but the congress briefing said they have collected over 400 reports from military personnel in the past year an increase from the 144 from the year before.

“We've seen an increasing number of unauthorized and or unidentified aircraft or objects and military control training areas and training ranges and other designated airspace," Bray said. "Reports of sightings are frequent and continuous." In relation to UAP/UFO’s.

Now if it turns out the journalists are lying and they haven't really talked to the crew that changes things. Right now there is no evidence for that so we have to precede believing the journalists did there job correctly and did not lie.
No, I don’t see it as problematic. I see it as you having trouble accepting what you are looking at. It’s not an outlandish claim. At this stage the outlandish claim is saying there are no UFO’s

From the video you linked earlier:

The green video at 00:24 and 00:36 is lens flare of a plane (the lights are even flashing at the same interval of an airbus or Boeing jet lol) , the still images just afterwards are almost certainly of sensor dust, where it looks like the image has been highly cropped and magnified, so that the artifacting makes it look like some sort of metal object*

Regarding liars, well it’s easy to prove Luiz Elzondo is a liar because he said the pentagon UFO videos were leaked, when in actual fact we have the correspondence where he asked to be allowed to publish the videos and his request was approved**

*I actually used to be a sports photographer and have won several photography awards, I’ve seen millions of UFOs in my images, all of which look like little metallic UFOs, or multicoloured blobs, exactly like the ones in that george knapp report.


This stuff is not very difficult to figure out….
Regarding liars, well it’s easy to prove Luiz Elzondo is a liar because he said the pentagon UFO videos were leaked, when in actual fact we have the correspondence Not where he asked to be allowed to publish the videos and his request was approved**”
Not sure what Luiz Elzondo has got to do with the USS Omah event? Where is this evidence the files were not leaked both for the Umah event and the 3 videos before? The official DOD statement makes it very clear the videos were circulating in the public domain after unauthorized releases in other words leaked. The link you provided seems to be saying not for publication, research only to analyse and defeat threats. Open publication and sharing for USG and industry partners not open to the wider public.

Doesn’t that say the first unauthorized release predates the link you provided? So he is not lying.

“The green video at 00:24 and 00:36 is lens flare of a plane (the lights are even flashing at the same interval of an airbus or Boeing jet lol) ,”
No one denies the objects have flashing lights that's been reported since the start. The problem is the lights are not moving like a Boeing jet. An airbus or Boeing doesn’t match the rest of the data. I am pretty sure Boeing’s don’t enter the water as in the inferred video, radar and witnesses said happened. A Boeing also doesn’t match the transcripts or explain the radar movement. The navy deck footage which is in a different video which was terrible quality didn’t look like a Boeing unless there was 7 of them hovering around the Navy ships. How likely is it 7+ Boeings or airbus where flying in circles around 8 navy warships for hours? The reports are craft hovering and zipping around near the fleet with flashing multi-coloured lights I am pretty sure a fleet of Airbus or Boeing cannot hover or zip around navy ships. Plus we talking about a fleet of at least 7 objects as shown on radar and talked about by the witness's.
So he is not lying.

Just to be clear, he says he leaked the videos - he didn’t, he got clearance to publish them, whether or not they were already in the public domain, doesn’t matter - he’s still lying, or being disingenuous at best.

No one denies the objects have flashing lights that's been reported since the start. The problem is the lights are not moving like a Boeing jet. An airbus or Boeing doesn’t match the rest of the data

The ones in the green night vision from the video you linked are, what’s even funnier is that it was taken off the west coast not far from LAX, one of the busiest parts of sky in the world, the strobe pattern matches a plane exactly.

Regarding the uss Omaha “ufo swarm” can you please provide evidence that shows this, I can’t find anything that even looks remotely like anything strange is going on, all I keep finding is news reporters and film makers foaming.
Just to be clear, he says he leaked the videos - he didn’t, he got clearance to publish them, whether or not they were already in the public domain, doesn’t matter - he’s still lying, or being disingenuous at best.

The ones in the green night vision from the video you linked are, what’s even funnier is that it was taken off the west coast not far from LAX, one of the busiest parts of sky in the world, the strobe pattern matches a plane exactly.

Regarding the uss Omaha “ufo swarm” can you please provide evidence that shows this, I can’t find anything that even looks remotely like anything strange is going on, all I keep finding is news reporters and film makers foaming.
Where is your evidence he had clearance to publish them as the link you provided before says he wasn't allowed to publish to the general public and only had clearance to share with certain companies for research assuming that form was even him and not someone else. How can you prove that form is from him and not someone else? Where is the direct evidence? Plus we have the DOD statement clearly saying the videos where leaked. The link you provided says "Not for Publication" and section 7 which is for the general public section is not filled out, not dated and not signed. That link says sharing for industry partners only.

"The ones in the green night vision from the video you linked are, what’s even funnier is that it was taken off the west coast not far from LAX, one of the busiest parts of sky in the world, the strobe pattern matches a plane exactly."
According to the witness's and other data the objects where not just flying over like planes. But hovering and zipping around the 8 Navy ships. The strobe pattern might match a plane but the flight path doesn't. If its a plane how did 7+ planes end up hovering around the navy ships? If its a plane how do you explain the object entering the water? If its a plane why did a group of them spend hours following the navy ships? As for you cannot find any evidence I don't understand how the interfered video of the object entering the water and 4 radar clips that show the event took place over an hour is not evidence. Backed up but the deck video footage, night vision video footage, transcript, crew statements. If all the evidence is real then a plane doesn't fit the facts. I would like to think 8 navy ships with a command centre can tell what a single plane is doing a planed flight path. The Navy seem to have ruled out the object as a plane.
Where is your evidence he had clearance to publish them as the link you provided before says he wasn't allowed to publish to the general public and only had clearance to share with certain companies for research assuming that form was even him and not someone else.


The fact that in section 3, states what they want to do with it doesn't matter - once it's been approved for open public release under DODD 5203.09 - they can do what the hell they want with it, give it to the press, use it in a documentary - anything they like (which is exactly what they have been doing). See the rules on 5203.09 here;

There really is nothing dodgy going on here, he asked to publish the videos, they approved his request... He then made a song and a dance about having obtained "leaked videos" because he's full of ****. Essentially he just wanted to gain a whole load of investment for him and Tom Delonge's now defunct "to the stars academy" company, which was the vehicle they were were using for the whole thing to make money.

According to the witness's and other data the objects where not just flying over like planes. But hovering and zipping around the 8 Navy ships. The strobe pattern might match a plane but the flight path doesn't. If its a plane how did 7+ planes end up hovering around the navy ships?

See, I already asked to see evidence of this and I got a link to the daily mail with nothing other than hyperbole and conjecture.

Where is the evidence of these 7 mysterious objects hoving around the ship and the determination that they're unknown and or mysterious?

I've looked quite hard, and all I can find is known UFOlogists regurgatating the same stuff and showing the same video of a black blob doing absolutely nothing strange at all, no swarm, nothing "transmedium" the fact it appears to go into the water could mean absolutely anything, the navy have stuff that goes into the water.. The fact it's also rendered as a black blob is likely due it being too hot or cold (can't tell whether the FLIR is inverted or not) for the sensor to render, so the blob shape is likely nothing like the shape of the object - it's mostly just an artifact, it could be a helicopter, drone - literally anything.

The fact that in section 3, states what they want to do with it doesn't matter - once it's been approved for open public release under DODD 5203.09 - they can do what the hell they want with it, give it to the press, use it in a documentary - anything they like (which is exactly what they have been doing). See the rules on 5203.09 here;

There really is nothing dodgy going on here, he asked to publish the videos, they approved his request... He then made a song and a dance about having obtained "leaked videos" because he's full of ****. Essentially he just wanted to gain a whole load of investment for him and Tom Delonge's now defunct "to the stars academy" company, which was the vehicle they were were using for the whole thing to make money.

See, I already asked to see evidence of this and I got a link to the daily mail with nothing other than hyperbole and conjecture.

Where is the evidence of these 7 mysterious objects hoving around the ship and the determination that they're unknown and or mysterious?

I've looked quite hard, and all I can find is known UFOlogists regurgatating the same stuff and showing the same video of a black blob doing absolutely nothing strange at all, no swarm, nothing "transmedium" the fact it appears to go into the water could mean absolutely anything, the navy have stuff that goes into the water.. The fact it's also rendered as a black blob is likely due it being too hot or cold (can't tell whether the FLIR is inverted or not) for the sensor to render, so the blob shape is likely nothing like the shape of the object - it's mostly just an artifact, it could be a helicopter, drone - literally anything.
So you have no evidence he lied. Some half complete form that was written with an unknown name years after the first video leak somehow proves that he didn't leak the video? The first video was leaked years before that form at the time it was leaked he worked for the AATIP and had access to the footage. Given that he has access to the footage via his job, the first footage was leaked before the dates on that form and the DOD statement confirms the footage was unauthorised leaked, I am going to go with you are wrong here. Everything points to him being the person that leaked the original video before the official published version came out.

Back to the UAP the fact it enters the water means its not a plane or an airbus or Boeing. I don't see the articles as hyperbole and conjecture. If we believe the journalist did there jobs and really did talk to the crew then it changes the picture and your ideas of planes, bids and dust don't fit the data. If its true all the different sources of data are taken from the same event and all the crew statement's are true and really from the crew as the journalist say, the explanations you have for what we are seeing don't make sense and do not fit the data we have. then we have the corresponding other videos like the footage from the deck, the night version footage, the infer red footage which match's the radar. The object enters the water and disappears both off inferred and radar according to what is reported. I still think an unmanned drone is the best explanation but the data is pointing to speeds and endurance that current public drones cannot match.
Everybody v Pottsey, he just won't give up :)

That's funny as I have the president, congress hearing and pentagon along with many navy officers saying the same thing as me along with the other governments. From my point of view your the blacknight. From my point of view your the one that's falling in the same category as people who deny COVID is real, deny planes hit the twin towers, deny we landed on the moon.
Here is more data for you. The unredacted timeline and briefing slide from the Navy
Official briefing slide talking about the swarm. And the official logs. which make multiple references to the UAP's. EDIT: I believe there have been logs released from the other navy ships in the area but I am out of time to link to them. The USS Rafael Peralta, USS Russell, USS John Finn, and cruise ship Carnival Imagination all have similar reports.
I don't see the articles as hyperbole and conjecture. If we believe the journalist did there jobs and really did talk to the crew then it changes the picture and your ideas of planes, bids and dust don't fit the data. If its true all the different sources of data are taken from the same event and all the crew statement's are true and really from the crew as the journalist say, the explanations you have for what we are seeing don't make sense and do not fit the data we have.

Well yeah..... If we believe everything journalists tell us without challenging what they say, you may as well count every episode of "ancient aliens" as material fact. (we all know @SexyGreyFox does ;) )

As for data - I've seen literally none. I've seen lots of articles, lots of people like George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell foaming over nothing, but no data, or certainly no data that shows anything extraordinary or cause for concern....

See below for a perfect example of what I mean, using your own video; then we have the corresponding other videos like the footage from the deck, the night version footage, the infer red footage which match's the radar.

Regarding the radar video, can you please provide the exact timestamp something unusual or unidentified occurs, because it just looks like navy personnel operating their equipment, maybe in some sort of training exercise or wargaming.... It looks like stock footage or something, I don't see anything remarkable about it..

To put it bluntly, if that video hadn't been posted to youtube by Jeremy Cordell with the titles and hastags;

#UAP #TheyAreHere #Transmedium

In 2019 US Navy warships were swarmed by UFOs; here is RADAR footage from that event series​

I doubt anyone would even bat an eyelid over it..

Here is more data for you. The unredacted timeline and briefing slide from the Navy
Official briefing slide talking about the swarm. And the official logs. which make multiple references to the UAP's.

You're going to have to point me to the relevant parts, I'm not wasting time reading 400 pages of crew reports, because somebody saw an A320 approaching LAX (or something)
Well, the only explanation for camera glare would be some object causing the glare, like a jet engine exhaust for example.
Not disagreeing with glare possibly being what was captured in some of the videos but i would recommend having a look at IR footage of turbofan and jet engines, as neither look particularly like what was captured on the "Pentagon" videos and certainly not in the "Gimbal" video.

Everybody v Pottsey, he just won't give up :)
To be fair, it's an interesting discussion and @Pottsey and Co are bringing up some interesting bits apart from someone bringing in Pope who is the British equivalent to Elizondo :cry:

My only gripe is folk taking a single video and event and saying that it looks strange and then suggesting, X, Y, Z video and events must also be strange when in reality the videos need to be individually analysed (unless they're of the same event).
Well yeah..... If we believe everything journalists tell us without challenging what they say, you may as well count every episode of "ancient aliens" as material fact. (we all know @SexyGreyFox does ;) )

As for data - I've seen literally none. I've seen lots of articles, lots of people like George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell foaming over nothing, but no data, or certainly no data that shows anything extraordinary or cause for concern....

See below for a perfect example of what I mean, using your own video;

Regarding the radar video, can you please provide the exact timestamp something unusual or unidentified occurs, because it just looks like navy personnel operating their equipment, maybe in some sort of training exercise or wargaming.... It looks like stock footage or something, I don't see anything remarkable about it..

To put it bluntly, if that video hadn't been posted to youtube by Jeremy Cordell with the titles and hastags;

I doubt anyone would even bat an eyelid over it..

You're going to have to point me to the relevant parts, I'm not wasting time reading 400 pages of crew reports, because somebody saw an A320 approaching LAX (or something)
The background is over a number of days, groups of unidentified aircraft, which the U.S. Navy refers to as ‘drones’ or 'UAVs, pursued multiple navy ships in the fleet. The pursuit lasted over days and weeks. References to drones/UAV are the UAP/UFO’s. Some reports say these UAP’s did not appear have propellers, there endurance, speed and flight ability of these UAP’s is massively beyond any commercial or publicly known drone. They couldn’t be operating from land as the ships are too far out.

From the timeline of events with the bluemap and red circles being the UAP's and the blue circles being the navy ship USS Paulhamilton. There are 16 separate events for this ship. Event 10 is the Swarm event 0350Z. Event 10 the swarm event is also the event listed as where the photos and videos are taken from.

The UAP’s where described “as flying for prolonged periods in low-visibility conditions, and performing brazen manoeuvres over the Navy warships in a sensitive military training range. “

The USS SS Kidd's deck log shows that ship was swarmed by drones on 14th, 15th, 25th and 30th.

Some highlights for you

“The log reflects that the drone managed to match the destroyer's speed with the craft moving at 16 knots in order to maintain a hovering position over the ship’s helicopter landing pad. To further complicate what was already a complex maneuver, the drone was operating in low visibility conditions (less than a nautical mile) and at night.

By this point, the encounter had lasted over 90 minutes—significantly longer than what commercially available drones can typically sustain.”

4 other ships in the area, USS Rafael Peralta, USS Russell, USS John Finn, and cruise ship Carnival Imagination, also reported seeing the "drones".

Here are some direct links to relevant log sections from the links above.

Log from USS Russell

USS Bunker Hill's AN/SPY-1 radar system tracked the UAPs up to to an altitude of 21,000 feet.

While the UAPs do appear to be unmanned drone like craft. The problem is they are flying up to 21,000 feet, have an endurance flight time into the hours, not even counting the flight time to get to the navy ships from where every they are coming from. A lot of the time there are no other ships near by, at times the Navy ships are to far out from land at times near 100miles away. The UAPs are hitting speeds over of 160MPH as well as the 21K feet and there is a Swarm of them being controlled at one point up to 14 UAP’s. The UAPs are able to maintain a hovering position over the navy ship at night. On top of all this they are silent multiple crew report they could not hear anything. Who can produce a drone that can do this and everything else reported today, let alone all the years ago when this event took place? The technology is outstanding massively ahead of any known production today. For reference as far as I am aware most drones that reach over 100MPH have a flight time of 10 to 15min and you can hear them a mile off. No one we know off can do 100% silent drones moving at 160MPH and lasting hours at night in the ocean at times near 100miles away from land. (160 MPH speed taken from radar and transcript saying 138 knots). Its a bit of a puzzle hence why a little while back I suggested perhaps someone had a new form of propulsion breakthrough and was using a prototype advanced technology.
Some highlights for you


So in this link, are some of the videos (which I think I got from your link, on the same site) which were released as part of the "incident" you referred to;*

What I found REALLY interesting, was this line in the report;

A second video was taken from the USS Russell on July 30th. The SNOOPIE team leader again narrates the time and location. He identifies the object as "one possible UAS." He states,"contact is operating at a range of 4000 yards. Flashing red, green and white solid lights seen."

Hmmmm... What has a flashing red, green light and a sold white light?


All aircraft have red, green and white lights. In cases where they're on the final leg (like when they're approaching LAX or SAN from the west over the sea) they'll have their white landing light on, as well as the red/green/white strobes.

Then I saw this video from the "dossier" which is even funnier;

You don't even need to play the damn video to see what it is, you can see it from the first frame...

*I couldn't be arsed to read through thousands of entries of crew logs, and somebody else's interpretation of something, I just want to see the videos and images.

So in this link, are some of the videos (which I think I got from your link, on the same site) which were released as part of the "incident" you referred to;*

What I found REALLY interesting, was this line in the report;

Hmmmm... What has a flashing red, green light and a sold white light?


All aircraft have red, green and white lights. In cases where they're on the final leg (like when they're approaching LAX or SAN from the west over the sea) they'll have their white landing light on, as well as the red/green/white strobes.

Then I saw this video from the "dossier" which is even funnier;

You don't even need to play the damn video to see what it is, you can see it from the first frame...

*I couldn't be arsed to read through thousands of entries of crew logs, and somebody else's interpretation of something, I just want to see the videos and images.

It won’t matter how much logic and rational explanations you post, Pottsey thinks they are UAPs that “swarmed” a US Navy fleet and did strange things no human made aircraft can do. I mean that video clearly shows a craft sedately flying along in a straight line and it has weird jutty out bits at the front. Nobody can tell me that’s human made.

So in this link, are some of the videos (which I think I got from your link, on the same site) which were released as part of the "incident" you referred to;*

What I found REALLY interesting, was this line in the report;

Hmmmm... What has a flashing red, green light and a sold white light?


All aircraft have red, green and white lights. In cases where they're on the final leg (like when they're approaching LAX or SAN from the west over the sea) they'll have their white landing light on, as well as the red/green/white strobes.

Then I saw this video from the "dossier" which is even funnier;

You don't even need to play the damn video to see what it is, you can see it from the first frame...

*I couldn't be arsed to read through thousands of entries of crew logs, and somebody else's interpretation of something, I just want to see the videos and images.
After weeks of being on edge from the harassment of UAP’s they investigated every air object. That one they said is a possible UAP not that it was a UAP.

Explaining away 1 plane if that even is a plane as its rather low flying doesn’t discount the other objects, the rest of the data on the swarm of UAP’s has been ruled out as planes.

It a lot of ways it feels like you’re acting in the same way as the Ufologists. They go in knowing what they want to see. They focus on only the data that shows what fits what they expect and ignore everything else.

There was a reason a very high-level navy investigation was triggered and they proved the objects are not planes and unmanned. The UAPs where not planes flying over. The UAPs followed the navy ships often hovering at a set height above the ships and other times following the ships at a set distance. Planes don’t do that.

Everything points to unmanned drone like craft. Only with abilities like the endurance flight times and silent propulsion massively beyond current publicly known drones.
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